My daughter is a world record holder :)

world record attempt

Fairlight medical student Zoe Lambert was part of a world record attempt for the largest group of people spooning at one time. L- Acacia Clark, Jemmima Jones and R- Zoe Lambert. Source: News Limited

ZOE Lambert and Jemmima Jones are on track to be named world record holders, for spooning.

The first year medical   students from Fairlight and Avalon Beach respectively were among 1108 budding doctors to take part in the world record attempt for the largest number of people in front-to-back embrace at the same time.

A justice of the peace certified the mass spooning as the world's largest, and   final certification from Guinness World Records is all that's needed to make it be official.

The group hug was run at the Australian Medical Students' Association national convention on the Gold Coast last week.

Both Ms Lambert and Ms Jones, who are studying first year medicine at the University of Newcastle, felt confident they had the record in the bag.

Ms Jones, 22, said organisers and participants were driven by a desire to do something a bit unusual.

"They thought it would be a bit different to do, to break a world record (in spooning)," she said.

Ms Lambert, 20, was looking forward to saying she held a world record. "It's exciting, we get to say we're world record holders, and world record spooners."

If their attempt is officially recognised, it would smash the previous mass spooning record of 529 people, set by Carleton College students in the US.

Their spooning effort will be scrutinised to ensure all participants were in in an                 appropriately embraced with arms around the person in front of them and their legs tucked in.

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  • AND FYI daughter is the blonde in the middle

  • The world needs a group hug....




  • yay


    • CUTE PHOTOS :)

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