Someone who has a lower internet age than that which most of the people of the website are using.
I believe we age more slowly mentally than we do physically when using internet websites, and that this is probably why there have been so many internet ´trolls´around.........and why these people write like 5 to 10 year old children, etc......
I consider myself a good example for someone who can have a very low internet age ( that kind of age being a mental thing because of how different speed each of us has with learning to be more constructive and creative when writing on the internet).
Someone can be 24 years old, but when writing on the internet, may write like he´s 18.
Or like he´s 12 - which would require such a social network account user a few months, perhaps even a few years, to speed up his internet age.
To a great deal many people that may seem impossible.
But I think that is one explanation which can fit the mind pattern of an internet troll.
Discussion Temporary Closed By Ben-Arion.
Here is a message from the Angry Ghost on internet trolling.......she doesn´t seem to be very happy about the situation.
Did she got that make up of her´s from John Wayne Gacy? Nice!
Happy Halloween Appis
Bless the Nite,
April it is possible that the New World Order as an idea fails to materialize in a far nearer future than most people will be willing to admit to themselves.
I know Appis, I'm just hoping that it doesn't go to far is all :0)
Bless the Nite,
It does make sense, and I agree, they are floating lol And of course we need to be connected to higher levels of awareness, but we also need to be grounded into the Earth, into reality. And I see so many here, floating in the clouds too much, not enough grounding into the Earth. That's why I say people need to go out more, live life, get out in the world and ground the higher awareness into the Earth. Trying to escape the world, so you can only float in the higher planes, is not balanced.
And yes I know there are bad ETs, I don't think the bad ETs are being allowed to interfere with Earth anymore. I believe in Ascension, I believe God has ordained it, and is giving us every opportunity to achieve it, with as little manipulation as possible. We are still being manipulated by dark forces on Earth, but I don't think any ET race is going to be allowed to interfere with us. Beings on other dimensions, who are dark and want to manipulate...that's another story, and I think we all need to be careful, so we don't have dark beings manipulating us.
There are bad ET's yes. I don't think we have hit the surface though, as to what there tatics are yet. We can only guess right now what they are going to try and do next. Over time though, the more Starseeds out there, and enlightened beings who become more aware of there surroundings, and who they are as a person. The more they will see through the tatics that the Bad ET's have put out there.
Reptilians, Greys, Luciferans, All of those things are going to be brought out in the light more, as to what they are cable of doing, and how they use Ascension energies to manipulate. There will be a lot of Starseeds, and Awakened ones, who will be able to share stories and experiences of what they went through, when they had felt attacked, by some of these energies. That is what is going to bring in the real Positive energies.
Those that are able to share, and us who are going to learn from them, what these beings are cable of doing. Draco's there get there power, because they hide out in areas like this, and hide in small groups of people, where they feel they can gain the most power from.
These are all methods ET beings learn from, us Humans as well, and how we behave in the 3D, when we are always working against each other.
Well at least from my point of view anyways.
I also think that the New World Order plans, could become dried out. They lose there power, when we don't give them there power. If we don't want to see New World Order plans going through, then we have to stop giving them power over.
Rambling thoughts.
Bless the Nite,
I think the New World Order is just about dead. There is no way it will work now, people are too awakened. We see the protests all over the world, from people wanting an end to the corruption, the control, the greed. There is no way people will accept a world government, microchips, a worldwide police state, and all of that, by these greedy elites. There just is no way.
I think the elites have switched gears from moving into the NWO, to just trying to stay in power lol They will soon be history, and we will only read about them in the history books. Thank God for that.
And are you saying that the Galactic Federation, and the Ascension, and Golden Age, and all of that, is just a dark ET or Luciferian deception? Oh no lol I hope not. That's what my brother thinks. I don't believe that at all, I believe there is a real Galactic Federation, and they are good guys who want to help us, I believe in Ascension and the coming Golden Age, God has made it clear in my heart that this is the truth.
No, I don't think that the real Galactic Federation of Light, or Ascension process if apart of the Dark ET or Luciferian. However i think that the Luciferians and Dark ET's are apart of the whole problem, in stopping real things from happening with the positive ET race. I know what there energies are cable of doing, and I don't like what it is that they are cable of doing so far.
Galactic Federation of Light, Ascension process, ET beings are a positive thing. Luciferians are a negative thing. They add trouble to the process of learning, and those who are awakened, follow them, because they want to be included in something. Awakening can be a lonely thing for some, and for those that can't be alone, this would be a huge draw for the awakening ones to follow something like Luciferian things.
Bless the Nite,
Okay. I agree with you on that one, there definitely are dark ETs that have done some horrible things to human beings over the course of history. I'm not convinced that they still are being allowed to do horrible things, at least not from the outside in. I'm sure there are still Grays and Reptilians on Earth, working with our governments, at places like Dulce and stuff. There probably are still many living underground. But I think, from above, we are safe, the Galactic Federation is making sure of that.
My big concern for people is manipulation by other dimensional beings, who are darkly inclined. Some might call them demons, or what not. I think that manipulation is still going strong, and we have to be very careful about that, because they will attack the light workers. I bet some of that is even going on on this site, where people are being manipulated to fight with each other.
But, the truth is, these are all just ideas, I've never seen an ET before, I haven't seen a dark spirit since I was a little kid, all of this is just beliefs. I think alot of the fighting would cease if we just acknowledge that these are simply beliefs, and we should treat them as such, not as gospel truth to shove down peoples throats. AKA Drekx Omega lol Thanks April :)