My Experience of Gods Love

I wrote this as a response to Darlok asking me about it, and it was so long, I think it would be better shared as a whole post lol So here it is folks, enjoy! And feel free to share your experiences as well!

Are you talking about feeling Gods presence? Well sure I'll share it.

I guess to really understand it, I'll have to mention my past...I grew up pretty dad would beat us, eventually my mom left my dad and we became very poor, I didn't really eat properly, I was always picked on on the streets by french kids just for being english, let's just say I've experienced more death than a little kid friends dying, family dying, pets mom was always angry and blamed us, the kids, for why her life was miserable, and we would fight dad was very controlling and I was afraid of him...I just grew up with very little love and innocence. I mean there were many good things too, but the negative things just effected me deeply.

And as I became an adult, I worked and made money and things got better...but there was a time, in 2007, when...I was just in a very low place, I lost my job, my girlfriend dumped me...I had like nothing...and I felt like nothing, a complete zero...I felt like nobody loved me, nobody cared...I just felt like a worthless nothing...and I remember being on my bed, thinking about my whole life, and crying my eyes out, crying to God why my life had to be so hard.

And then...I remember I was thrust into a state..where I viewed everything from 3rd person..and I felt the presence of God...and I saw life the way God sees it...and it's just something so pure, so divine, so beautiful, so loving...that words can't even describe it. I saw everything in the purest way. We are all children of God, we come from God...and we are here just living life...trying to grow up, trying to get back to God. We're all innocent, we are all pure, we're all love......we just get so lost in worldly things, we forget our true essence.

I remember seeing my whole life, past, present, and future...all in one moment. There was no time, really, it was timeless. I can't even describe it, I don't even remember really how that was, but I know that's how it was. And I really felt like....I was loved....and we are all loved....unconditionally, no matter what happens, or what we do....God always loves us...and will always be there for us. It's just people don't believe they shut themselves off from it. But no matter what....everything is okay...because we are all going to get back to God, one way or the other.

And it was just so's just beyond words. I was laying on the bed, totally calm and at peace, just basking in this love, this place. I don't remember what happened after that really, I must've fell asleep.

It was definitely one of those spiritual experiences people talk of. That, sadly, usually comes through intense suffering. I haven't experienced anything like it before or since. And I always was pretty spiritual, and I was already consciously on my ascension path at that time, but after that, I really threw myself into it. And since then, for the last 5 years, I've been in a mode of intense clearing and cleansing and purification...and now I feel like, I'm in the final stages, and am right on track for ascension.

And I think most of us in this community are right around the same place, more or less. We are in the final stages of purification. I know for me, it's been long and hard, but I really feel like I'm in a place now, especially since the beginning of this year 2012...where most of my human issues are all gone. I mean there were times when I would get caught in ego things, or worldly things...and would forget about that place of pure divine Godly love that I experienced.....but more and more I'm starting to live from that place of purity, and innocence, and love, and divinity...and I know I will be ready for ascension when I can live there fully.

And that's what ascension is about really. It's not about having powers, or having knowledge, or ETs, or new's about...divinity...and love....and purity. Being God like. Yes in the powerful, intelligent sense, but mostly, in the loving, pure, sweet the heart sense. Power, intelligence, knowledge, that's all of the mind. And it's important sure. But the more important. Spiritual development is the most important thing of all. Because that's what we are, in our true that ultimately is the true essence of God.

So this is my story, and well...I hope it can help some way lol I don't know how, I guess it depends on each person, but I hope this somehow, someway...has helped you. So thanks for guys have my love....God bless you...and keep striving!

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  •  I liked what you wrote and Iam sure you have done a  wonderful job to grow to where you are now. You haven,t remained in the old patterns.   All the best Yvonne,       

  • ive just read this and its really nice to see how positive and full of love you are, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Intense story John!! It does relate to the 2 scripture passages below :)    

    Psalm 51:17The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

    Psalm 34:18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit


    Thanks for sharing!

    • Thanks Darlok! It was you that inspired me to write it, so you get the credit lol And sadly, it's true...most of the takes suffering to really get spiritual experiences like that. But I also know that...most suffering is self created. Like despite the circumstances, it was my perception and feeling of it as negative that made it so negative to me. If I had viewed it in a different way, it wouldn't have been so bad.

      So for all those people who say well God why are you doing this to me...actually, you're mostly doing it to yourself lol We can't always control our circumstances, but we can always control our reaction to those circumstances. And God always will be there for us to help us if we turn to him, instead of blame him lol And I never blamed God, but I see so many people who do, and....they need to learn. It's part of spiritual growth and self mastery.

      But anyways, thanks Darlok for reading and for the inspiration!

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