Once upon a time
there was a Divine Spark .............
This lifetime I chose a nice little house and family in Hurstville Grove Sydney during 1952. A nice happy working class Mum and Dad and Nana & Grandpa. Void of brother or sister, the family dogs and my spirit friends were my constant companions when my parents were doing their domestics. There were always lots of picnics, beach trips and general good times. I joined in the normal childhood/teenage routine, got a job in a Bank at 16, then my car at 17 and engaged to be married at 18. At 19 I sat one day and looked down ‘my time line’……..and thought that this marriage thing I was getting into had a few loopholes. Didn’t really know what loopholes they were, but it was time to bail out! Much to everyone’s dismay, I broke off the engagement and transferred to Melbourne with the Bank to escape all the hoo-haa. For the next 5 years I traveled around Victoria & Tasmania and Sydney on the relieving staff with the Bank. I had an absolute ball. A Sydney girlfriend had gone to UK on a working holiday and after receiving her second letter I was yearning to join her adventure. So, I resigned from the Bank and went! The following 2 years I based myself in Bristol working for a Merchant Bank. I had another absolute ball during this time and traveled Europe, UK, Scotland, Jersey and Wales. I also met an Englishman & we were married in England during this time. We returned to Australia, I rejoined the same Bank, we bought a house and I joined in the normal married woman routine adding to the family line, 2 sons Tristan & Stewart.
Then, one night I woke in the wee hours of the morning, looked at the clock, and it was 3:33. The next night I woke in the wee hours of the morning. It was 3:33. Then the next night, and the next and the next. Many a coffee was had at 3:43 sitting on the back deck, staring at the starry sky and wondering……. ‘what is going on?’
The year was 1992. The month was January. I do not recall the date this phenomena started.
And it did not stop!
One year later on 11th January 1993, I left Sydney and my husband, and moved the boys and I to Werribee in Melbourne. Again, I transferred with the Bank. A month later the number sightings increased from 3:33am to include 1:11, 2:22, 4:44 and 5:55 day & night. I went in search of answers to a clairvoyant. Hereafter began my spiritual journey. Hadn’t been on one of those during my travels! Not consciously anyway.
As I plodded this new pathway the numbers followed whether at work on the computers, at home watching telly, phone calls, phone numbers, in the car, number plates, purchases in shops and the change I was given, how much fuel the car needed to fill up and the list was endless!. Out of the blue 10:10, 10:01, 11:11, 12:12, 12:21, 13:13, 13:31, 14:14, 14:41, and so on started appearing. I liked them too I thought. But.............. 'WHAT DO YOU ALL WANT?'
Numbers played a huge part in my awakening. My 2 sons played a huge part in my awakening.
Since then I have been studying, learning and growing and have been so lucky with the teachers that have appeared in my life. Some don’t even realise how much they have helped me to grow stronger. And, some do. Over those years I studied and practiced various methods of Reiki Healing, Seichim Healing, Crystal Healing and Hatha Yoga. I attended Aura Courses, Crystal Courses, and Massage Intro. Courses, Energy Courses, Clairvoyant Card Reading Courses, Angel Courses, Ascended Master Channeling Courses, Ascension Courses, Multi-Dimensional Courses, Earthwork Field Trips, Balancing & Clearing Workshops, Colour Healing Workshops, Artistry Workshops, Intro to Kinesiology Course and no doubt there are some I have just forgotten about! And it is probably just as well!
The year 2000 a puppy came into my life, a blue heeler from the RSPCA in Bendigo who pushed his way through his brothers and sisters to play at my feet. Named Indigo Blu, instead of the common Bluey that most blue heelers are called, he was to have a major impact on everyone we both met over the years. Indy's soul journey this life: to meet and share his loving energy with as many people as possible.
Somehow during this amazing time I managed to obtain my MR license that allowed me to drive a passenger bus. This enabled me to organise my first Spiritual Journey to Halls Gap in the Grampians. The trip happened to fall on the weekend of 8th & 9th November, 2003 being the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse and Star of David Planetary Alignment. And I, the little human me, tried to organise it for the weekend before – I wondered why it would not fall into place. It didn’t take me long to figure it out!
2003 - 2006 I opened The Centre for Mind, Body & Spirit in Werribee. This is where Indy did his greatest 'work' and melted everyone's heart as they opened the doorway to The Centre. Indy was with me every day during my time at The Centre and he and EVERYONE loved his presence there.
From 2005 I started traveling again to Mexico, New Zealand & Uluru on Spiritual Journeys with others on the same pathway and those times were absolutely A M A Z I N G!
After many of those years of also teaching and sharing what I had learned, or remembered, I wrote my first book called Grounding Ascension to assist others who were beginning their 'journey' of remembering.
It does get easier and easier. The internet has been absolutely wonderful to link with the thousands around the world who are traveling the same pathway. I love my ‘puter.
I have an amazingly large support group of buddies and to them all - I love you and honour and thank you for those times when you had to listen to me say ….. I am not gonna do this anymore ... I am outa here ... NOW!
Not to mention of course all the other stuff that I said.
Since the year 2000 I have been having SCIO Bio-Feedback therapy about every 6 - 12 weeks. Amazing!!!! My body, mind and spirit absolutely L O V E D every session. I am convinced the SCIO is the reason I have had a reasonably easy progression over the past 7 years with all the energetic shifts, downloads and integrations that have occurred during this time. Besides clearing old stuff that is no longer needed with ease ....... at the push of a button stuff was just eliminated from my cellular memory so I could then move forward in comfort and joy. So easy ....... and so impressed was I that finally I bought one at the end of 2007. I am now a SCIO Quantum Bio Feedback Practitioner through the Quantum Centre of Excellence and have found that the SCIO is the hub of my personal wheel of which my other skills branch off. So ..... now a lot more stuff make sense .... and early 2008 I began to assist others who are ready for their journey of healing the mind, body & spirit and awakening to their true selves for The New Earth .......
During 2009 Indy & I moved from Melbourne, 1800klms north to the Tweed Heads region of NSW, which borders the Queensland Gold Coast.
2010 saw Indy & I on the move again to Brisbane. Only 70kls north of Tweed, to a place called Cornubia, which is not far from Moreton Bay and Stradbroke Island.
Half way through 2011, 'The Calling' was to return to Melbourne ....................
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The Divine Spark
I started seeing 444 around 1992 as well that's when I think a lot of activations started ~ I have to think it's some kind of initiation, or synchronicity :)
It's magical for sure!
Thanks for talking about your experience Christine :)
Thanks Christine, I enjoyed reading about your journey : )