I discovered Osho about 25 years ago when I was studying Pantanjali. Too lazy to learn sanscript, I read 6 books of Engish translations by different authors of his sutras with commentaries. I was particularly interested in the 4th book of sutras which gives specific meditations to attain the various siddhis.
I found Osho's (aka Shree Bagwan Rashneesh) translations the most lucid and most coherent. I have since read over 50 of Osho's books, which are not really books but transcipts of his talks on all the great Spiritual Teachings.
While his accent is atrocious, his command of Engish grammar and volcabulary is absolutely perfect and he is extremely well read. He includes in all of his talks several of the worst jokes I have ever heard. His delivery and timing are flawless.
This outrageous clip is worthy of a great comedian like George Carlin.
Hope no one is offended. If you are. F*#k you.
So what's in a word?
Love, B
Hi Captin
How many of Osho's books have you read?
Love, B
This clip of him is the funniest but he can go very deep. His dicourses on Buddha, Jesus, the Sufi masters, and Zen masters are all great. And of course the Tantra masters seem to be his favorites.
I found him while investigating Pantanjali.
Good hunting. He's all over the web.
Love, B
that's cool
I still l love yiou.
That's easy. His followers gave the cars to him.
Many of them were quite wealthy.
Others were poor slobs like me although I never was a "follower" of Osho, just another seeker on the path.
I'm content with my 20 year old jeep.
Love, B
Hi Shelly
Thanks for the "refined gentleman".
Actually I am a raunchy lecherous old beachcomber who's only claim to fame is that I never worked a day this lifetime so far in my 84 years.
Last I heard, Osho had 100 Rolls Royces. Almost as many as Jay Leno. Too bad because he is much funnier than Jay---almost as funny as Craig Ferguson. I heard you now get Craig down under. True?
Osho doesn't have a drivers license in fact he doesn't know how to drive a car. And doesn't need insurance since the cars never leave the Ashram in Poona and the only way they could get damaged is by falling mangos.
I never met him bodily but he initiated me as Dyan Apurva which translates roughly as Dr. Strangemeditation. Correct me if I'm wrong as my Sanscript is not real swift.
Anyhow it's all academic since Osho dropped the body a few years back.
My wife and I still enjoy his books. He reminds me of Eckhart Tolle. Both of them speak great wisdom while surpressing a chuckle at the same time.
Love, B
Hey that's f*=king beautiful!!!
Loved it.
Osho's 83 Rolls Royces were one of his best jokes as he only used them to go from his apartment to the meeting hall, about a couple hundred feet away.
Love, B