My sexuality is my spirituality because it is my essence and emotional self. I am a very spiritual loving person and very sexual as well. I see nothing wrong with sexuality, I am energetic and happy the more sexual I am. Does this mean I am having lots of sex? Not really, it means I am feeling more love with meditating and cosmic love, exploring sexual and passionate energies with myself which is perfectly natural. Im not sure why so many people try to hide their sexuality as if it is a sin or some for of evil. sexuality is apart of who we are as human beings. :) Without my sexuality I would not have a deep spiritual connection with myself and it is apart of my life.
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Sex is bad, Ye sinners ye shall go to hell if you have sex. How dareth you open your legs before me!! Ye fornicators the lord hath said if ye shall haveth sex ye shall burn in the fires of sinfull lust forever. Ye men how dare ye like the booty, Ye jezebel how dare ye crave erections. Ye who cannot getteth laideth are fortunate there is no need to spank it for you are blessed, you shall go to heaven with all the frigid saints of earth and there ye shall wear chastity belts for all eternity.
now this is funny.....thanks for a good laugh............
This will not do.
You make the initial statement a falacy 'sex=spirituality'. This is a so called non truth.
Then you proceed according to Delphi by handling your group.
Are you kidding?
I have a flux capacitor. ping!
I think this post and words written indicate you being comfy with your self and your sexuality ...................
Im excited for you. Masterbation is good for release. lets not forget intercourse is designed for spirtualty betwen two people.
~ all sex is sin... thinking of sex is sin... so sayeth the ones who try to control, for there is not one single entity who does not think of sex...
It is so natural and is Life... It is of Existence... it is of the Goddess... of Love...
Breaking free of the conditioned shackles of those who wish to control, is for those striving to become whom they really are...
In the Victorian times, in the UK, it was decreed that the legs of furniture be covered because ... hahahahaha... aghhhhh.. lol
Even in India nowadays, movies can show multiple murders, mayhem, wars and destruction, and yet, their censorship bans 2 people from kissing on screen... hahahahahahahahaha... aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... lol
Enjoy your freedom, and yes, it is freedom...
Love, Peace and Goodwill
Michael :)
Stand tall, Sarah, you are unique and special and deserve to walk your path in the manner you want to without judgement :) Sexuality isn't for everyone, but then how boring if we are all the same, right? Be proud of who you are, you aren't hurting anyone and your happiness makes the world a better place for everyone :)