Wow no wonder i liked that show sliders, i had this incling fascination with this stuff since i was a wee bob in nappies. i even had dreams of this stuff in atlantis, and other worlds, even the worst imaginings was in maldek but that's a story between atlantis and that fatal star being the asteroid belt now, ah well, Maldek made that show star wars look like a kindergarten picnic, now do you wonder why you like that movie so much, gives you something to think about don't it. And what about the site, that allowed me to explore the futuristic ideas of things could be made done now, the wingmakers from the future knew that our present state needed their help to go back into the past that in the past they stuck a device in seven sections of the world from the future that can be changed and or altered, to avoid a clamity from a race of reptilians and in some parts of this truth has already have been altered, but in some ways or another, and knowing whether or not that man is yet ready or even will do it again someday, but having the knowingness to best never to change history again for selfish reasons or engrossed egos for war and or to change any form of physical or chemical reality, then man if given the keys to the possibilities of the future, the responsibilities of caretaker for the earth, back into our care again, it will be and only be, but to observe the past and or the future, because thats what we did wrong once, in the past, back in atlantis, we altered the chance of a golden opportunity for enlightenment, a long way back, it was to change history for our future to enter into the golden galaxy, thats the higher energies of love, god's promise to mankind, but for all the wrong reasons man some how that we were tricked into using our powers, for all the wrong reasons in atlantis, somehow as for the dark hats, we were tricked, they infiltrated the group that came n as benevolent brothers, one of piece, not now and even then nor will it or ever will it ever be ever again in the future, that in the future the dark hats will not be allowed by any one being member or a nation, anymore to continuosly be disharmoniously to another race again, or will not be allowed to alter future or past events without the most sacred of justifications thats no one or anybody else's for that's sake, but your own state of self realisations to alter the present that is to be allowed, that is unless it was an agreement before rebirth. And i wondered why i always thought that this was real, because in the dream world, i often visit future worlds, where sometimes an event happened or happens to come true, and now you know why it is hard to explain what a Prophet has to go through, they are like what a weather man does excepts the Prophet sees or forecast a possible potential in the point of time vexing into each other at a cross point in the verticle of time, and aspects of a situation may well then, to occur. If an event did not turn out, they can only foresight a possibility not always known to be a probability, and sometimes it is not best yet to mention things at all, otherwise the ones not awoken up may change and or alter a timeline not best suited for their best needs or highest good for themselves or mankind, this is a huge responsibility, what are you willing to do to pay for a mishap if you used it for the wrong reasons, especially to young and up coming developmental planetary evolution such as earth, you cannot just be go delving into event horizons, it could have cataclysmic proportions, the only thing we are allowed to do is to alter only what it is in the nowness of time, but however knowing that i having said this, if your thoughts singulary or perhaps together as a conscious collective group, and if enough your personalities and like minded intentions are visually imbued with a stong ambition to alter anything or form, from with in the mind, then you can create that altered reality as though it already has happened. But that takes a strong will of power, and what we termed a miracle would now be the natural workings of the divine universe. So why do you think it is necessary to pray for an outcome into the future, to the creator, because we are re writing our own future realities, together and/or simultaneously having different kinds of possible realities or outcomes, either singularly or together in one great big mass of quantum mechanical leap in an organised organic densified reality. Why do you think there is a reason to have 144,000 believers to change the world as it is written in the bible, to re create or to save an event from impending or impeding danger or to recorrect now from past mistakes especially erroneous past mistakes or to improve on an higher idealistic idea. What if the dark ones knew this back then but needed our negativity to help them alter future courses without our understandings and knowingness of this at all. By trying to create world wide mass panic, they almost succeeded in their attempt, to plunder the earth. But without the help of the e.t brothers and sisters of the light, the decree by God, was heard and made by the outcry of the people.Sometimes when people get hooked on a t.v programme or movies they go into deep seeded imaginings. Sometimes, it maybe for the good of sometimes it maybe for the worst, but all is about experiences right. Have you ever wondered or noted how people like watching those sci-fi show or movies or even perhaps in this case cartoons. Have you ever wondered sometimes as to why in their imaginations, like that show Captain Planet always is talking about being responsible about saving mother earth and how he always keeps saying at the end of the show, The power is yours.Well great power comes great responsibility. Jesus demonstrated this on the cross, because he killed the fig tree to the roots of it's being and so karma requires him to do like wise also to his being, Jesus also shrivelled up to the root and fabrus core of his being. But he learned of his lessons to show us to becareful how we use our gifts, we are slowly remembereing who and what it is that we are, and in doing so, we still have a long ways to go to, we have yet got to learn, about our minds and what it can do, embedded with our spirit and knowing this is to remember itself, and knowing that we as earth beings are multi-dimensionally open or portals of our heart chakra, and in our depths of our heart, activates the stargates into other portals or worlds, which is the portals into diimensions associated with your enery or signature.Quantum leap; seems to be adding a bit of truth in their show as a bit of an idea, but he timed travelled into the bodies of other peoples, no wonder i liked the program and the philedelphia experiment and the second one to that was a bit of a doozy, as the future of the nazis nearly succeeded but in order for the future of slavery not to take place his son, shot his own father way back into the past, the reason to kill his father, was so that the future would be saved, from bad technological slavery, the son time leaps back into the past to sort out hs father and kills him. Quantum mechanics, space time travel jumps, they are all the same aspect just done different in altered states of physical and spiritual relationships, operating simultaneously together and inter dependently of each other in a body of flesh and or body of altered lights or metallic or organic matter not known as of yet.So the idea of having multiple worlds of the same earth in multi different altered realities just in a different aspect or idea of what each soul can imagine, or perceives its own reality to be, then it makes perfect sense, that in theory, we are a mutli dimensional being, having a regular singular/multi-dimensional experience and/or simultaneously, together, all at once.When the creator sat there in the stillness and eqilibrium of itself, then you can imagine that everything has already happened, so it would be fitting there was equally a point to be everywhere and nowhere in particular, and still be in a place of no direction, and if any direction is anywhere, all at once then the power of allness is in the nowness of everywhere, so any possibility has already been thought of, done and created, so we the experiencers are always sliding through time into the time of no time, just having a linear version of being on the straight and narrow for a while until we get off this tread mill of being kemped down in the illusion of time. When we lift our vibratory levels into higher elevation of thoughtfulness of spiritualised self-realisation, then we too can step off the path of the wheel of karmic cycle by increasing our knowledge of spiritual essences. Remember power is knowledge if you know that to the way you use the power knowledgeably is to be responisble as a galactic citizen, but it first must be learnt in the home then your community then the nation then the citizens of the world then galacticly then universally, we must help each other raise each other into higher echelons of enlightened souls.So muti-dimensions, sure, it has to exist, because if it didn't, we would have not even had enetertained this in our minds already, because to have any type of this kind of notion had to come from a conscious that already was imbued with conscious knowledge, otherwise how else could we have come up with this idea that this kind of notion even would have existed. Your sub-conscious mind somehow opened up this idea as your brain is just a catalyst that relays information into this world so that your spirit transfers through to your physical consciousness and implants to you, that this is where you all are heading into, and so like i said before, if we were not suppose to know this then it would not have been put into our heads in the first place.Any signs of intellectuctual growths always requires a spiritual evolution, and when spiritual evolution evolves, always requires, an increase in awareness to flourish and nurture more evolutional pathways to enlightenment. We are made to expand and grow, and to grow requires nourishment of the body mind and soul. So in the end we are going to eventually leave this planet, and we are to evolve expand and to grow, this has always been the way in our universe and it will always to continue to do so forevermore.

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  • I agree with everything you have said here Jason. This is not just a thesis, but a communication from the Higher Self.

    Atlantis set the stage for everything that is occurring in this timeline, however there were two paths that humanity could have taken back then - one reality track would have lead to rapid escaltation in vibration and a very spiritual society living in harmony with the planet, and the other led to experiencing the illusion of seperation from God and the exploration of duality. It was a pretty momentous collective decision which had enough power to create ripple effects throughout future time tracks.

    Time is not linear, but exists as simultaneous layers of reality rather like the analogy of the onion. There are points where timelines intersect, and these are the points where travellers may enter or exit various timelines. For the last 20 or so years, the timeline that everyone on earth is now experiencing has intersected with the part of the timeline of Atlantis just prior to its destruction. Thus much is being remembered by souls that experienced Atlantis and Lemuria which is relevant to the "fall from Grace" whereby humanity chose collectively to experience the illusion of seperation from God. There are many parallels between what is happening on earth in this time (i.e. the crumbling of an Empire and its various structures, corruption being exposed, geophysical and climate imbalance), and what occurred in Atlantis, because there is the need to ensure that the same mistakes will not be repeated.

    There will continue to be ones who can travel through timelines who will bring messages of what is possible (realities that exist only as probabilities, and require collective focus, visualization and belief in them to make them manifest) Because without knowing what is possible and without being able to visualize these things, humanity is unable to create them. You must first conceive of something in order to create it.

    Humanity is indeed desgined to continually grow as spirit encased in flesh and to expand the consciousness into a state that will be termed "Superconcsious" where there is a complete merging within the supposedly seperate fragments of self, which is the illusion of seperation that was chosen to as a learning experience. Thus multidimensionality (and the conscious experience of this) is the birthright of humanity.
    • oh Jason......

      you have misunderstood me... (I'm sorry I irritated you... I feel the irritation in this response, and the anger in your words) ... please reread my words in a more calm manner...

      I understand you when you say you wrote this in a rush... I have to admit myself that your text inspired myself and I DID wrote down keywords on a paper cause I was afraid I would loose the ideas that were unfolding in me...
      but... maybe it is because I am not a native english speaker... maybe it is because I am not the best physicist... but I felt the desire to understand what you were saying, but I had troubles with the communication... (and I really like to understand it better)
      I can't help it I saw that most of your sentences mostly covered more than 5 lines... So... I am very sorry I offended you while I was trying to comprehend what could make this message easier for me to understand it... (and I'm glad you responded, so I am able to correct this...)
      and I am sorry that when I hear the word 'thesis' I am reminded of my own texts I have written... my intention was to help instead of offend/irritate... I definitely didn't want to shunder your idea that inspired me...

      Unfortunately I am blind for my own past-lives, I don't remember my dreams, ... althou I would love to experience this kind of insights... I'm sorry I'm not enlightened enough, but I can't help myself to try to understand it anyway (I don't mind having headaches)
    • Hi Jason:) thanks for putting out ur posts...Ive been following them and like tinywing I intuitively read them and I know you are onto something but alot just washes over my head though but I am interested and like what you have to say. could you consider writing for a layperson like me too;) Keep posting though just keep in mind we dont all have english as our mother tongue:)
      Regards and namaste
  • lol, I loved it...
    but: long sentences... and if this is your thesis: correct that... it will make it easier to read (and it is something that any lector should advise you to correct) - I have read it with my more intuitive mind (I have had medical physiology, and biochemistry at university, but I'm a layman when you start talking about quantum physics and multi-dimensions... ) but thanks to drawings, interests, and too much science-fiction on TV... I think I have some idea where you are talking about :p

    somehow: the last days, when I see something that blows my mind a bit more, I start having ADSL-connection (reconnectioning for 1h,untill I leave my desk to come back later, when it is solved)... and this time it happened again :p

    It blew my mind when you were talking about people watching TV-series and a critical mass that is reached... (and since I had a headache yesterday... that seems to precede an expansion of my comprehension of things)

    I recently have been thinking about mindcontrol, and I read some text about scalar waves (that could have caused my headache, but it was already there I'm afraid)
    combine that with the idea that to 'create' we seem to need a desire, a joy, a high vibration (=unconditional love), faith (or knowing) etc.. My poor braincells had the idea that there is a need of a high vibration to be able to create, what gives the ones with dark intention a disadvantage... I have had the idea that with fear/anger/hatred/greed you are not able to create. You can play with matter that already exists, but you can't 'create'. This idea makes me feel saver : if I would be able to create (and that might be our near future?) and I would do it incidently in a bad mood (I'm not perfect, so I guess it could happen unintentionaly) than there would be this security in the creation-progress that would make it impossible for me to create something terrible...
    Now: how could a dark one than try to change our future? They could try with highly sofisticated technological toys... they could try to just kill us all (or most of us)... but what if they could use us?
    Mind control via entertainment programs??? I have been thinking that they made a mistake, since every movie has a good ending. Somehow it is always the good guy that saves the day and the bad guys that are unlucky... But today I thought: maybe that can be bypassed: Since we all know the movie we see will end positive, we feel pretty ok while we are watching it (how bad it may look, we know that in the end the problems will be solved, right?) If enough people are watching this movie or TV-serie in a state that we are able to make a difference... if those dark ones could reach a critical mass in a population that is not aware of this powers, could they ... start changing/creating a future???
    Btw: I have no idea if this theory works, it is only a brainstorming exploration of my inferior brainwaves... but... (my ADSL kicked out! ... and I had to make quick notes of my thoughts when this idea was coming in my head, cause the idea was developing faster than I could realise how it must work - and that feels like my higher self talking instead of my braincells)
    • Hi TinyWing,

      There has always been a certain level of mind control that has occurred on earth after the industrial age. It is normally associated with ways to make money and an attempt to get people to endorse and buy products. There has been experiments on other, more sinister forms of mind control, but none of them worked because of a variety of factors. One is that many on earth found ways to begin to change their vibration and commune with the cells in their bodies - and thus discovered ways to override or neutralize the effects of mind-altering chemicals. A growing awareness of the need for ecological balance and maintaining a healthy mind, body and soul has thwarted much of that.

      There are dark beings on earth who have telepathic capabilities, but that works on a certain frequency of mind waves which does not interact with those operating at a higher vibration. At best, they are able to control through sex and the manipulation of emotions and the realm of matter (i.e. using money and the power that comes with it). People can only be susceptible to that if they have a weakness in those areas that can be exploited and they have not done enough work on themselves to be able to block it.

      It is not possible to alter reality tracks which are global events unless it is a collective effort. Global events cannot be altered completely by just a handful of people. It can be influenced, but not completely changed. It would take many thousands all with the same focus and intent. That is why so many have worked to "spread the word" so that more people could change the way they thought and lived. That is what the teachings about 144,000 meant. It also refers to the fact that there will be a reduction in the number of humans physically present on earth, but that is to do with 3rd Density (which many of you will move beyond and are already doing so).
      • Good to know this doesn't work for them...

        but have you seen the viewing rates of some of these series/movies? Luckily most of the people will probably not be in the 'creative mode' when they are watching... (and glad I am at the good side :p cause this idea of mine could do a lot of bad, and I don't want to see that happen)

        By the way, I have been monitoring my own behaviour today when I'm watching TV, and I notice I seem to keep my balance well althou two actors pretend to be killing eachother, and I know fighting is not the way to solve things... even when I'm watching a documentary about fearmongering in the US (YES, they showed that here !!!) althou it might be very serious, and no offense to any american here, but I have been laughing a lot about some very silly situations and historic comical cartoons that were used...
        The truth might be scary, but with humor we can take a lot of this scary crap without loosing balance ;D
    • maybe...
      but MAC, can you translate that what you 've said? :p
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