My very first meditation

Yesterday I was meditating for the very first time in my life. I know how strange this may sound. I thought this time that it is the right time to start meditating. After I watched a few videos about meditation on YouTube I resolved to start from breathing and relaxing, letting my thoughts go. 

I experienced something, I don't know if it is how meditation looks like and what the effects may be felt like, this why I'm sharing my experience here and now. 

It took not so many minutes to feel my body totally relaxed, which is what I would never expect to achieve so fast (knowing my self). However, alongside with this feeling I could feel my body kind of spinning and vibrating. I was sitting with my legs and fingers crossed, the same way it was said in one of the video I watched, so that the energy flow could be better. I could clearly feel the energy flowing. My feet and center of each hand became very warm. I know I was sitting like that for 20 minutes but it felt like no more than 5. The only thing that makes me wonder about is that when I opened my eyes I felt dizzy. But it wasn't dizzy as when you're drunk or when you close your eyes and turn around for a few times. No. I can't precisely describe it. I had to sit on my bed for 2-3 minutes until I was able to stand up and collect myself. 

Today, I had difficulties in waking myself up. I still want to go to sleep. I must say, all the yesterday's anger simply left me and I feel full of energy, I feel like I need to be on the move all the time. Normally at this time in the morning (8:20am) I'm to lazy to go out with my dog XD

I'll appreciate your comments regarding my first meditation and my experiences. Is there anything I could do wrong? 

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    • they have! Ive been sleeping so deep and waking up on my own around 9 am without an alarm, its amazing! i always try to meditate before bed, it really helps me. :)

      and i bought the book called "chakra bible" and it has helped me so much. it in detail describes each chakra, and many different methods of opening, clearing, healing and balancing each one. it also talks about different types of meditation, foods to help, crystals, and how different cultures and religion use meditation. it covers EVERYTHING.

    • Hi Eve,

      Glad to hear meditation worked for you! I've done it before, but I always have that 'am I doing this right' in the back of my mind.

      Based off all the information that you have now - what would you recommend for a first time meditation video for me? ^_^  The drunvalo one from in5d?

  • I've just started meditating to! I know the feeling your talking about, I would describe it more as weightlessness . When I'm done meditating it feels like I could float right out of my body, especially my arms and legs.  And I feel so calm but extremely happy, most of the time I can't keep myself from giggling.  
    It's a good thing! Keep it up! I think we feel like that cause we just started to meditate and we release so much bad energy and take in so much good and it's new to our body's . 
    Hope this helped!  
    Love and light Lindsey
  •     Sure I guessed as much. That site (link)  is mostly women empaths - sensitives like you, and they like sharing experiences.  You're likely to find someone who you relate to even though the membership isn't very large, as they're very supportive.

         Sandra , a member wrote the booklet. It impressed me with lots of useful information, so I joined the site. (also I've always preferred women over male friends)  Many there seem very sensitive-smart-loving and know how easily they can be effected by thoughts-feelings of others. And pick up the emotions of others, thinking they're their own.

          My "explanation" was an educated guess. Depression is often our mind-thoughts, and this does attract negative spirits that just make those feelings worse.     We create our reality through our choices-thoughts as you know, and I also have to reconnect daily with positive energy through some form of meditation .... visiting nature, a park, helps immensely.. for me.. and is always a healing experience.

    I've shared this video a few times, as this woman channels a beautiful energy (Christ healing love) that I'd never seen done seen in a VIDEO before.

    I always receive something cool when I watch it, despite all the talking.

    yeah sleep is good stuff, 


  • It apparently cleared some things from your aura, energy body when you activated and connected your light by connecting with universal "energy"

    Sensitives pick up stuff that aren't "us" from varied sources, attracted by our thought processes, those around us, as well as spirits .... I clear myself daily and always before meditation.

    This is a cool-friendly site to connect with empaths -"sensitives"

    and this

    has TONS of info from a member about clearing & other topics really usable to sensitives.

    we're all changing quickly these days

  • If you go into meditation that quickly it's obvious your lightbody-spiritbody is "activated"-aware.

    Most teach yoga meditation.... to relax the head, face, arms...etc... but you've bypassed that and are working directly with your lightbody.  

        It's how my teacher taught spiritual work, by connecting with god within, rather than focusing on the physical body to relax.  

       You're already advanced, very aware, and are quickly awaking to your potential-ability.

    I'm envious, as it took me years to accomplish-learn  what I have.

  • GOOD FOR YOU!!! when i see stuff like this or other postings about meditation it inspires me to keep going with my new practice. it is a practice and with this practice it makes for perfect For myself it is about doing a continual practice and not worrying about if I am doing it right or if I am getting anywhere, but returning to seated position, closing my eyes and going inward. I sometimes like yesterday before I meditated did a visualization and then meditated. I notice that with meditation or any form of practice, or self care dealing with energy and people and life becomes easier, and I am more grounded and focused. I think that for indigos, starseeds, well I know for myself that I have to do regular "spiritual hygiene" so I can manage energy and feel better etherically, as well as in every way.......KEEP MEDITATING!!! Love and Light to you!!

    • That's pretty awesome.

      Once you've learned to connect to your spirit-light body directly  ,IT is in control of your physical body.

      I feel that's probably how yogis can control their respiration-heartrate-body temp .....just my opinion.

      Sounds like your gifts are manifesting really quickly. You've likely mastered this in past lives.

    • I  like that tapping technique to become aware of the chakras, and activate them sequentially. Only takes 2 min and seems to help after sleep or sitting at computer for a long time...any technique is good that clears-activates chakras...even without meditation.... and for ME , a preparation assures me no astral junk in hanging on me when I begin a longer meditation....and I call in angels as well as the christ light 

           Some meditations include a clearing procedure and this one seems to-  (I only glanced at the video so far)

      Regardless, Carols techniques go more in depth to work with "blocked" chakras. 

      Don't hesitate to ask others about any questions regarding practice, here or or specific meditation sites...most meditation has been taught in person, so guidance is helpful,,,or just ask for inner guidance.

      I really like ChiGong as a daily healing practice,,,especially outside in nature,,,,as movement has always been good for me..(dance was my passion for decades) ....beyond sitting meditation. 

      Once one activates their light body, it requires maintenance ,same as bathing, brushing teeth and nutrition affects the physical body.....and one begins to notice what mental-emotional things are beneficial to the mind-soul as well.     And what things-activities are toxic-distasteful,   I never cared for horror-scary movies, and now many TV-movies are simply too unsettling-violent for my taste. Don't watch tv anymore anyway, certainly not the news.

      Eve,     Well my grandparents died many many decades ago but I recall my grandma better, My dad knows some Polish but I never learned any.     I DID visit Warsaw& Krakow for 10 days in late 60's when I was stationed in N Africa in the Air Force....was quite exciting... to visit E Europe at that time ... I knew French as I was stationed there 2 yrs prior to being in Libya 9 mos but French was useless in Poland..... I really stood out as I have red hair, my Mom had blond hair. Her folks died in car accident & I never really knew them.  

          Didn't  much care for the military but I loved being in Europe & N Africa most of my 4 yr stint. The greatest gift I could imagine .... during the vietnam era. The angels REALLY looked out for me- to arrange that location.

      Also .. I visited India 11 yrs ago for 3 wks....for the Hindu Kumbh Mela being on another planet..... 10's of millions Hundu pilgrims come to this every 4 yrs, 

      Can't afford to travel these days but that was a once in a lifetime experience. A swami who occasionally visited Minneapolis invited me to stay-visit at his ashram,  300 yards from the Ganges river.

      It sounds like you found a good meditation for you.... (I'm no yogi, but spiritual things of varied sorts have long interested me: channeling.healing,psychic reading ... and I was in a spiritual church group 20 yrs, doing this stuff)

      Anyway,,,, it's Sunday and temperate, so I'm heading outside..... hugs, 

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