I wanted to share a story about some crystals and hear if anyone had any explanation for this.
A few months ago I bought a set of seven small crystals which were encased in a small bag. over the next few weeks I somehow managed to lose two of the crystals and couldn't find them anywhere at all. Fast forwarding several months to the present... I was in a forest in Norway on the weekend and intuitively decided to take my crystal bag out. I looked inside and to my surprise I discovered there were seven crystals. I've heard that crystals actually have a conscious and can actually teleport themselves to different places, so this experience would perhaps corroborate this. Any thoughts? Thanks!
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I think so too!
wow cool story!!!
my crystals dont disapear... they simply fall off my bedroom window... cos of the wind ;) ( i like to leave window open) ;)
but, they are thinking *energy* ... and exist multi dimensional... so of course, they have every right and every ability to disapear and reapear...
i think thats pretty awesome!! :)
After this experience Xidom, I definately beleive in the power of crystals! STAR... I very much agree... thanks for your thoughts!
hey Draco, you are not alone at all!! I have many crystals and they well and truly have a life of their own. this is a perfect example: I lost a lot of possessions a few years ago when my house got burgled, they took literally everything. A week or so ago, I opened my keepsake box to find 8 of my favourite crystals which I know for a fact were stolen and there is no possible physical way that they could have turned up in that box without me knowing about it. I had thought about them when making a crystal grid and how much I would like to have them back, a couple of days later they turned up. One actually turned out to be quite a powerful generator crystal which I didn't realise when I had originally bought in it teen years so made a wonderful re-addition to collection. I've lost a worry stone on the street, literally felt it drop from my pocket and was unable to find it after prolonged searching only to get home and find it on my desk at home with slightly different colouring to it (it was originally clear fluorite but turned up with a little bit of green and violet through it which has only increased in intensity since that happened). I know that I had taken it with me that day and how gutted I was when I had lost it and that it is exactly the same crystal, just a bit different now. I've got a beautiful piece of rose quartz that sits on my window sill with an interesting story behind it; my best friend was having one of those days where everything goes wrong and she just needed a break but couldn't get one. about mid-way through the day she all of the sudden calmed right down and made herself the time to take a break to herself. She opened her handbag to take out her ciggys and instead, picked up my rose quartz. How did it manage to get all the way across town all by itself to do a job so very necessary at the time? She was absolutely shocked and rang me immediately, worried I would think she had stolen it. As you could imagine, I was very surprised but very happy that it had helped her so much. I left it with her as I felt that the crystal had chosen who to help, which was fine with me, who am I to stand in the way of it doing its job. A few months later (after her life getting a lot better as the energy around her had changed significantly for the better) a piece of the crystal came away from the rest of it and all she could find was that one piece. I made the small piece into a necklace for her when I went over to help her look for it so that it wouldn't get lost. When I got home from hers that night, it was sitting on my window sill, minus the one piece, as if it had never left and had a prehnite crystal beside it which I had never seen before. They're both still sitting on my window sill, months later as a reminder that Universe is capable of absolutely anything when it really wants to help and the joys of metaphysical connections. As a result of that, and how other crystals have done interesting things recently, I totally agree with you that they have a conscious and that they can decide where to go when they are needed most. I have no idea how they do it just that they do, they go where they are needed and turn up when needed most. Crystals have become significantly bigger part of my life since that incident and my life has got a lot better, since to the point where I wonder whether it was the crystals themselves that started my awakening. either way, I'm extremely grateful for their help and always treat them with utmost respect, love and care. They aren't mine after all, they choose to be part of my life and that sort of help definitely deserves thanks. We often forget about how much an object can help and inspire, and the journey that object took to get to you. Just wondering, what ones went missing and returned to you? colour and description is good enough if you aren't sure of the names :)
thanks for sharing Draco, I really did think I was a bit of a nutter for a while there as much as I know its just my ego thinking I'm crazy lol.
Hi Lisa,
thanks so much for the reply and for sharing your experiences. I'm happy that someone else out there has had similar experiences and can relate to me. Its just unbeleivable that something like this can actually happen! It was the first time in my life I had ever experienced anything close to a miracle; and from now on I have alot more faith that things like this can happen. I only wish that other things I need could manifest so miraculously. I think crystals are very powerful things, they can store a wealth of information and can really uplift you when you are in need of it. I will have to double check the colours of the ones that were missing, but one of them was definately jade in colour. I have heard that Jade symbolises love and for a long time I thought I had lost love, so perhaps this is a sigh I have not lost it, or that it is coming back to me...
always happy to help my friend :) yeah I know exactly what you mean, it is a very strange experience but a lovely one at the same time. I'm very glad that it has inspired faith for you, thats ALWAYS a good thing!! wow jade, that's pretty cool. that's a gift from the Earth as well as from the elementals. I would guess that that is exactly what it was sent to tell you and would recommend having that stone on your person for a while, see what happens. It obviously has manifestation energy within it too or it couldn't have returned to you so maybe when you're sharing your intent for manifestation with the Universe that you hold onto the stone and ask it to help?? And also have faith that what you need will turn up, don't worry about the details though. Just a suggestion :)
Hi, Jade sounds like a very special stone indeed... I feel very blessed! I usually carry it around in my pocket with the rest of crystals during the day, hoping it will help keep me in a positive mood. I will try and work with the stone and see what happens. To be honest things never seem to turn up when I need them, I hope that will change soon.