Namaste Ye Landlovers!

We be needin sum universal laws ta sail the seven seas in me Merkaba pirate ship. It's a mazda, made by Ahura Mazda, the god of cars an dem skull & bones freemasons. Or if ye be one a dem lady pirate masons, the eastern stars, yer hafta ride in this other one made by Nyota Uhura, black goddess of starships, whose name means freedom star, cause dis aint the Enterprise and da masonic lodge arr a secret bathroom society: single sex only assembled fer the purpose of gettin naked and takin a dump in ta toilet of civilization. Har Har Har!

I got this here treasure map, says thar be a ratio made of gold, where hex marks the spot. Full speed ahead ta latitude longitude 666 we go. Aye, ye sail the seven seas of tha one god, that seven headed serpent who made the world in seven days. Can we best the mighty sea serpent of Lemuria, with its YHVH five element tetragrammaton pentagram baphomet tentacle attack? Aye, we be doomed without an anchor, tis a good thing Jesus walked the plank. Now we jus hafta sail through that giant transgender goat head and tha treasure be mine! Aye, hex marks the g-spot at 666, its tha mark of the breast!

Now we've got the pot of lead transmuted into gold, its time to cross tha rainbow bridge ta higher dimensions, where thar be no such thing as duality. Aye, it be a giant sink hole where theres no more male or female, inside or outside, its just the black hole of miss universe, that bottomless singularity of infinite oneness! Ascend me mateys, ascend! Ascend fer yer lives! SoS, SoS, SoS, GFOL (or was it GOLF) we be needin sum assisstance. We fergot about dem 12 universal laws and now we've gone and gotten ourselves stranded in the fifth dimension! Oh no, it's been invaded by bankers! They've gone and tore a hole in time using the mammon machine. Guess we can't expect ya to save us, but we're always glad ta hear how much ya love us.

Since we be stuck here with all this banker booty we can't get, how bout channeling up sum entertainment on me super advanced starseed brain? It processes right and left in the analytical left brain and tha right brain is telepathically connected to the universe. Whoa! I didn't know angels could dance that way, me archetype smasher is goin inta overload! Me pegleg be made of wood, carved out of the Yew tree.

Aye, we be back on tha seas, but the mast is under attack, the sails be fallin apart. Quickly, send me some ascended mast-errs to occupy me hierarchy. We got a queen bee with hexagon eyes and the lower bottom body of a spider weavin her world wide web. Aye she be the Lillith and she be givin birth ta demons! We got ta cut down her web with Astreas sword of blue fire and blast her with the quantum-cannon of seven rays. Recharge the Metatron Cube!

Aye, but the cannon be overheatin and now tha globe be burnin up wit warmin. Aye, tha world be a tiny desert island and thar ain't enough food for ta both of us! Ascend me mateys! Come, and build the noahs ark, and some of ye poison tha water with flouride and lets crack the madrid and blow up all the food jus fer ta hell of it. Cause we be pirates! Namaste ye landlovers, tha land be cryin out in pain. We need ta learn a pure language and sustain the global population... but jus ta be on the safe side lets reduce it by 95% and then hide in ta caves till it's time to blast off ta mars and leave gaia to burn up in tha sun. Set sail for second earth!

Ascend me mateys! Cross tha abyss with me lightning flash rod. The moon be followin us ta the second earth! Aye, the moon be hallowed out like an egg and full of reptiles. The ratio, an illusion? Was it all a dream, an illusionary matrix? Aye but ye can't wake up till we slay the seven headed dragon. We be needin tha codes! The Secrets of Omega...

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