Is this the start of disclosure? I hope so.

WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a news conference at 12:30 p.m. EST onMonday, Nov. 15, to discuss the Chandra X-ray Observatory's discovery ofan exceptional object in our cosmic neighborhood.

The newsconference will originate from NASA Headquarters' television studio, 300E St. SW in Washington and carried live on NASA TV.

Mediarepresentatives may attend the conference, join by phone or askquestions from participating NASA locations. To RSVP or obtain dial-ininformation, journalists must send their name, affiliation and telephonenumber to Trent Perrotto at: by 10 a.m. ESTon Nov. 15. Reporters wishing to attend the conference in-person musthave a valid press credential for access. Non-U.S. media also must bringpassports.

Scientists involved in the research will beavailable to answer questions. Panelists providing analysis of theresearch include:
- Jon Morse, director, Astrophysics Division, NASA Headquarters in Washington
- Kimberly Weaver, astrophysicist, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
- Alex Filippenko, astrophysicist, University of California, Berkeley

For NASA TV streaming video, downlink and further information, visit:

For more information about NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, visit:

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  • Never

    Probably tell you about a green meteor headn towards earth, haha!
    • Something that was not reported much in the news is that Obama already replaced the head of NASA during his early weeks in the presidency. From then on I knew that NASA will not be the same NASA that we know. I really believe that this time, NASA will tell us the truth.
  • Very cooool :) I'll definitely check it out :)
  • Awesome! I wonder what sort of amazing things they will reveal.
    • An announcement of an artificial floating object would be nice. :-)
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