Nassim Haramein 1/45
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This guy has been monitoring the magnetic pole shift for years. Apparently there a remote electronic devices at the north pole.…
1/15/25-Caught this a couple of hours ago- after about a minute the light goes out and you can see a ship!…
This afternoon I finished all 45 segments. That's 7 1/2 hours and he never slows down!!!
He answered the question in my last post in segment 39.. His grandfather was Iranian. He gets into some of the same stuff David Wilcock covers in sections 31-34 concerning the erratic behavoir of the sun and how it is affecting all the planets in the solar system. He frequently parallels Stichin and the Nefilim (annanuki) especially in #30 and #37 and the construction and purpose of the pyrarmids although he calls attributes them to the "Sun Gods". Also covers the origin of modern man and explains the missing link similar to Sitchin.
The stuff on the ark of the covenant and gravity in the last few segments is great.
How much of this long talk is the result of research and how much is speculation I'm not sure cause I wasn't there or maybe I just can't remember but this little dude is fascinating and provacative. Loved it.
Thanks, Ben
Love, B
Starts out great but I got lost in the tetrahedrons somewhere between 11 and 20.
From 20 on it starts getting good. The bit about the earth being on a spiral path since it rotates around the sun which is moving a 200 cm/sec on an orbit of it's own and it's application to psychology and the 180 degree reversed point of view when re-experiencing traumatic incidents is wonderful.
And the analogy of the hurricane with a still center to a galaxy resonates with me. I once saw a photograph of a galaxy with a counter clockwise spiral and thought it was a hurricane.
This little dude is extremely erudite and funny besides. I can't find any reference to his biological ancestry anywhere but he was born in Geneva.Egyptian? He has a command of colloquial street English and a wise guy attitude which is refreshing.
Makes me want to find out more about sacred geometry.
I am really enjoying this post.Thanks Ben.
Love, B
Thanks for sharing Nassim Haramein's videos that I have been met months ago..
After studying Flower of Life from Drunvalo Melchizedek, it was quiet easy for me to understand the matrix we are in..
One must watch..
Namaste Ben-Arion
Check out for more of the tuesday night lecture series vids, great stuff, went every week for a while :D Thanks for posting this Ben!