Nature can be a cruel place

I've always been into animals, and not just domesticated animals, but animals in the wild, in "nature", in their "natural" habitat. Natural on this planet, I guess. And Nature, like everything in this realm, is a great duality. Nature can be very beautiful, and very the same time, nature can be very cold, and very cruel and unforgiving.

I think there's an image, a very romantic type of image, that nature is just so beautiful, and it's a very fairy tale type thing, and it's only us humans who are cold and cruel and are in duality. But, I don't think that's the case, in fact I know it isn't, because I've studied nature all my life, and love to be outdoors and in nature, and it's not as romantic as people make it out to be.

It's rugged and raw and unforgiving. It's a dangerous place if you don't know what you're doing. It's the law of the jungle, which is, there are no laws, anything goes. It's the jungle mentality, of survival of the fittest, where each species competes with each other for survival. Many plants, if you eat them, will make you very sick, others will kill you. Some insect bites can make you very sick or kill you.

Animals, I think, are far more in fear and separation than we humans are. I mean compared to wild animals, we humans are rather civilized. It's true. If you go up to a bear and try to pet it, that bear will rip your arm off. Many wild animals are dangerous and you shouldn't go near them. There is a whole predator-prey system where animals are literally designed to be predators or prey. Humans didn't do that, that's just the nature of this duality experiment called Earth.

And it's been going on, long before humans got here. We humans are a huge problem, sure, and we need to heal ourselves. But I don't think we're the only problem. This whole eco-system of predator-prey and survival of the fittest needs to change too, and we humans can't do that. It's something that will come from the rising of vibration I guess. Whenever this duality experiment ends, which apparently is going to be soon, and I hope so.

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  • Yes nature can be powerful....I love animal shows and documentaries. I especially like animal planet when I had cabel... I believe when it comes to powerful animals that they should be treated with respect to their power...and they are not pets ...I wrote in the "oneness" discussion about feeling many different dimensions at the same time and during that it even seemed the birds where smiling at me.....I believe Jesus was depicted with animals and lambs because he vibrated at such a frequency that they where not afraid of Jesus......

    • Yes, I saw a video the other day of guys who tried to domesticate a bear and they were posing with it, and the bear attacked one man and bit his neck, and he died soon after. So, wild animals are not pets, I agree with that totally. I hope for the day when animals and man can live in love and harmony together, but, we are not there yet. We have to be careful still. I think we should just leave wild animals alone. I do like safaris though, and I would like to go on one one day. Or zoos...I understand why people create zoos...and I don't really have a problem with it.

      Would the bear have attacked Jesus? lol Gee I don't know. I don't think Jesus would put himself in a situation where he could be attacked lol

      • I was watching a documentary on dogs and researchers took wolf pups and raised them like regular dog puppies, to see if it was nature and or nuture. It was nature, and not nurture with the animals....the wolf pups acted like wild animals in the house and became to dangerous to have inside.....the researchers also noticed that the puppies made eye contact with the owners whereas the wolf pups did not....they noticed that a lot with the domesticated dogs and the wolves.. the dogs would look to the owner and make eye contact while the wolves did huh? thank you, ttt

        • But at the same time, it's not always like that. Like one man in Africa, he's rather famous...who raised lions from cubs to adulthood, and they are very sweet and loving lions, they surely are not like wild lions. I bet they still have their primal instincts, but it's not so pronounced like with those wolves. So I guess it depends on the animal, and their level of development...but generally...yes, I think wild animals should be left in their habitat....except maybe the few which are taken to zoos and biodomes.

        • Well yes, I think that the souls of wild animals are just not as evolved as domesticated animal souls. So they will act like wild animals no matter what you do.

          It's like what happened with Michael Jackson and his chimp Bubbles...Michael gave him the best of everything, but when he got to be a teenager, he started to act....well like a chimpanzee...and he had to be sent to a sanctuary. And Bubbles was not just a wild animal, he was very smart, he would eat with utensils and use the toilet and flush it....but even he was not immune to his animal instincts. So, I think..aside from cats dogs horses and such, animal should be left alone in their habitat.

          • Yes Jancar, You are right about Animals like Bubbles living in the Wild, and meant to be there. I know there are many shows about Wild animals that start off as babies, living with human, because it got injured, but as soon as the wild animal grew up, the human raising it, would give the animal back to the wild nature, because that is where it had belonged.

            Oddly enough though, there would be cases where the human raising that animal as a baby, would go back into the wild nature, and see the baby animal as an adult, and that animal would recognize the human that had raised them, so I disagree with you about the Wild Animals Soul not being evolved enough like the Domesticated Animals

            Domesticated Animals can be just as vicious as the Wild Animals can be. You know, that Dogs can be real vicious with other human beings in the 3D, just as much as a Wild Animal can be? 

            Dogs, Pitt Bulls, German Sheppards, exct can all be just as dangerous as a Wild Animal can be, and they are raised as Puppies by Humans, so I don't think it is fair to say that Domesticated Animals are evolved more as the Wild Animals Soul is 

            Animals to have personalities 

            Bless the Nite,


            • Well I know, I've been attacked by dogs and bitten several times as a boy. And I've seen similar stories of people who raise animals and then send them out in the wild, and go back and the animal recognizes them and it's a beautiful reunion. But I think that's a rare case. I do think, generally, domestic animals like cats dogs horses etc are not the same kind of souls as wild animals.

              I think the main point I was making was...there is a romantic notion of animals, and this lightworker community...that it's so sweet and innocent and only we humans are messed up..but I don't think that reflects the reality. I think in many ways, we humans are much more civilized than animals. In some ways not, in most ways, yes. Nature isn't all beauty and harmony, nature also is a very rugged and raw, cold and cruel place. And I think a real study of nature and wildlife will make that clear.

              There's a reason why we aren't living in the jungles anymore...we are not meant to be animals, we are not meant to live in a jungle society of survival of the fittest either, this capitalist system needs to change, this world needs to change, humans need to change, and wildlife and nature, also need to change, if we want to live in a paradise world. I think nature will change naturally though, whether we humans change, is up to us.

  • Being born in midsts of nature left imprint on my soul and future..........spending next few decades in a jungle called a city( warsaw poland and chicago us of a ) was a better education as to animals nature than spending next after couple decades living in nature; living off it, living among it's children animal wild beasts ( missourie, arkansas and now california ) and I can confirm than city is more dangerous than forests ...........................

    • Well sure. I guess it depends what city. I know Mexico City is dangerous. I don't know if it's as dangerous as living on the African savannah lol But I know it's very dangerous there, Mexico itself is a dangerous place. I guess it depends where you are, like Canadian wilderness is not that dangerous, depending where you are, and what season. Montreal, the city I was born in, is not dangerous at all. Even when I went to NYC, everyone was warning how dangerous it was and always be on the look out, but I only met nice kind people who treated me with respect. Same in Mexico. And I know wild animals wouldn't give me that treatment lol

      I have native roots, and used to work at a native museum, and they're very knowledgeable about nature, and I know it's a duality of beauty and danger. But if you ask me where I prefer to live, I'd say I prefer to live in a human community, where we have technology and comforts and services and we are somewhat civilized. I think a balance of the human and natural world is ideal.

      • Jancar, People who got out in the wilderness, aren't expecting any kind of treatment at all with Animals. They are just there in the presences of the animal, because they like Animals period. That is why they are there for. I mean that would be like asking for babies, to treat you with the same kind of Love you have for another grown human being on Planet Earth. Teenagers, Babies, Animals, don't Love the same way as we do. That is why when one goes on a hunting trip, Hiking Trip, exct, they have Survival packages, and kits, to make sure that if something happens out there, they have enough supplies to get them through the rest of the trip. 

        Sometimes they aren't going to be located, where nice people are hanging out at when they take these trips, so they best be prepared for any kind of dangers out there while they are enjoying the Outdoors.

        Do we really expect Animals to be acting like Human Beings on Planet Earth? No I don't think we do expect that at all 

        Are you serious Jancar? NYC? Just because you had only met nice ppl living there, and had them say things to you that some get paid to say to you while touring there. Doesn't mean that NYC can't be a dangerous place to be living in. I mean come on here. Why don't you ask Darlok who lives in NYC if NYC is a dangerous spot to be living in, and see what he tells you about it.

        Every place you go to Jancar, has the dangers of someone getting hurt, even Wisconsin as well 

        I don't know what kind of reality you are living in sometimes Jancar.

        Maybe not living in the Wilderness in for you, and probably isn't for me either, but  we also have our pro's and con's as well 

        Bless the Nite,


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