Nature of The Universe



Dear Lightworkers,


When I sometimes make reference to the Universe sending back to us what we each send out, within universal law, we must remember that it is a vast multi-dimensional living entity, which comprises bodies and oversoul, made up of all the galaxies, stars, planets and ourselves....

We are subject to Universal laws because we are part of the Universal body....


But to truly define the Universe's body is highly complex, so I'll provide Semjase's description from her Plejaren contact notes.....

Drekx Omega


Semjase said:

"To answer your question, I must be somewhat detailed:


The Universe is divided into seven units, i.e. rings or belts that, entirely together, form the whole Universe, and all of these rings are rotating against each other and have different diameters and an ovoid shape.


These seven rings, which we call belts, are the following:


i. Central Core,

ii. Ur-Core Belt,

iii. Ur-Space Belt,

iv. Solid-state Matter Universe Belt,

v. Transformation Belt,

vi. Creation Belt,

vii. Displacement Belt.


And we also call the Creation Belt the Creation Matter Belt or the Expansion Belt, and the Displacement Belt, the last and extreme, embodies, according to your sense, a bumper belt.

Now, the Solid-state Universe is that part of the Universe in which the new births exist, so the nascent stars, etc. with all their life forms.


This real Solid-state Universe is calculated from the end of the Creation Ur-Core's outer wall up to the beginning of the outer wall of the Transformation Belt, which exhibits a half diameter of 7,869 octillion light-years and is, thus, the next largest belt after the Creation Belt.


In addition, the outer wall of the Transformation Belt is where this belt collides with the inner wall of the real Creation Belt, also known as the Expansion Belt or Creation Matter Belt.

So this is that space which embodies the Solid-state Universe and is so called because in these three areas, the coarse-material becomes existent and is existent, and the course-material becomes existent in the Transformation Belt only by a transformation from remains of the penetrating Creation Belt, which are converted into course-material from immaterial energy.

This is the real Solid-state Universe, which consists of the Transformation Belt, the Universe Belt, and the Ur-Space Belt.


In addition, the Transformation Belt exhibits such a gigantic mass and is the next largest belt to the Creation Belt because it is responsible for ensuring that in the space created by the Expansion Belt, the transformation of fine-material energies into course-material takes place, and at the same time, time itself appears and becomes existent.


Already in this Transformation Belt, time begins to run into the past, from which aging originates.

This means that in this Transformation Belt, chronons begin to exist, then are aging and becoming tachyons and are representing the past. By the way, tachyons may be proven by the terrestrial scientists in a short time.

At the same time, the speed also decreases from the Transformation Belt in an irregular manner but in a certain half-life.


The irregular decrease in speed, which amounts to 147 times the speed of light in its starting point and expansion point, comes about through mutually self-influencing and different time streams that have already changed in their speed.


In the interior center of the Universe is the real Ur-Core, which grows with each fall-back of the Creation, so of the whole Universe, doubling itself in size.

Thus, the Ur-Core will be twice as large with the next fall-back as it is today.

From this Ur-Core, referring to the energy field resting in the Ur-Space Belt, which is the fallen-back Creation, new energies form for the renewed expansion to the next universe, whereby at the end of the slumber time, a new Big Bang takes place and a new expansion creates a new universe, generally all things of a much more refined form, which means that all coarse-material will not be so stable any more as in this Universe.


The Ur-Space Belt itself is that part of the Universe from which the expansion of the Creation occurs, in which the Creation energy also slumbers and, on the other hand, after every fall-back, develops itself and takes up new fundamental forces from the Ur-Core, just to expand again through a renewed Big Bang.


Of course, the dimension of the Ur-Space Belt also grows from fall-back to fall-back because through every expansion of the Universe and through the associated unchangeable effects and the extreme expansion that again follows contraction, the mass of the entire Creation grows, always doubling itself in size.


So thus, it becomes evident from this that in the becoming and passing of the Universe, a cycle of Big Bang expansion – contraction – Big Bang expansion, etc. is arranged.


Now, the Central core embodies that belt which consists of the real Ur-Matter, which carries out its existence as generative material and life material of a pure, spiritual form, as real idea energy, created from an Ur-Creation, by whose strength alone this Universe was able to create itself.


This Central core resembles an immense and continually loading accumulator block, which exhibits a magnetic energy that is immeasurable to us up to now, which binds the existing Universe to itself and prevents too great of an expansion.


This power guarantees that with the start of approximately 47 trillion years of expansion, the expansion speed starts to decrease from 147 times the speed of light and slowly drops until the expansion comes to a halt after 155,520 trillion years and, thus, begins the fall-back, the contraction.

Thus, the Central core forms the real power and life center, while the Ur-Core can be seen as a real energy storage.


But this Central core, the Ur-Core and the Ur-Space, are only an infinitesimally small fraction of the size of the whole Universe.


The most gigantic belt is embodied by the Creation Belt, which further spreads itself into the gaps of the surrounding universes and creates a new Universal space.


This Creation Belt is the real Creation and the Creation center, while the Central core, with its diameter of seven light-years, as well as the Ur-Space Belt, with its half diameter* of 103 trillion light-years, and the Ur-Core Belt, with its half diameter of 103.5 trillion light-years, represent those structures known as the Universe's Central Sun and the Universe's Central Galaxy, respectively.


In addition, the Central core represents the central sun of the Universe, while the Ur-Space and the Ur-Core carry out their existence as a central universe-galaxy.

Now, the outermost belt, with its half diameter of 14 million light-years, which we do not count with the actual Universe, is the Displacement Belt.


This has the task of displacing outwardly and against adjacent universes and against the nothing-space of the Absolute Absolutum, so to speak, as the ramming force, which pushes everything away from itself and displaces outwardly, so that, after knocking against it and before pressing itself behind it, it can provide the Universe the necessary space for expansion and, therefore, the expansion itself." End quote..



Also, you can see that the commonly accepted expression among Earth scientists (and so used by us,) "big bang," is actually a process of expansion and it's contrary phase is that of contraction...Or, akin to breathing in and breathing out, as we do with the lungs...inhaling and exhaling....the sign of life and confirmaton that the Universe lives and breathes..

Selamat majon...!



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  • Understanding the structure of the Universal Logoic body is a highly difficult task and requires more than basic logic, to glean all the details....One basic way to simplify your understanding of the concept, is to appreciate where our own "Milky Way" galaxy fits into the greater scheme...We can look upon the Universe as a living extension of ourselves, as cells within the greater body, and to remember that as with the human aetheric body, which currently possesses seven chakras, and developing six more, the Universe likewise posseses chakras, which are vortices on it's higher correspondent aethers, and these vortices we know as spiral galaxies, one of which is our own, the Galactic Logos, Lord Surea, who holds a special communicative postion at the HEART CHAKRA within the greater universal body...

    Because the Sirians are responsible for stepping down all energies propagated for distribution, from Lord Surea, energies we know as the great blue light of creation, which includes the divine will of the Logos.....they have a special relationship with creation.....As the Logos him/herself has a special relationship with his creation. It is at the Surean "aktaiwa" stargate, equi-distant, between planets Atarmunck and Samanet, within the Sirius B star system, that the CROWN CHAKRA of this galaxy resides....And where the galactic will of the Logos, is known and distributed across cosmos, to various heavenly councils, including Shamballa on earth....Who then in turn become custodians of the Divine will, and the Divine Plan for this system...

    Now, our task on Earth is to receive these divine impulses and sacred instructions and likewise step them down, for distribution to all sentient beings...

    In my own Earth ashram, I am trained for such work, by the Mahachohan (Master R,) himself and this connection also dovetails with my Sirian starseed contactee role, in the lighted creation of a new civillisation on Earth, one that forms a new star nation and one open to union with the wider cosmos and one seeking ever greater connections, within areas higher in spiritual exultantance, than those of the galaxy......To connect with the universal body, of which the galaxy form parts.....highly energetic parts, to be sure.

    Earth is a seed planet and possesses a special role in revitalising wider creation....And as stated, this Milky Way galaxy forms the very heart chakra of the Universal body....Thus a special opportunity is offered....a connection made.....

    Can the Universe communicate with it's own creation....?? Yes, but only in a language even higher than that used by the most advanced Logoi and Ascended Masters in the galaxies....A language more akin to singing or toning....a song of creation, and the music of the great heavenly bodies...that traverse dimensions beyond imagining...

    So the universe must use it's great powers to communicate a message, using emissaries who will, for the most part, be highly misunderstood, by the logical mind of mankind...but nevertheless, will be understood, by the exertion of heart logic, by chelas focussed and attentive.

  • Drekx, I am just thinking, if the Universe is continually expanding, evolving and ascending, then to my mind, it will transform into levels of light than we cannot comprehend right now .. we as a spieces will transform, are transforming into one conciousness and as it continues to develope, then will the physical aspects of creation eventually dissapear or rather transform into something else? .. leaving a spiritual life .. one without physical bodies or even stars, planets ..

    I feel it will evolve into pure awareness and into realms that we are currently unable to fathom .. realms that already exist but that we have not yet reached ... and then when we do reach those levels, there will still be an ongoing evolution whereby we will carry on changing and morphing into the next levels ..

    Perhaps it will transform into a dreamlike expierence for a while .. but even that will change .. but what into? ..

    The depths of the rabbit hole are just too icomprehensible to wrap my head around .. yet I find it facinating to think about.

    At the moment, the highest vision I can see in my head is that we will transform into pure love, pure light without the physical .. all stars, planets, solar systems and galaxies will even become non physical .. maybe .. I dont know .. almost like a dream ... even though I am aware that physical reality is an illusion / concious dream in itself..

    The idea that there is no afterlife, only everlasting life that exists in the present moment continous, that when we all die, we only go from one dreamlike expierence into another one leaving behind our physical realities .. and entering another realm of existance .. that facinates me ..and that it goes on forever !

    I have many different questions. For me, I wonder how, if we have relatives in the stars, then we must all eventually gather together at some point .. even those who live in the deepest parts of the Universe, other Universes, other dimensions, realms .. they must also be our brethren and so according to the nature of love, there must be a regrouping involved, a gathering of every being that has ever been created to reunite in pure love .. because there can be no strangers if all originates from the heart of the creator ..

    What about the Archon thoughform? .. will their energy be completely healed or are they, as grays, reptilian aliens, or the draconian race destined to be illiminated and wiped out from all of creation? .. and if so, what happens to their energy? ..

    To my understanding, they are a glitch in the matrix, a mistake or a virus that does not have any connection to the divine .. and yet they came into being somehow .. so therefore, I find a catch 22 scenareo .. it boggles the mind.

    My apologies for veering off topic slightly but I am trying to fathom not only the size of the Multiverse and what it is breathing against but what life forms reside within the Mulriverse aswell ...

    This entire subject amazes me.

    • Wow I hear you Luke...I wonder a lot of the same things too, about the grays and archons...wondering if there will be healing for them or if at some point in time their dank energies will be dissipated into nothingness...This whole topic is mind staggering and for every answer there is a billion more questions in my mind...great discussion (when I skipped all the inhouse "arguing" which makes me weary. I had forgotten how ugly those times were.)  I think I missed this OP first time around...but glad to have stumbled upon it today because a lot of what it says really resonates with me.  Not the sparring within the members but what the OP contains.....It so makes sense that the multiverse is like a process of breathing in my mind...and the expansion that never ends..I don't think we in this lifetime will ever fully understand it all...but it is really a mind exercise trying to figure it out..

      • Hi Marique,

        Yes indeed .. facinating stuff.

        I am very gratefull to Drekx for providing this blog.. between himself and Kelly L, they have a vast storehouse of sacred, intrinsic knowledge ... my gratitude to them both.

        To my mind, the Archons or the energy they have will be transformed somehow .. it will be cleansed  .. and the negitive aspect to their energy will vanish without a trace in the healing process least, that is my 2 cents...

        I dont quite know what will become of the beings themselves but I am asuming they will continue to evolve until they too reach the Christ Conciousness.. perhaps that is a long way off for them .. and perhaps the will have to face what they have done .. and perhaps expierence what it feels like to suffer in the most extreme ways.

        Margique, I also have a load of questions that arise as I delve deeper into the whole subject .. you are right because for every answer there is a billion or so questions  ..

        I wonder do the Archons suffer themselves? .. have they ever felt pain or is pain their natural feeling .. if so, then that is just plain weiid ..

        If they get a high on the sufferging of others, do they actually feel pain themselves? .. makes me wonder what kind of beings would ever wish to exist in perpetual agony .. its just strange .. what sort of beings are they? .. I know they thrive on negitive energy and war, pain, suffering, fear ..

        Its very odd .. how can they cope with the pain? .. but then again, they are not human and made of weird stuff ... its bizzar, they are an insect like manifestation that hate love ...

        but heres another strange part, they are filled with envy .. and they cant handle the fact that they cannot love like we can .. it makes them enraged apparently .. because we have what they will never have .. and it bothers them...

        I have a feeling they are a dying breed ...

        • Drekx..... 4.53am Berlin time right now and this blog has reached the number 1 position in the charts..

          • Hi Luke, my bro...Yes I notice that it's still at number one spotlight, today at 11.00 CET...

            Thanks for your many questions and points of interest...Sorry I have not been so active here on this revived forum of mine, but I've been focussed primarily on the subjects raised on another of my discussions, about Japanese radiation monitoring by ETs, also in the top 10, today... ;-)

            I did promise Krishna that I'd elevate this important radiation topic to number one, if poss....BUT, the universe seems to have got it's structure in the way... Teehee...!!  :-)

            • Hi Drekx .. no worries, its all good .. :-)

              This Universe blog is great but I also understand its less immediate than your other blog which is indeed important, so no worries .. we have all the time in the world to discuss the Universe :-) .. .. the Universe can wait ! .. Lol... :-)

          • This blog was started three years ago...

            • ... good things stand the test of time...

              • Just thought you should know... seems fairly clear you though this traffic was generated over the last couple of days. I'm not saying it isn't an insightful exchange of ideas.

This reply was deleted.

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