If you haven't heard, Australia has just had another election. I'm not entirely sure if they've decided which party is in, let alone I couldn't really care but it's looking like a hung government at this stage. If so, the greens will have the last say on everything.
However when I was sent a link to the virtual tally room I noticed that only 14 million people enrolled to vote. I looked up Australia's estimated population, 22,434,942 and subtracted the amount of voters, 14,088,260 and ended up with 8,346,664.
8.3 million people did not vote. That's just 2.7 million off half our population! Personally, I am glad to see this kind of figure. Hopefully it represents the many who are now tired of government and politics jerking us around, and refuse to take part in it.
Voting is actually mandatory here by law, however just because something is law does not make it right. However if you want to get technical, voting is required by law, but filling out the form is not.
There was a mention of reports that they were swamped by donkey voters. Perhaps we did reach the half population mark after all, since the 14million figure was simply those who enrolled to vote, not the total of actual votes filled out properly.
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Bon Jovi - O how right you are.
..of course ppl dont like to be a breakdown of the system, thats why many of those who voted, voted, so that it wont crumble down... but it seems that either way we will not avoid a complete system's collapse....
an evolved society dont need politicians, or any man-made opinions based on personal interest, on how things should run, or how the situations that arise should be dealed with...
..they only law humans should follow, is nature's law...and not man made laws...
Don't get me wrong though, I wish I didn't have to think about politics, but to ignore something doesn't make the problems go away. Someday, I really hope that society can evolve past this, and that all political parties can be on the same page, and really working to turn this world into a better place!
When kevin rudd was to serve full office it was to serve full term making sure that those who are in full swing with the mining and mineral taxes payout what australia is owed in revenue and because of the americans who see fit what taxes are owed to australia was meant to be a lucritive deal at a higher tax bracket, well just let me say to you wiose indigenous th just cause, the mining ginats did not want to pay full taxes because the mining and mineral exports were from american conglomerants, and these people did not want to pay for extra mining taxes that might want to extracise on their mineral and mining profits, and thus is the reason why there was a hung jury where the new prime ministershipwas concerened. It would mean that the government ould have to put a new tax legislation that is comfy for the mineral and ming company in western australia and northern teritority. If this was to let the mining and mineral company's off the hook it would mean the end of fair traiding. Those indigenous tribes in australia are actuallly losing outs on millions of dolars in exports and trading due to the greed of the B.H.P Billiton's finacial gains and profits along side blusescope steel who have been exporting minerals from the aboriginal lands for decades. these companies are soul responsible for sendind off gas to china at a cheaper discount than waht australia pays for liquid petroleum gas that's L.P.G. so you now why you wonder why there is a stand off in australia with the new prime minister Juliard Gillard for the Labour election and the Liberal seat Tony Abbot the budgie smuggler (Because he wears tight underwears when he rides his ten speed down the road in his jocks).
Well i tell you this one thing that we have noticed because we are not getting our point across, no one's hearing us, we do not want as labour julia gillard in because we know beyond a shadow of a doubt she got n by deception. this is the labour opposition ok. She was elected by the illuminati because they did not want kevin rudd raining on the ming and minerals parade because for 50yrs they got away with not paying high taxes which is the only reason why kevin rudd was arsed out.
and the reason why Tony Abbot which is the Liberal Leader did not win the elcetion is because we see him as the weak point the illuminat wanted in so the people can vote in julliard gillard so that the mineral and mining taxes made sure their party was not paraded over with.
they knew if they could knowing that a womans vantage point in parliament can be overturned, the say saw that if a woman in parliament that the illuminati can swing in their favour how australia should vote.
But thank god for people like me, we rallied against both julliard gillard and Tony Abott for if we diddn't those who was being mislead would have lead this country to the slaughter house.
Trust me i ain't the sheep the other white meat want to eat thats for sure.