Neck Ache & Ringing in Ears


For the past two or three days i have been getting really bad neck aches throughout the day. Sometimes it's just because of the way am sitting but sometimes it can just start happening for no reason and it really is quiet painful. Also i have been experiencing ringing in one of my ears sometimes very late at night when i am alone and at other times of the day. It's like my right ear closes and there is a high pitched noise comming, i try to tune in to it but when i do the noise just goes away? I thought the neck ache was related to my fifth chakra (Throat Chakra) so i looked within to see if there was anything i was repressing. I did have an experience very recently when i wanted to help someone who i felt was in need and as i was getting close to doing what i was going to do this person just disappeared and i haven't seen her since. Without going in to, to much detail about what i was going to do for this person i have to admit i was a heart broken and i felt it in my heart chakra really badly in fact it brought me to tears which is not very often. I was getting all kinds of synchronicity signs to continue and help this person despite the fact that the situation she was in at the time was not ideal for me to just go and help her but i took the signs as a signal to continue and my heart chakra felt good as well. It sure doesent feel good when your left reeling like i was and i felt terrible. Any ideas what the neck aches could be about and also the ringining in the ears? Is anyone else experiencing anything like this at the moment?

Love & Light

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  • Just adding to the subject, going with ringing in the ears many times it also goes a frequency, a "buzzing" or huming sound just after the ringin is a sign to draw your attention to something at hand, or just to sit down and take in whatever is coming to you, be that new energies, Galacitc codes(if you resonate with that) DNA activations etc.many people are passive and just waiting for ascension to come and save the day for then but ascension happens on a daily basis..that body in 3D would not be able to take in so much energy at once and would conbust..unless you are an Ascend Master incarnated on Earth and can just go in and out of dimensions at will:-)

    Thought in a very few cases i could be a medical condition, for light works is just a distraction leading you away from what it really is..and if it is getting louder means you are becoming more open to this energies..many times also happened when i was in bed with a flu and cronic back pain, other times when i was at work  or in a bar..even can actually ask your guides to turn it down it is too loud or is not a good time.






    • Jai Ashtar,

      Thanks for your insight! What you said is exactly right, or at least it is for me.

      The tone I hear in my right ear is like a signal or a sign. When I hear it, I slow down or stop whatever I'm doing and step back from my activity. There's usually something there, like a synchronicity or a compelling thought in my mind that I should pay attention to. It's a very pleasant sensation, by the way.


      •  No probs, bro. my pleasure  just sharing some info but yes, that has been my reality from many years so i clearly relate.


        Take care :-)



  • I can verify what Jai Ashtar says in his post.
    I've had ringing in my ears since my awakening. It always happens in one ear only. My left ear hears a Morse code almost continuously. Lately, the Morse code has become much louder. The pattern of tones has changed, also, over the past several months. If I sit quietly, no matter where I'm at or what time of day it is, I can hear the code.
    My right ear hears a tone, almost musical, but only every now and then. The tone goes off and usually lasts for less than a minute.
    Jai Ashtar is right. These ringings and codes are our connection to the spiritual realms.
    • I also have had severe ringing in my ears that has been get much stronger for the last two years.  I went to an Ear Nose and Throat specialist and he said where I had had many severe ear infections in childhood that it is probably nerve damage and that there is nothing I could do about it. I did have many ear infections, but somehow it does not entirely resonate with me. 


      It used to be just in my right ear, now it jumps back and forth and is so maddening at times.  Sometimes it is like I am hearing something more than just ringing, and sometimes it wakes me up from sleep and I think the burgular is going off because it gets so much louder when I sleep, maybe because the house is so quiet that I hear it more distinctly, I just do not know. 

      I think it is so odd that my dog seems to hear it when it is screaching the loudest in my head.  She comes up to me and leans her ear up against mine like she is listening and sometimes she even growls.  That really makes me so nervous because of my abduction experiences, like it is some kind of transmission that I just do not comprehend.  (I know, that sounds completely paranoid.....but it is sometimes how I feel...).  I am hoping it is an ascention symptom, or a chakra thing, and I hope ascention comes soon! I am tired of having to have closed caption on the tv just to figure out what is going on because the screeching is so very loud it completely blocks out the dialog on the tv.  (ps, I do not watch tv much but I love sci fi and some of the mystery theaters that they show of PBC. and of course I love BBC and Dr. Who best of all.) And I can relate with the morse code thing too very much hadituptohere, lol.

  • Hi,


    There could be any or all amounts of reasons suggested by the good people on this site, as to the cause of your tinnitus. I can tell you, that in my experience, the tinnitus symptoms might also have been caused by stress.

    I will therefore take the liberty to suggest, that you perhaps take the time and contemplate on what might or is still causing you to be in a potential state of stress. Mind you, the best results are achieved, if you can manage to OBSERVE without judgement, - both within and -out.


    Best of wishes.

  • I just had the ringing in my ears yesterday, today a light headed or dizzy off and on.  ringing in the ears is not that usual had it for years.  Had weird dreams last night and could not sleep well either.  I was on an elevater and it began going down faster and faster.  They some friends stopped their truck to say hi, in my dream and I was fighting to open my eyes. weird and very real.  Anyway.

  • Hello there -) the Neck and lower back pains are Ascension Symptoms or releases of new energies..depending where you are in your spiritual development, it can also be the upgrading of your DNA to better receive the new frequencies :-)

    Now the ringing on the ears, its what i tell some friends and clients(when i was more active in that area) is your "Angels ringing bell" can happen on one of the years or in both, but usually in only one..starts with a high pitched noise leading to the "opening " of the ear for a few seconds/ happens usually to alert you of something important, dowloading of new codes and energies, and messages from your guides or higherself..i have had that for many years very intense and often, thought now they are less frequent..if you can , when the ringing happens, sit down somewhere quiet for a few minutes, deep breath, close your eyes and just take everything in whatever it is..a few times i was in a metaphysical bookstore in Sydney flicking trought a book, and that experience would happen(the ringing on the ear) and i would hear a voice saying, "get this book now", and a few days later the info in the book would blow my mind away..:-)also tingling on your shoulders or at the back of your head could be a presence around or more energy moving time it happens, you can ask who is trying to comunicate with you and you might get an answer..remember to double check if whatever is around comes from the light and are working for your highest good  :-)





    Hi Bhavick I went through similar symptoms when my shoulder blade/angel wing chakra came online so you may want to look at that one too but these links should give you some ideas- interesting, eh?  Nice to see you :)

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