Posted on February 4, 2014
Video Highlights:
Neil’s sources have proven accurate again: Cabalists around the world are having their offshore accounts exposed. The ICIJ (International Consortium of Journalists) has just released a report naming the cabal individuals who have hidden their wealth in offshore accounts. Neil reveals more names, and even more with be forthcoming soon.
Chemtrails 2.0: they are now radioactive! Sons of bitches. Dr. Group counters, developing a compound that will protect us.
The Bio-Mat and VibesUP are doing wonders for Neil and he shares their medical marvels.
A marvel machine cures your unique health problems and any disease within six to eight weeks; and another machine will rejuvenate the body’s organs to their condition of 20 years ago.
A new worldwide server, Webinski, is now becoming available to circumvent NSA’s (Nazi Surveillance Agency’s) illegal, constitution-shredding spy tentacles into every imaginable aspect of our private lives.
IRS: We want our money back! Illegal IMF-controlled bastards! We’re coming after you.
Indonesian President Sukarno and President Kennedy were working together to dismantle the Federal Reserve. Sukarno sent Kennedy 1,700 metric tons of gold for his use in creating a new gold-backed US dollar. This was the primary reason the Cabal conspired to assassinate Kennedy. Shortly thereafter, a coup d’état removed Sukarno from political power, and he ended his days under house arrest.
The Dragon Family is financing a bank of the BRICS alliance. The Family will assist in financing a new government in the United States.
Keith Scott is up to his usual criminal con games. (A warning to all who would be deceived by Scott – do your due diligence so you don’t become ensnared by this Jabba the Hut.)
The Cabal is heating up conflict between the Japanese and China. Advice: Join forces to defeat the real enemy – the Cabal.
Electro-Magnetic Pulse weapons have been made available for our disposal. Can they be used to take down chemtrail planes? We certainly have the right of self-defense.
Nelu should be released from jail in February.
For more than three years Neil Keenan has been steadfast in his efforts to explode into the midst of the Globalists. While he has captured what they need to continue their global fraud, which is stripping them bare financially, he also has focused the antiseptic sunshine of the power of truth on their genocidal agenda.
While he has held his cards close to his vest, at the same time he also has given us enough information to understand and support him in his efforts.
In this video Neil takes it to the next level as he exposes the Cabal’s Radioactive Chemtrails, 2.0. He gives us hope with his announcement of a medical compound that destroys the potency of their attempts to wipe out 85% of humanity.
Recently, Neil sat down with one of the top principals of the Bilderbergers, who claimed a change of heart and wanted to join the Keenan Team in defeating the Cabal’s genocidal plans. Neil said. “No” — because few from the Team could ever trust this Bilderberg pillar. Helping with information is acceptable, and Neil will accept all the Cabal turncoats that are willing to prove themselves in this way.
He expects more members to abandon the sinking, stinking Cabal ship.
What Neil unequivocally understands is that there is no more clutter in his way: The Cabal is utterly exposed to him. While he loves bumping heads with Cabal principals, rather than with their weasel cronies whom they have thrown out in front as interference, Neil now sees them all running for cover.
This sums up how the Cabal must be feeling about now:
Maybe it’s their 20th or 21st nervous breakdown; Neil is loosing count. What’s clear, though, is their legs are getting weak; they are showing all the symptoms of ‘losing it’ again .
Neil, as the Cabal’s worst nightmare, is making his moves – it’s Showtime, and they are twelve steps behind him. He is taking their system down, step by step, piece by piece. Neil knows that ‘our’ time has arrived, and all of his efforts are now bearing fruit.
What can they try next? Hunt Neil down — again?
If they do, he will release the Black Book, and many of the top-tier Cabalists will be exposed — and they deeply fear exposure. Neil not only controls the Black Book and has had the Book’s codes translated, but he also has opened the private-banking black screens — and he knows exactly who has done what.
But wait, there is much more: the unraveling of the entire Cabal structure. The ICIJ and several other groups are doing a terrific job working to undo the global elite. Their continuing efforts to expose the offshore banking network will lay bare many other top Cabal players. And it’s only just begun.
Let’s go to the very top of the pyramid now, which Neil reveals is not Rockefeller, Bush, or Rothschild. Instead, it is a group of nine men who have pushed the above-mentioned three to the front, thereby maintaining their anonymity, while running the entire puppet show from afar. To date, many may have heard only whispers of their names in the wind. These nine are at the apex of the Cabal pyramid. Little do they know that others have tracked them down, and their days of walking the streets as ordinary people will soon be over.
Watch the video. It is filled with information on Neil’s efforts to achieve Peace in Our Time — for the first time in God knows how long!
In concluding a discussion of this Preface with Neil, we asked him how in the future can we maintain peace. In his own special one-of-a-kind way, he advised us:
P.S. Those lamp posts are getting closer, George, wouldn’t you say? What you gonna’ do?
Please go here to view video >>>
There is no cabal! Please stop spreading fear of your imaginary enemies.
Whistleblower, re request by Mr. Fusion
By David Crayford/Whistleblower
Feb 6, 2014 - 11:28:08 PM
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Keenan thread here:;read=298699
Response received:
Dear Mr Fusion,
Many thanks for asking me for a counterpoint opinion, even though others do not want to see one.
I will therefore make my comments known re: the following article by Keenan. (Candace: link is above to that)
Posted By: Lymerick [Send E-Mail]Date: Wednesday, 5-Feb-2014 19:15:01
If people want to believe Keenan then so be it, that is their prerogative. However, having listened, in a bored way, to Keenan’s videos I really do have to ask “What is he actually saying”. He is saying what people want to hear which is just generalisations with nothing concrete and no evidence to support what he is saying. He is saying similar to what many others have similarly stated before him and what others will state after him.
Remember the Prosperity programs and the Iraqi Dinar revaluation, and after numerous years still nothing and there never will be anything because most of these people just do not know what they are talking about.
I stated that the Prosperity Programs will never pay out because they derive from unlawful use of the Collateral Accounts whereby any profits from Trading (if they indeed traded which some did, some didn’t) has been passed / credited to the Collateral Accounts, but still people talk about these programs when others have lost thousands through conmen and are suffering from it.
I have to agree with one thing that Keenan stated which is unfortunate because I do not agree with anything else he states; being “Keith Scott is full of BS and many people have realised that”. On the other hand Scott states that Keenan is full of “Hot Air” which I also agree with. Two fully fledged conmen each fighting each other. Pathetic to see it but it is understandable, yet Keenan gained a lot of information, some of it false information, from Scott when they worked together.
Both are crooks of the highest order and in my opinion, complete failures and a total embarrassment to those around them. Keenan claims he gave Scott the Boot, but remember Dr. Soekanto gave Keenan the Boot, all of them as bad as each other and all of them laughing at how they are muddying the waters for others.
What really amazes me about Keenan is that he likes to take credit for whatever is happening, or has happened, when in reality he picks up the remnants of such information from others. Then he spins a story around it, a plausible story, and so people believe him and rarely question him.
Let me state quite strongly that what has happened and what is happening has an awful lot to do with the activities of our intelligence people who have been working hard on all matters since the demise of Dr. Ray C. Dam on the 18th December 2010.
I am aware that currently they have gone back as far as Reagan’s time as President and will go back further if necessary. However, the results of their enormous hard work on this have shown results which includes Bankers resigning their positions quite quickly and then disappearing into oblivion, Banks being brought into order and heavily fined for their avaricious activities. In respect of Politicians many would have been forced to resign their positions had it not been for the Diplomatic Immunity they enjoy and which protects them. However, the time will come when they no longer hold Diplomatic Immunity and then they better start looking over their shoulders because they are not forgotten.
Whether people see this or not, and whether others try to claim the credibility for it, it is irrelevant because it is happening, and has happened and not through any efforts of the likes of Keenan or others.
Kennan also talks about the White Dragon Society. Strange that they are going to do an awful lot yet they have no money and are attempting to use assets of the Collateral Accounts in a fraudulent manner to support their claims.
We have recently come across some of them with their strange historical and possibly satanic symbols and to be honest one has to ask whether they are good or bad. They may have what appears to be good intentions with all their talk but same can not be achieved using illegal methods or fraudulent activities. They do not have legal rights, authorisation, or approvals to utilise the assets of the Collateral Accounts whereby the Government of Japan are fully aware of this factor and will extend the fullest possible resistance / action against any unauthorised use of the Dragon assets / accounts.
So where are all these people such as Keenan going. Down a road which they believe they know, but don’t, picking up pieces of stone (information) as they go and ending up in the land of confusion and misinformation. Then they have to invent plausible stories to cover themselves so that they do not lose their support, and that brings me back to the point I made earlier, being “What is Keenan actually saying other than generalisations with no proof whatsoever”, which in simple terms means, BS, more BS, and more BS. However, as I stated earlier, if people want to believe what they hear from the likes of Keenan, so be it, it is not for me to change their minds. We will just keep doing what we are doing, quietly in the background, and achieving the results we have without the need for blowing our own trumpets.
David P. Crayford
Candace: I recently posted this work.. which if any of you missed it,, has some information from ENLIL the anunnaki lord of this world, who came over to the light. He was actually serving, it just wasn't going well. He was behind a lot of the "2nd Nesara" stuff, but never associated Keenan and some of those factions trying to steal the Collateral Accounts.
I will remind folks that OITC still exists and has a new chairman, whose name we are not going to reveal for his safety at this time.