NESARA Rainbow Currency

Today I did a search about Rainbow Currency, found out that it alreadyapprently been printed since many many years and also the real storyabout the 9-11 event: Rainbow Currency - All Denominations are ReadyDecember 4, 2002 7:37 p.m. PSTHello Dear Friends and White Knights,The new colored U.S. Treasury Notes currency authorized under the trueNESARA law is already printed and has been sitting in undergroundwarehouses for many months. The new U.S. Treasury Notes are ALLdenominations of currency and ALL have already been printed and are readyto be distributed.The Bush gang has been putting out DISinformation once again with therecent press releases about the Treasury putting out new ‘colored’currency in only $20 bills initially. This is the usual Bush gangbrainwashing technique as they try to confuse Americans who have heardabout the true NESARA law and the new Rainbow currency.The FACTS are that ALL the U.S. Treasury Notes denominations have alreadybeen printed including: $1s, $5s, $10s, $20s, $50s, $100s, and $500s U.S.Treasury currency notes. Great quantities of these new Rainbow colorednotes are sitting on shelves waiting for the true NESARA law announcement.We had a source, who provided technical support for the actual machinesthat print the new currency at the Treasury’s printing locations, and hetold us two years ago that great quantities of the new U.S. Treasurycurrency had already been printed -- TWO YEARS ago. This along with manyother confirmations makes the lies put out by the Bush gang this weektotally laughable.There are essentially in D.C. and the military two diametrically opposedgroups:1) the White Knights and their allies bringing us the true NESARA law; and2) the Bush gang who are trying to implement their ‘new world order’ plans.The members of the White Knights have positions in every federal governmentdepartment and in all branches of the U.S. military. What happened at thePentagon on 9/11 really brings home how close the “enemy within” is. OnSeptember 10, 2001, the day BEFORE 9/11, some dark agenda Pentagon officerswere told their personnel to STAY AWAY from the Pentagon and the WorldTrade Center on Tuesday, 9/11/2001. However, right down the hall in thePentagon from these dark agenda Pentagon officers was the White Knights’Naval Communications Center which had just been remodeled to handle themilitary support of the true NESARA law. The 9/11 explosions at thePentagon blew up the newly remodeled Naval Communications Center in orderto cripple the White Knights’ actions supporting NESARA which was supposedto have been announced at 10 a.m. EDT on 9/11/2001.Someone on the “inside” had to turn off the three massive levels ofprotection the Pentagon “always” has on alert. These constant 24 hours 7days a week protection systems are designed to ensure ZERO attacking forceever reaches the Pentagon. First there’s an eye in the sky whichconstantly scans all activity in the sky for miles around the Pentagon andsignals an interception if any craft or missile approaches. There are twoadditional ground based systems which are automatically triggered wheneversomething within certain parameters is detected. These ground basedsystems also AUTOMATICALLY fire missiles which would stop anythingapproaching the Pentagon BEFORE it got within 500 yards. The 9/11 Pentagonattack was due to treason by Pentagon officers who work for the Bush gangand who turned off the Pentagon defense systems so the White Knights’ NavalCommunication Center could be blown up. A remotely controlled small whiteplane loaded with explosives hit the Pentagon on 9/11 and contributed tothe destruction of the White Knights’ Naval Communications Center.We essentially have “two” governments: the White Knights in our federalgovernment and military; and the dark agenda Bush gang members in thegovernment and military. The White Knights are moving the activities andpreparations of the true NESARA law forward and the Bush gang are scaredthat too many people now know about the true NESARA. Consequently, theBush gang put out DISinformation about the new currency to try to muddy thewater and confuse people.Just as the countries of the Euro Zone switched over from SEVERAL differentcurrencies to ONE new currency in all denominations ­ the Euro ­ so we inthe U.S. will also be turning in ALL our Federal Reserve Notes and gettingback ALL NEW U.S. Treasury Notes currency. Just as the Euro currency wasgiven in stores as “change” when people purchased things with their oldcurrency during the transition period, so too will merchants in the U.S.including Safeway, Wal-Mart, and others be distributing the new U.S.Treasury currency and providing the new currency as “change” for purchasesmade in Federal Reserve Notes. We’ve had several reports from peopleworking for Safeway and Wal-Mart who have been briefed about the newcurrency. Some ATM machines will also be used to exchange the old FederalReserve Notes for the new U.S. Treasury currency just as ATMs were used inEurope for the Euro exchange process.To subscribe to the Dove egroup, please send an email to my with the “Subject: SUBSCRIBE” and I willmanually add you to the Dove egroup. If you miss receiving the DAILY DoveReport, you may read it at the following website: has Dove Voice Reports and Dove radio interviews). If you are newto the Dove Reports, please listen to the October 25th radio interview fora quick way to understand the topics about which I write in the DoveReports.Dove Reports and interviews are also being carried on: NESARA is the ONLY topic on this websiteand are some very meaningful quotes that convey great truth."Yes, we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, orwill they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Materialabundance without character is the surest way to destruction." -- ThomasJefferson"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be theirown governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." --James Madison (Letter to W.T. Barry, August 4, 1822)"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they arefree." -- Johann W. Von GoetheYesterday I wrote about the fact that the White Knights have MANY exposesready to be broadcast to inform the world’s people about the TRUTH of ourcorrupt governments, etc. Below is an email discussing a televisionbroadcast which covered the truth about those who control our world. OnceNESARA is announced, there will be hundreds of such exposes broadcast andpublished worldwide and we will all finally SEE the truth of how our livesand world are manipulated to benefit “the few” at the expense of themany.Blessings and Love,Dove of OnenessThe Dove Report currently has 10,146 subscribers and is read by over200,000 people worldwide in forums on other websites and published inmagazines and journals nationally and internationally.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Monday, November 25, 2002 8:33 PMDear DoveOn the 25 of november on our canadian learning channel, The Phonomonen" The Lost Archives " Was aired at Three differrent time slots and was allabout the rich boys club and how they screwed all of us , from the moneyfunded wars to the assassinations of those who apposed them. The Next airtime is at 3:00 Am central mountain time on Bell Express View On Channel440. I hope you can view this As It to our cause and nesara. Everything youhave been telling us is on this telecast, and very well put together.

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  • Thank You Thomas for the email. I learned this some time ago about the rainbow money printing and what really happened on 9/11. Your posting just provides more detail. The day it happened something seemed fishy cause bush and cheney were out of town.

    Love and light star rider
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