This one text is one of those that can completely change one's perception of the society  we  live in. It also gives a completely new picture of who they are; Authorities, the leading professors, psychiatry and what the police force actually stands for. Here, you do not lack the facts without all the claims proved the best way. Topic is  mind control  - a project that started as early as the 1940s last year when surgeons at Karolinska Hospital implanted electrodes in anesthetized patients' brains without their knowledge - to exploit victims in experimental research. The concept of  modern neuroscience  sounds like advanced research, but also constitutes a teknopolitiskt project led by  FOI  and developed behind the Department of Defense confidential walls. Solid fits equally well into  cyber punk world -  the one who said to indicate the end of civilization, technology advantage and an artificial culture entry. No book or film can be more clearly give a picture of the evolution than the text here.
          At the same time, this is the story of my life  - how I as a teenager at South Hospital in Stockholm was scheduled with electrodes in my brain - utilized in a brain experiments - turned into the opposite of who I was - came to grips with it - got help from organizations and influential people - underwent several surgeries - and started a fight to challenge it. Although the story is my own experience as a thread interwoven it with facts and examples, if a development few have heard of, but with the greatest impact on our lives. For those who are interested in the brain, medical research and professors mad scientists - here are all certified with the absolute best facts.
          For several decades, the police force with the FBI  in the lead anesthetized inmates of jails and implanted transmitters in their heads. The same abuse has occurred in psychiatric hospitals and general hospitals in Sweden and internationally. The country has established a direct contact with the victims' brains for research and largely available both madness, crime and terrorists incorporated in this development. Here we can with  Ulrike Meinhof  's own words to understand the brain terror she was subjected to by the West German security police. We can see the same events from Sweden and they have been going on for decades.Here you can also read about the leading Swedish professors' war, lies about their colleagues abroad, those who try to expose them - and their defense in a game that is about the systematic abuse of patients in health care.
          The letter was handed over to Prime Minister Reinfeldt, April 5, 2011  that he would have the opportunity to comment on the allegations or about his own involvement in the project. At the same time mentioned that President Obama appointed a commission for the investigation of the topic addressed (see pages 49-50). But Reinfeldt did not want to give any comment.
          One important thing to know is that you can read the article in several ways . The different parts are structured under headings, and you can skip that one is not interested in - or simply giving a superficial understanding of the topic by following images and captions available on all pages. No matter how you take it to heart, there is no risk of losing the thread.
T wo security officers surprised me,  grabbed my arms and broke me down.One of them had a gun ready as he pressed into my arm, injected and I fell asleep quickly. The event took the site of 12 August 1987. Besides the two FBI-CIA agents was a third person, a professor of neurosurgery. Since I nedsövts opened 6-7 cm in the pan. They brought in an instrument and pried apart forehead. Then waited until I woke up. Then they had fastened my arms and legs, the professor held onto my head, a security police kept apart forehead with the instrument and the other stood ready with a branding iron, a place like it in the past branded animals. After allowing me to see what was going on he pressed the iron in my head and burned down an area in my frontal brain. I fell into unconsciousness. After ten hours later I woke up it was as if the whole brain was burning with heat and pain - in a whole new life circumstances.
          The background was that I threatened a CIA-FBI's most secret projects. It was the culmination of a settlement and the problem I had was increased in a few years. I had had success in my long struggle to uncover what I was subjected to. Rated professors, organizations like the Red Cross, the key people who the President of the Supreme Administrative Court Gustav Petrén and others on my side. I could prove what yet only a few know of - that you in detention centers and mental hospitals nedsöver inmates and implanting electrodes / transmitters in their heads and brains. The same activities I could also show occurred at the major hospitals in Sweden - the surgeons during surgeries implanting transmitters in patients' heads for brain experiments, control and behavior manipulation. At the same time I had begun to act in this matter published  New York Times  revelations about the CIA's brain project. On 2 August 1977, they had a great article and from that one can understand the importance of neutralizing those who threaten the secret:  The men in the CIA who led the  project mobilized the Army, Navy, Air Force, ministries of agriculture, health, education and welfare with several government means. They accepted that much of what they intended to do was  "unethical", bordering on illegal and would be repugnant to the American people to know ... 'Steps must be taken', wrote a CIA officer in an internal memo , 'not only to protect operations from exposure to enemy forces but also conceal these activities from the American public.' "  In Sweden it was FBI and FOI (defense research institution) who developed the same project as the CIA. From the text, one can realize the system they built up that it would not come out. Situation was the same here. But in 1983, I was able with the help of several professors prove their implanted transmitters in my head and by the time I was a threat to their secret project.
         This story will challenge the perception of what can happen in Sweden, but it also gives an idea about the hidden tech apolitical brain project, developed with government decisions up in the government. One can say that it is a factual documentation of mind control where I put in my own experience - my story - into a broader context. This section  Introduction  is to give a general picture of the subject -  Since starting my own story .  Depending on one's interests, one can take in what you like, jump between headlines or just follow the images, without losing the content. For once, do not need any facts missing; assaults in hospitals, detention centers and psychiatric clinics evidenced from many different sources. No need either to lack evidence for the Swedish security police actions; nedsövningar in detention centers, implanted transmitters in people's heads and their total control over their victims. Here presented medical abuse researchers themselves describe has been extensive activity since the 1960s. It involves implanted transmitters / brain chips in anesthetized patients during surgery, use of humans for medical research, brain experiments and behavioral manipulation. In Sweden, one turns often to countries that are wrong, not human rights, and forcing their people to various projects, such as North Korea, Burma and former South Africa. In Sweden, we live in a political program that distances these comparisons. When the German television channel ZDF summer of 2004 sent the documentary  Secret Russia  declared a professor that he  has the knowledge to neutralize people by remote control, even political figures.  A prisoner in Ljublianafängelset 1954 after saying that he was strong acoustic and visual experiences after that and you mentioned that This was an activity which in the Soviet took his first steps in the 1940s. It began in Sweden and the U.S. at the same time - the most inhumane political idea - remote control of the brain. This is a factual documentation and I are happy to give lectures - not  only about my own case without the threat it represents to all of us - something one can easily see from the following text.
          Brain Experiment, state behavior, technology and implanted brain chips have not many have heard of. It is not because they do not exist  without the necessity to keep it beyond public. They are all parts of supercomputer technology, as there is also some good articles or books.   New York Times declared in one of his articles that the CIA's first Brain project was launched in 1950 but already a few years before that researchers in Sweden, England, USA as in communist countries embarked abuse of patients with electrodes in the brains.The technique is called  Biomedical telemetry  - it stands for biological telemetry ( telecommunications  for  distance  and  geometry  means  to measure ).Government investigations have dealt with the development and Alva Myrdal took up the brain technology  in  SOU 1972:59  had the subtitle  Choosing Future and the choice that was taken to the future, no one would like to give his life: "The technique suggests new opportunities for intentional action of man's most basic elements Research in this area ... brain function and behavior designed primarily to clarify the nature and degree of the changes can be achieved ... and a danger to the control and modification of behavior against people like ... Undoubtedly, the protection of the individual against the abuse of these and similar methods in today's society inadequate. "  It was due exclusively to the state did not want to give people some protection against brain technology. Instead, let it develop as a power project, behind the military facade, in cooperation with state institutions whose interests were more important than people's freedom and rights.
          In  the New York Times  article August 2, 1977 quoted a CIA document that said that the project was on the verge illegal.  But of course it was grossly illegal. Implanting transmitters in the heads of people and change the mental, biological and neurological functions battles obvious to all human rights, basic law and international treaties. They described that the CIA had a program with brain technology to cope with the murder invisible. There was only a further application of controlling the biological functions. Being able to induce heart attacks and brain hemorrhages, but it could be distinguished from natural causes of death. On 20 September of that year, they had once again an article also secrecy about the project was described:  "MK-Ultra and its predecessors were among the most sensitive intelligence activities that have ever occurred in this country ... Extraordinary measures were taken to avoid hostile nations would be aware of the project and the CIA was worried about possible  side effects in the United States, both within the scientific community and beyond. "  That  project was among the most sensitive security program ever is the same today and it applies internationally. It is Sweden's most secret projects. What I could not prove when you branded my brain was to  the Karolinska Hospital  had launched assaults by patients in 1946, opened heads and implanted electrodes. Chief physician at  Children's Hospital Sachs  had in 1948 begun to exploit neonates with the same methods.   FOA researchers PM Persson  explained in an article in 1965 that implanted transmitters developed far in medical research. He wrote that the first brain systems established in the USA in the early 1950's. The secret project has been going for 60 years without any information come out in the media to the public. What is at stake is the connectivity of the human brain control, brain experiments and behavioral manipulation. The most frightening Dr. Frankenstein FOI have entered people's minds and declare in its annual report that the targeting is to guide the individual's cognitive function throughout life . It sounds fantastic, and it is. There is much more to the sensational nobody heard of, who will verify this.        
          For my part, has largely been a lifetime with this thing. First as unwitting victims, then knowing what I was exposed to. Then followed a long period when I tried to prove my situation and deliver me. I have gone through several operations abroad. In Sweden there were no chances to help. FBI and the government prevents it. But eventually I came to a situation where my life circumstances made ​​it possible to compile a comprehensive information, write a book about Frankenstein technology and now about to bring substance to the debate.   same year I was implanted with electrodes in my brain had  Science  its first great article about mind control (14 pages) on 30 November 1956. There, said Professor Carl Rogers precisely what happened in my  case. We can choose to use our growing knowledge to enslave people in ways we never dreamed of, depersonalizing and control them in a way so special that they probably never will be aware of their loss of personality ... It is also clear that the general public can only be called slaves " The goal was right from the early years. Doctors and their military partners who rape people's brains obviously have no restrictions, saying far and no further.  slaves  he talked about where they used to without compensation, or even knowing their situation was used for research, experiment, brain and behavior manipulation. I was one of the early Swedish slaves.
        For me it started at South Hospital in May 1957. I got there in the consequences of a motorcycle accident. Daily News wrote about it the next day and from that post, one can realize that something was wrong with the doctors' actions. It said a suspected drunk motorcyclist had driven over in Kärrtorp but that there was no doctor at the hospital who wanted or had time to take blood samples. Why did the police doctor ordered for several hours after taking the test, which took 30 seconds. The reason was that the doctors implanted electrodes in my brain and it gave a life transformation.Frankenstein technology reshaped me and got me to things I never had my orientation, ill perceptions could come up with a second and change me to just opposite who I was. To me it seemed perfectly normal urges and deeds, but as I never had before. They came into me as compulsive acts. Where all the opinions and deeds. I came into situations that most were impossible to get out. Got stuck in the most horrific events and got a lot of perverted traits. What  the New York Times  wrote that memory loss was an attractive agent in the CIA's project was also part of the new me. I could forget where I was going, where I parked my car, or who I really was and whole life was a chaos. I had the first year, no inaudible voice in my mind, as I seemed to communicate with and from that time my mind went in slow motion and resembled more pronounced words. Personally, I had no idea of being exposed to something. It is only in retrospect, after all, come to light, I can analyze causal relationships and realize what I was used to.
          50 years ago there was a major debate, professors who dared to protest, but now that the project has become a part of society, the secrecy and misleading information given their results. The condition that it can go on is that nothing is revealed. Already in the early 1950s, it had organized behind confidential facades. There was no difference between the U.S. and Sweden.  Professor John Lilly raised it in his memoirs,  The Scientist  (1978). The background was that he was approached in 1953 by the CIA and the FBI who wanted conform his research with electrodes in monkeys and dolphin brains in their own projects. But he refused to answer and he also published in his book:  Dr. Antoine Remond, using our techniques in Paris shows that this method of stimulation of the brain can be applied to humans without the help of a neurosurgeon. This means that anyone with the right tools can do it against a person in secret and without any visible signs of electrodes inserted. Will this technology in the hands of the secret security services, they can have total control over a person and be able to change his beliefs extremely quickly. "  It gives a good picture of the FBI's activities. But  it is called insanity to believe that a state defense secrets. After all, I managed myself away both it and the police for many years. I was actually a pretty normal person. Take part in a gymnastics squad for ten years, was doing ski jumping, was pacifist and socialist ideas, was a member of the newly formed left-wing Socialist Party - but was turned into Militarist, Nazis and were driven further and further away from my normal. I got experience if Dr. Lilly described as  changing beliefs extremely quickly  , and in the years 1959 and 1960, I was more robotic than human.
         Everything did not happen overnight, but it happened in time. I guess the first experiment was to change my brain waves. There is also research where Stockholm Hospitals were participants. In any case, it gave me new habits and problems. Compulsions that I did not understand was recurrent. They came through the external influences that I could never stop before impact strangled. Somehow it just happened scary but I dared or could not deal with it. There was no one I could tell, did not dare to think of it, saying to myself like that's not me. One wonders of course if I used drugs but I had never done.I drank wine sometime but it had no relation to my changed behavior. The first period is during the years 1957 to 1961.  New York Times  referenced from a research conference August 12, 1959 and what you quoted was also what my experiment was about:  "Professor Delgado spoke at a meeting of the International Medical Congress in Buenos Aires. He said his experiments confirmed the unpleasant truth that motion, emotion and behavior can be controlled by radio waves that animals and humans can be controlled like robots. "   I was taken over by the robotics research and you made ​​about me to the contrary in much of who I really was.
          The research project was in full swing with ignorant people, and at this time also came KTH in Stockholm into projects that transform people's normal brain waves. They collaborated with Karolinska Hospital which sold its implanted patients to experiments.  Professor Zetterberg  wrote about it in a report, (A Brief History of TTT 1965-1990) which he put out on the net before he died. A final contribution to what he participated in:  "In the mid-1960s, joined the University of Technology KTH in Stockholm in a time of change ... Most of my training I had received by FOA  (current FOI own note) ... In particular, one must remember that a course in signal processing started in 1972. It emerged from our research on the analysis of brain waves ... analysis of medical data, especially of brain waves soon emerge as the main project and committed half of all staff ... The works were carried out in close collaboration with staff at Karolinska hospital ... It also led to theoretical studies of models to create brain-wave. "   But it did not stop at theoretical studies. Karolinska Hospital were involved in the brutal research and it was about to change people's brain functions, biological flows and even brain waves. The most inhuman has happened in the community may also result their strange shadows in the same way that Dr. Frankenstein had his monster.
                 FACTS ON MEDIA
               There is of course nothing new more vital to society than the human central nervous system connected to government control computers. Those belonging to a new instrument of power hidden power. The question that arises is how it has been kept in secret for so long, the most distasteful of all rapes; government abuse that can also be injected into us with brain chips for lifelong use. 55 years ago  (1956)  warned the American Professor Joost Meerloo in his book  The Rape of the Mind :  Free people in a free society must learn to understand the invisible attack on mental integrity and fight. We have to understand what makes people defenseless to the impact ... The tragic facts of political reality in our time make it clear that psychological techniques can brainwash whole nations and reduce citizens to a kind of headless robots ... We will not tolerate those who use good values ​​just to leave them when they come to power. We must be intolerant to these abuses as long as the battle of mental freedom or death is ongoing. "   Reality "has distanced all ghost stories now, half a century later.
         NEW TRANSMITTER 1967
       With varying success I managed to curb some of the induced problems during the 1960s. Being forced to behave as the opposite to what one is can be difficult to understand. I did military service in 1962 and in that year there was no impact. But everything went on. I got to live with deeds that never would otherwise occurred. The difficulty was that I could not take it in my mind, instead it was driven into oblivion. Not very smart, but as I worked. When completely unaware of why it happened, but for better or worse, it would change after a few years. One problem encountered was that my respiratory system through the nose was often completely blocked. That it was due to radio wave effect, I came only several years later to become aware of. Anyway, I met a doctor at South Hospital, Dr. Curt Strand at the clinic for the ear, nose and throat. After a time, I reply that said I had a bråskbildning in my right näskanal. It sounded a bit strange because the problem was in both näskanalerna but it got to be a first step. The surgery was done under local anesthesia in October 1967. When he was in my right näskanal I got a sharp pain in my head and he said:  "Excuse me, I happened to slip with skalpetten but there is no danger."  I had no reason to believe otherwise. Did not understand at the time that the doctor committed abuse of his patients during surgery. But the consequences were a radio in my head. I assumed it was something temporary and it was not particularly annoying, but I sometimes wondered what caused the beeping tone.
          That same year, Dr. Curt Strand implanted a transmitter through my right näskanal published  the New York Times  on poltiska leader  Push buttom People (10/04/1967). They warned of brain technology, assuming that there were states which planned to use it to control its citizens. You wrote that it should come up to a more general debate:  There is a disturbing effect in experiments with control of humans and animals, as Professor José Delgado at Yale University Medical done.His latest achievement has demonstrated that the implanted electrodes in a aphonas brain, he can get her to take away from their own kids through radio impact ... Possible vicinity of the corresponding control over man creates concerns ... It is quite likely that some countries are exploring the prospect of using these resources to control man. Just the thought of that possibility is offensive and makes the course a broader public debate and greater attention is necessary. " Research projects were well advanced and electrodes implanted in unwitting patients during operations at all major hospitals internationally. It was explained in Yale University's Research  Man's Intervention in Intracerebral Functions from 1967:  implanted electrodes in humans are now used in all large hospitals ... The presence of electrodes in the brain are not harmful or even unpleasant, and patients live a completely normal life in their homes ... From the experimental point of view requires behavioral studies of individual freedom ... The consequences of this trend, we have begun to affect the mind's psychological reactions and scientific studies have concluded that: We can experiment with intracerebral mechanisms responsible for the development and maintenance of specific behaviors and mental functions. "  Five years later, the Swedish government inquiry  SOU 1972:47  warn of an emerging police state in the consequences of the control of humans with this technology.
          LIFE CHANGES
          Obviously, it is difficult to see what caused the impact of brain technology compared to what would otherwise have occurred in one's life. Things that have been outlined above are more obvious than the parts that came after Dr. Strands transmitter, which I guess he put the FBI's behalf. But despite the annoying tone that was after it was years then quite exempt from induced effects.Maybe they wanted to see what my life was without effect, or what one would use me. Along with a new social situation, there were great changes in life. After all, had not my life has been completely taken over by brain experiment in the 1960s. Over the last few years, I was often in Southern Europe, was doing financially, worked in Sweden 8 months a year and life was okay. 1972 I broke with my normal life and chose to become a criminal. That same year, I started using amphetamines. I still think it was my own choice, it was a life I wanted to try, but might as well have been driven by the induced effect, directly into the brain. But still, I had no idea that my brain was linked with the state's super computers for the control and experimental.
          The same year I took the plunge, they published American doctors in Criminology,  Dr. Barton Ingraham and Dr. Gerald Smith Research thesis  The Use of Electronics in the Control of Human Behavior.  , it was 14 pages  in a legal publication,  Crime and Justice,  1972  Where was declared the complete control of man. Controlling documents and in one second to change perceptions: The development of systems for information from sensors implanted in or on the body allows for the observation and control of human behavior without actual physical contact. These remote developments, arises the possibility of monitoring 24-hours a day and control selected behavior. The potential importance of criminology and criminal with telemetry systems are vital ... technology offers the ability to regulate behavior with precision on a subconscious level and thus avoid having to evade man his subjective perception of freedom ... The use of telemetry as a method to monitor the man, to gather physiological data from his body and nervous system and stimulating the brain electrically remotely, is from the current research is possible and useful as a method of control ... If the subject is implanted with a radio transmitter, it can transmit an electrical signal which blocks further documents by getting him to forget what he's doing, or to abandon their activities. "   What I learned in the six years that followed, when I was a criminal, then I also used drugs, was that the Swedish police use technology to encourage crime instead of fighting it. But also adding to the routine in jails nedsöver inmates and implanting transmitters in their heads and brains.
          The Swedish FOA researcher Eskil Block published 1976 book  Man and technology in the future of society,  which, despite the title, for the most part is about that time. It was written about mind control:  "The increased possibilities to influence and change people is part of the ongoing cultural development ... In democracies, the risk as soon as possible in the police force abusing its powers and technical capabilities to harass individuals and organizations."  It was something I had to experience. The state investigation  SOU 1972:47  published by the Department of Justice stated that:  "The information about people criticized as likely to increase the authorities too much power and ability to control individuals' actions. The data processing extension anas contours of a unassailable police state with absolute efficiency and their impact inhumane management. "  It's largely what the continuation of my story will document. In addition, the Justice Department now themselves become a part of the inhuman power and do not want or dare to oppose the police authority's crime.  (For more details - see the internet publication:  ustitiedepartementet and police as criminal organizations. )
          When I decided to leave the old life, I had only a vague idea about crime and the people who stood behind it. Actually I did not know how I would look for contacts or what life meant. I had during my last summer in Spain met an Englishman involved in the crime. I knew that he always had plenty of money, rented a villa on the Costa del Sol and involved in fraud, forged documents of value and the like. Mr. Cliff had invited me to his home in London. So I called him up and went over to England. There, I came to start my new life. I became involved in his business and came across a lot of money. Learned how to trick banks. With new habits, expensive hotels and dinners at exclusive restaurants, I came only after some months to realize that I was a valet. There were several characters. I noticed the monitoring all the time but thought it did not fit in to police surveillance because you did not do much to hide it. In early March 1972, I stayed at the Hotel Piccadilly (now Le Meriden) on Piccadilly Road but felt that this was a dangerous situation. I spoke with Cliff but he felt that it could not have revealed anything about our business and he himself had no experience of what I saw. There was a feeling in me that was so strong and scary to me in the evening on March 9th packed my bags and made ​​me ready to move. Then I had dinner with a woman and took her home to north London. I stayed there until early the next morning when I drove in to the Piccadilly Hotel.Actually, I would just go up and get my bags, but ordered coffee and juice and asked them to serve it in the room. It was early morning and it was the last moment of a life which I would forever leave behind me. After drinking the juice, I fell into unconsciousness. The maid found me passed out on the floor at 12 o'clock. The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was that several people stood above and tried to revive me. They had implanted me again and now I had high disruptive tones that went into my head. From now to 13 years, I came to in an ever increasingly exposed to a terrorist who after six years (1978) turned to torture.Now came also induced verbal signals become constant communication day and night. Why had it happened? Whatever I have done had flowed into the Swedish security police supercomputer. They had of course informed their colleagues in London. I was already an experimental rat so now would improve the game. The American doctors,  Ingraham and Smith who gave his dissertation in 1972 also mentioned:  "Motion, emotion and behavior can be controlled with electrical energies and humans can be controlled like robots by remote control ... But when you start implanting radio probes beneath the skin, or check works by electrical stimulation of brain creates a difficult situation. It can be included in the area of privacy or maybe it should be called human respect. "  (The original English text is included in the report  Frankenstein  where a larger excerpt is with from their thesis).
          For those who nevertheless find it difficult to accept that this kind of events can take place - see medical advice with X-rays later - but this is just the beginning.  Anyway now had Södersjukhuset as likely participants in the FOI Project (1957), likely FBI (1967, Dr. Beach) and now probably MI: 5 transmitters implanted in my head. But it would be more. From 10 March 1972, I started naturally understand what Dr. Beach had done and later it dawned on me that it was the cause of much of what I saw and did after Södersjukhuset first assault 1957th From that time (1972) I knew that they could see what I saw, say my thoughts and be with my emotions - like an invisible participant inside me with the resources to change everything I was. Then also began a new life struggle, a brainwashing, behavioral manipulation and agonizing tones along with a verbal intervention could not shield themselves.
          STAT TO HUMANS
          Just over a year before I changed my life was  the New York Times  (9/19/1970) had another political leaders about mind control, entitled  Brainwave  My case was consistent with their beliefs: If the late George Orwell would now write a follow up to "1984 "He had certainly seen the traditional propaganda techniques to control the human mind, which is obsolete. Today, he would probably anticipated a society where newborns first experiences of life were neurosurgery. An operation in which the child's brain was associated with an implanted radio transmitters to the control of both reason and emotion ... It represents in all cases the first step toward a nightmarish vision of a brain-controlled population and the frightening possibility allows lexicographers in the 21st Century perhaps must leave verb "to brainwash"  (to brainwash)  and replace it with "the brain doctor"  (to brain wave)  It was no unwarranted fear.  New York Times  was aware of what was going on.  Societal transformation that has taken place over the last 60 years, causes other than the traditional ones. We shall not believe in illusions built up by politicians, professors and senior police officers. They are parts of the game to fool the people. Both terrorists, gangster kings and drug gangs are under the FBI's Criminal Investigation and mind control.
Brain technology was developed in both the Communist bloc and the West. Soviet Union was during the 1960s, the first year on the way to develop supercomputer system to control the entire population behavior. When Lee  Harvey Oswald was accused of murdering President Kennedy asked Warren Commission in a memorandum from the CIA about Soviet development of mind control. Oswald had lived there and also who has been hospitalized for surgery. The CIA report June 19, 1964 revealed that:  Memorandum of the CIA's Office of Director Richard Helms, a brief description of Soviet research and development in terms of management and control of behavior, intended for investigative commission of the murder of President Kennedy .... Refererandes to your communication of 19 May 1964, with a request regarding Soviet technicians and program change of heart and hjärnvätt ... Current research indicates that the Soviets are trying to develop a technology to control the emergence of behavior patterns among the population of the USSR in accordance with politically rigged goal tions ... This new trend observed during the early post-Stalinist period continues. 1960 used the term 'cybernetics' of Soviet scientists to describe development. The new science is regarded as the key to the understanding of the human brain and its mental functions and the personality - even to be able to control it. "   ( The document was one of the  New York Times  was released in 1977  The original English text is included in a larger excerpt of the report Documents. )    Same planning were both in Sweden and USA. The well-known American professor, Carl Sagan, wrote in his book  the Garden Dragons  (1970) "When it comes to tech nightmares, it is important to recognize the possibility that people can understand them and to prevent abuse from government ... The people that allow authorities implanting electrodes in their brains have lost the battle for freedom. "  There are words we need to take seriously and all who desire freedom, humanity, and not to have to live with a devil and his control built into his brain must be collected about the subject and take up the debate .
If one is to find the most common effects that always existed over the years as a criminal was the brainwashing. The meaning of the memory reduction, and it was also what  the New York Times  explained that one of the CIA's key objectives.Electromagnetic radiation in the brain affect a neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which reduces the memory function. From the spring of 1972, I had three radiation sources emplaced in my head, and the effect of these increased during the escape. It reduced the oxygen balance in the brain that can be seen from the X-ray images and it changed me both mentally and physically. One method was to dry out näskanalerna that it was impossible to breathe through them. There had been a problem in 1967 when I came to South Hospital and met Dr. Beach - but had gotten much worse since then. Radio wave reduces the oxygen in the brain and we can see later, all investigated criminal what symptoms.
But for me it was not used technology to prevent crime or to fix me but more like a terrorist instruments. But when I did my crime took away often acoustic disturbances, verbal flow, brainwashing and other influences. 
You could also keep the various experiments, creating cramps, give headaches, chronic insomnia and largely control the changed behavior where I completely lost my standards. That along with amphetamines was so clear-altering.The constant pressure of strong signals inside the head thwarted concentration and ability to think in longer sequences. Between 1972-1978, I came into the jail several times, arrested for various crimes but I was doing pretty good in law. Fixed brain terror increased, not only in their effect from previous implanted transmitters but I sedated several times and received additional radio implants inserted in my head to jail. In addition, printed a transmitter into my brain and destroyed parts of the frontal lobe, and it was in Nacka Police arrested Nov. 26, 1975. It was a gift from the police on my 35 th birthday and something that would change my life circumstances more than anything else.
                    I had been the home of some friends in Bollmora. As a gift I had been given a briefcase. Not a particularly expensive but stylish and instead of a birthday card the woman had put her your business card. With bag in my car, I drove home. I lived in Dwell (Sydney) and what then happened was no accident but a planned police action. I got stopped by the judicial police. They knew me for years and actually we used to have a pretty good relationship. This happened even though I had dinner at the Sheraton with leading forensic commissars. Something that I also had the greatest benefit in my business. Now there was also no one could take me for. But you said that your bag has to be examined because it was a name other than the middle of it. I explained that they could easily contact the person whose name, address and phone number was on the card. But they insisted on taking me to the Cape Police. The first thing I asked was to contact my attorney, Lars Bergmark. He had a conversation with the police and felt that they had no right to keep me. But despite that, I was locked in a cell. It was 2-3 in the afternoon and I was served a cup of coffee and a bun. After that I fell asleep quickly. When I woke up it was late at night and I had been sedated 7-8 hours. From that moment on, I was fully aware that driving into a transmitter in the brain.Something that I later could also prove. They kept me until the next morning when I was released.
               NEW LIFE      
          Much changed after Sydney police transmitter. The transferred heat directly into the brain, changes in temperature and with it came something like torture. It can be compared to getting the brain cremated alive and even internal organs, heart, brain and muscle functions to fail. I'm not the only one who had similar experiences of police abuse. Several of my former friends had similar experiences, and American books Several Swedish criminal cases.Rolf Sundvall said to have been in 1970 at the detention center in Stockholm and died a few years later in an apartment fire. Gote Josefsson tormented by these experiments from the late 1960s until his death in the 1990s. Erik Gidlund knew that it had direct contact with his brain and suspected that keeping body in his stomach during an experimental effect and torment.Gosta Lily irradiated with frequencies that burned on his face and back. 
Later, he died of bone cancer. All of these were implanted in custody in Stockholm. For me, the increase in brain temperature is the most painful. It changed even physics, psyche and behavior that also mentions research. But that was not all. You could completely neutralize the effect of amphetamine and medicines sleeping pills with brain temperature.Despite that I still managed to support myself, I was going through a downturn. There was more pain than fun in life. The drugs were, at best, for a few hours to take one out of the problem. My life was full up of mistakes and losses. It was directly related to the brain, terror and self-medication that had had its day. In my case it was obvious that I had to leave my ideas on an exciting life of crime. It took some time but I decided to break. I had been doing for 5 years when I in June 1977 was preparing my last offense would finish what had given me such great experiences, exciting times, but also enormous problems of life that I did not know how I would get out.
                    Then something years I had been thinking about my upcoming future. How would I go about to change my life. A year earlier, I had started planning the crime, and in May 1977 I made a trip to Ibiza to take the first step without drugs and post an idea.With false identification cards and authorization from a large company, I called up the bank in the same house, introduced myself as a lawyer as a client needed to redeem a lot of securities. They promised to have sum clear later in the day. It was about my life - or death. I was in a situation that is not only meant to break with crime and drugs, but much more about how to overcome the FBI, South Hospital, and MI5's implants that were in my head. They had no mercy on my life and their terror was life-destructive and ultimately fatal.
          A month before I went into the bank and filled my briefcase with cash I had written a letter to the National Board of General Bror Rexed. In all kindness, I explained what I was exposed to. Asked for help to get the implanted objects removed. The following week I was contacted by a psychiatrist, Annmari Jonsson, the Social Board. She was really pissed off, referring to my letter and said that if I continued to spread these symptoms, she called my words, I might be insane explained. A threat that she later took it seriously. All who consider themselves victims of implants are severely mentally ill, there is no technology for remote control of brain functions she announced me. There is still a psychiatric setting.Researchers word that Dr. Stuart Mackay's from 1968 is of no  importance: "Among the many telemetriutvecklingar used today are miniaturized radio transmitters that can be implanted in humans and animals ... In general, we have worked with frequencies from about 50 kHz to a few hundred MHz ... "  Dr. Mackay  was a year in the mid-1950s at the Karolinska Institute, where he with Swedish researchers developed mini transmitters for humans. The text is from his book  Bio-Medical Telemetry.  Later, when I could detect frequencies that went into my head, they were within the range of 15 to 25 kHz, which is about the same spectra as he mentioned. Radio Specialists said that it was Defense long wave in Småland who sent these frequencies. 
          When I was in Athens in 1970, I had the good fortune to meet a Greek physician, trained at the Karolinska Hospital and spoke Swedish. He owned a hotel in Voliagmeni outside of town so me and my then girlfriend lived there for a few days. Now, I took the chance and called him up when I arrived safely in Copenhagen. He invited me and where I started my new life. For me it was no problem to break a prolonged use of drugs or change visitation. I also understand and help with what I was exposed to. My friend, Mr. Costas had the best contacts and with his help, I came to see the first doctor who assisted me, x-rayed my head and issued a certificate stating that there were foreign objects implanted. I enjoyed my new life and stayed long enough to be sure that it worked.At the time,  the New York Times  started to challenge the CIA and their brain project.  (Though it took over 20 years before I came across the articles.)  When I reached my first success in Athens, they published the political leader  Control CIA - Note Behavior  (5.8. 1977) and what they brought up is as topical in Sweden: 
"So we need to add disgusting medical experiments to the list of CIA's horror stories... The original motive was to develop a defense against the supposed mind control Russians and the Chinese realized, but the program soon took aggressive direction.One goal, for example, was to program the individuals that they would follow the CIA's orders even to the point that they gave up so basic behaviors that self-preservation.   , we are not sufficiently schooled in ethics to know how it differs from murder. No one seems to know how many citizens who were used to test rats and how many people were injured ... the CIA  and the government needs to find all the possible victims, for treatment and compensation. For Congress, it is important to re-adjust the stubborn issue of guarantees against future perversions that are still considered legitimate security behind the label ... There is no option to also keep their senior ethically and legally responsible as individuals for all activities. Even at this time, if only as a deterrent, they should get to know who sanctioned these projects and how. "   requirements in Sweden must obviously have the same orientation. First up with the secret, then debate and thirdly, we need to get closer to knowing who was behind the project and how it has been organized in the state.It ought to join in the alleged democratic spirit politicians  argue that they represent. Compensation was another requirement  the New York Times  mentioned and it must obviously be a claim for billions, many millions of individual victims. State rape, we should not have any mercy on. Many have had their lives wrecked, racked and injured brains, like myself. People have also been killed in the research project, as Vera Dann Borg, Gosta Lilja and Erik Gidlund. The killing was accepted officially at the ethics conference in Strängnäs 1978th It was explained that they could not avoid the morbidity and mortality implications of the research. The terms are for illness and death. The information comes from Professor Gustav Giertz's book with the apt title:  Medical Ethics  in the doctor everyday .
          N , I came home in the late autumn of 1977, I had at least medical reports to substantiate my claims of implanted transmitters. I contacted the Social Board. Then they sent X-rays to his expertise at the University Hospital, Kjell Bergström opinion. But he refused to give any statement. Everyone involved knew the course of reality. It was more about how to manage their way out of the situation. I went to Uppsala and met him a few times and he promised to review images. But it took a long time and many renewed demands before he finally after 4 months came with a completely misleading statement mentioned that no abnormalities were seen at my x-rays.


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