by Cameron Day

This article has been 15 years in the making, as it took that long for me to be able to distill this information into an accessible format. 

This is going to represent a few very important pieces of the overall puzzle of how we are going to shift this planet and everyone upon it into an ascended frequency of being. 

One key aspect of this shift is going to be the “cleaning up of consciousness” of all of humanity, which is no small task, to be sure. 

This article will cover in detail the major obstacle to this consciousness clean-up, as well as a solution that needs your help to succeed.


I briefly wrote last year about a “living cloud of shadows” surrounding this planet, populated by energy parasites.

These parasitic beings have chosen to experiment with the illusions of separation, fear, darkness, isolation, conquering, enslavement, pain, suffering, torture, etc. to the strongest degree possible.

In doing so, they have completely cut themselves off from the nourishing Light of Being that supports life in the universe. 

The result is that they must energetically nourish themselves by feeding on low-frequency energies that resonate with their chosen mode of expression.

These beings call themselves “Archons” which means “Rulers” or “Lords” because they see themselves as the rulers and enslavers of humanity. 

(The ancient Gnostics first gave them this title in their writings based on direct psychic experiences with these beings.)  

While these unseen being’s clever enslavement and manipulation of humanity has been quite successful up until now, I will NEVER address them as my ruler or superior in any way, just like I wouldn’t consider physical, intestinal parasites as my superior even though they might cause me physical discomfort until I remove them from my body.

Our thoughts have power – much more than we often realize. Words and titles have power because they frame our thoughts into a certain set of beliefs without us even realizing it.

Calling a “royal” human “Your Highness” automatically places them above you in your mind. Calling a judge “Your Honor” achieves the same thing. 

Therefore it very is important that when you think about these energy parasites, that you NEVER call them “Archon” because you will be literally handing them your power and energy by doing so.

I prefer to call them Ankle Biters. This lets them know exactly what I think of them, which is that they are lowly parasites, an infection of consciousness that will be purged from my system through proper use of my will via energetic clearing and transmutation.

This also serves to really make them angry which exposes them and makes them easier to deal with. 

In spite of their self-proclaimed status as “Rulers” of humanity, they hide like little worms in the shadows of our minds, sending impulses of low-frequency emotion and thought to our ego and emotional bodies in order to elicit a low-frequency emotional energy that they can consume. 

Because they love to hide, they need to be “flushed out” into the open in order to be dealt with, so a healthy dose of disrespect and a little arrogance are necessary ingredients when confronting these parasites.

Read: Soul-Catching Net: We Are “Recycled” at Death to Remain in the Matrix

A Little Back Story

Once upon a time, on this very planet in the far distant past, human beings were infinitely more impressive than we are today. We were fully telepathic, multi-dimensional beings that could simultaneously perceive and navigate many dimensions at once. 

We built vast cities with technology that worked in harmony with Earth’s energetic fields. We were in full alignment with our Divine Inner Self while expressing ourselves in physicality in a wide variety of life-affirming ways.

This unlimited expression of Divine Selfhood was viewed by the ankle biters as a threat to their very existence, because the 3rd density has been dominated by them for a very long time on other worlds.

To have a 3rd density world be completely free from their manipulations and feeding was something that they could not allow without a fight. 

The problem for them was that Earth humans were so powerful we could literally brush them off with a thought.

These beings only have power over others who they have manipulated and put into fear. A fully aware human who knows their Inner Divine Self cannot be dominated by these parasitic beings in any way. The ankle biters will simply be metaphorically spanked for misbehaving and sent away.

However, these ankle biters are possibly the most clever manipulators in the universe, simply because ALL they know is manipulation and deceit.  Practice makes perfect, after all. 

They studied these immensely powerful humans, lusting after the power and energy that they could drain from them if only they could figure out a way to manipulate, conquer and enslave them. 

They devised a plan to very carefully manipulate a few humans in positions of power into making an innocent mistake with terrible, cataclysmic repercussions. These humans were experimenting with new methods of harnessing and transmitting energy in vast quantities. 

The experiments were unprecedented and very ambitious — too ambitious because the ankle biters were secretly influencing some of these humans through their ego mind to push the envelope of what was thought to be possible.

When an advanced phase of testing at the north pole of the planet went disastrously wrong, this large, extremely powerful device exploded with such force that it caused tremendous cataclysms on the planet, rapidly melting huge swaths of ice and creating a flood that destroyed nearly every coastal area on the planet within a day. 

The vast amount of death and destruction was unimaginable, and only a remnant of the many billions of humans survived.  Heavily traumatized, grief stricken at the loss of their loved ones and focused only on physical survival, they fled to safe locations to try and rebuild their once great civilization. 

This story sounds much like what we know of as the “Fall of Atlantis” but it actually occurred long prior to the civilization of Atlantis, even though it too perished in a similar manner many centuries later.

The incredible trauma of this experience caused a loss of perception in the survivors, making them less aware of the other dimensions that are always mingling with 3rd density. They simply couldn’t take the time to focus on any other density but this one, because their physical survival depended on being fully focused on the physical realm. 

At the same time, the human’s deep emotional pain, grief and wounding gave the ankle biters a tremendous amount of low-frequency energy that they could consume, allowing them to feast on the suffering of the surviving humans and grow more powerful.

The ankle biters found that as long as they stayed carefully hidden that they could send a small thought-form into the minds of the traumatized humans reminding them of all that they had lost. This would create a cascade of painful thoughts and emotions in the person that would generate more energetic food for the ankle biters. 

As each subsequent generation of humanity was born, the ankle biters became more bold and instituted a program of direct interference into human consciousness. They subliminally programmed humans to be blind to their presence, allowing them to more directly influence a person’s thoughts.

They also programmed human consciousness to recoil away from any mention of the ankle biters or their dark influence over humans, so that when confronted with such information, a person’s immediate response will be disbelief, ridicule and mockery.

Finally, in their most brilliantly sinister move, they reprogrammed the human ego to resemble their own ego, and encouraged the ego consciousness to dominate all other levels of our being. 

They essentially reprogrammed humans to be like them: fearful, jealous, petty, dishonest, brutal, enslaving, murderous, unforgiving, punishing, etc. This insured that humans would be easy to manage as an energetic food source for thousands and thousands of years. 

These layers of programming have been in place in the human thought system ever since, perpetuating the discordant misadventures that we know as human history.

Read: The Anunnaki, Mankind's Enslavement and the Afterlife Deception

The Dark Control Grid


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  • ~For fu#@s sake, Omego... simmer down! Call me old school, but is this how you address women in your daily affairs? Do you hear yourself? It's pathetic!... the only thing that's obvious to all readers on this thread is how much you relish the role of petty tyrant. Like a child throwing a tantrum, you work yourself into a tizzy when anyone has the audacity to disagree with the 'Commander'... while forgetting that no one on ACC recognizes your self appointed authority. 

    If nothing else, Drekx should be thanked for perfectly illustrating the shadows of what someone acts like while under the heavy influence of the Archontic infection. Thankfully there's a cure for that... in the meantime, Omego, take your abusive B.S. elsewhere... you shame no one but yourself!


  • drexy - drexy - drexy...............did you take your medicine ?

  • could you tell me again how you are neutral and ´free of attachments to restrictive energies...´´

    I do recall you starting this drama yesterday by de-friending sky and Pemba because sky told you to idea which keeps sounding better...

  • Drexy not so nice anymore. Didnt last long , huh ? What a bloke you are...........

    • Must say that gave me a good laugh...

  • The problem with our shadow is that it enjoys pain and repeats and creates painful situations. Notice when we make hurtful remarks or de-friend someone or create drama we feel clever and enjoy it.  The more nasty and personal the hurtful remark the better we feel.  Notice this feeling at the moment,  just be aware of it and see how we enjoy hurting others. Once you observe this then it will begin to dissolve if we don´t feed it by being an asshole once again..  It isn´t about control,...control is a wack a mole game,,,if you control one area then it will morph and pop up in another place.  Simply shift into the sacred neutral of the witness and observe this.  We will see a whole structure of repetitive patterns of fear, trauma,   humiliation, divisiveness,  emotional manipulation, domination and control, feelings of lack..  This can either be turned outward to cause pain to  others or turned inward to cause pain to ourselves.  This is our inner violence and it is important to  integrate this for it keeps pulling us out of alignment with our true Self. It is simply a bunch of negative energy loops and they will weaken and then dissolve when we stop giving them energy.  This is what is called the shadow, the pain-body, the inner matrix, the inner archon, etc.  This also takes away our free will and limits our thinking for we  repeat defeating patterns.  This is why the world is such a mess today for we relate to each other in hurtful ways based in a mentality of lack.  Everyone has their own style of this it can either be very dense and violent  or only annoying drama.,,,all we need is awareness and then not to do it. 

    There is an up side to this, actually there are is a direct path out of the matrix, both internal and external, we can use this system to create positive energy loops or learn how not to create any loops or repetitive patterns, we get a deeper understanding of free will and  we can see what happens when we create something and don´t take responsibility for it and it gets loose and multiplies.   Once we see all this clearly we get a deeper understanding how everything is an inter-connected whole all working together..  You can even see these as the gatekeepers to the next level, for only by passing through this obstacle course can we remain stable and centered in the heart.  Clearing this cleans the lower clears karma and kamic imprints.   Clearing this also improves ones health for most disease is created from these patterns. Call it anything you like,,,whatever helps you to see it better.

    • Incorrect I did not defriend her because I "enjoyed" doing so I did it because I prefer HONESTY...she is no friend of mine, as she has proven in remarks, noticed recently and culminating in her recent counter-productive comment........I helped her when she was attacked by Luke and I will not help her again....Thus I act without sentiment....pure and simple...all water off the duck's back.....Loyalty, honesty, of attachments to restrictive energies...

      • This was a general comment, not directed to you.....but...if it fits, feel free to wear it.  I think honesty might have been the was too honest in her comments. Anyhow, it was true,,,you need to chill.

        The funny thing that I´ve noticed is that folks are so deeply identified with their pain body that they will fight to the death to defend their pain body,,,,yeppa, they will fight to defend  a mentality of lack and self defeating patterns.  It´s a funny world indeed. 

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      • Pemba upset Lisa, yesterday.....I note these things and take suitable actions...I'm loyal to those I love...

        • blame Lisa!!!....what a weasel...

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