Never Let it Rest

KeepMoving_640px.jpg?width=639Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm


Growth and evolution are constant, and we’re always moving forward. Our minds and hearts are being continually activated in preparation for our collective entrance into a higher vibration, and even when we reach that vibration, we’ll continue excelling. From the fifth dimension, we’ll continue to learn and grow until we re-reach Source.


The realms between us and Source are practically endless, and apparently, even when we attain undistorted Christ consciousness we might drop our vibration again just for the sheer joy of ascending. Our craving to grow will actually cause us to purposely regress our growth just so we can experience it again!


Does that give you an idea of our constant desire to expand?


I’m sure there are a lot of seekers out there who feel as if they aren’t achieving much, but every one of us is contributing something positive by sustaining our vibration here on earth. I know I’ve said this a lot, but our very presence here is miraculous and is causing myriad positive affects in the collective consciousness, one of which is the rapid awakening millions of others have experienced.


Because of the existence of awakening seekers who are subconsciously anchoring a higher vibration, the entire planet will be able to awaken in due time. We’re doing an immense amount of work in the higher realms when our bodies lay sleeping, and even when we’re awake, we’re doing a lot.


My goal in writing this is to help every seeker out there know that they never stand still. We’re encouraged to stay active in pursuit of spirit and service, but on our worst days, we should know that we’ve done a lot of good things already. Our presence here has helped others realize the spiritual nature of reality, and I think we should be proud of this.


We should be happy that our presence on the earth is making such a monumental mark, and we’re blessed to play the role of awakening the collective in a place that’s been a hub for darkness and suffering. By our very nature and the vibration we carry, we’re incredibly valuable to the planetary evolution.


I know there’ll be at least a few recluses out there who read these words but don’t comment or make themselves known to the conscious community. A brimming community of fellow seekers awaits them who’ll accept them with open arms, and this article is intended to reach them and remind them that they’re valuable to humanity’s evolution.


Individually, we’re each moving in accordance with the growth rate we’ve set for ourselves, but if we were to come together and utilize our collective power, we’d be able to accelerate our growth rate and move mountains – literally and figuratively.


We have far more collective power than we give ourselves credit for, and I think it’s essential that we recognize this power and start using it for our greater good. We have a lot of changes to make, and the division of man is very unfortunate given how quickly we could change the planet if we came together.


Coming together should be one of the biggest items on our agenda, in my opinion, because we can’t make the progress we really want to make if we remain divided. Division will forever hold us back from our greater potential, and we no longer have to follow the doctrine of separation and stop ourselves from making change.


Since we’re constantly growing; constantly moving, we can recognize that we no longer have to let obvious distortions like division stop us from acting on our greater potential and building a utopian society that can eventually branch out and greet the brimming life beyond the earth.


We’re destined for greatness, and even when we unintentionally impede our growth, we resume moving up from whatever vibration we drop down to.


No matter what happens, we’re always moving forward and always encouraged to come together in the name of love, unity, and a harmonious future that’s built with the active effort of every seeker who understands the necessity of the changes that need made.


Our vibration is always rising, and as long as we make a continuous effort to seek spirit and unite with the seekers around us, we’ll re-reach heaven in no time. In all honesty, we have nothing to worry about in regards to our evolution or the progress we’re making.


We’re encouraged to enjoy ourselves and the results of our endless climb into a higher state of consciousness, and when we feel as if we aren’t contributing enough, we can keep in mind that we’re doing more than we realize.


We’re delivering endless, exuberant energy to the hearts of the people around us, and our missions are nothing if not noble and necessary. It’s been said that the evolution of the earth will enable various other parts of the cosmos to evolve, so in a sense, we’re helping people evolve on planets we’ve never heard of with our efforts here.


Isn’t that mind-boggling?


Try to imagine that we’re affecting the universe as a whole with the things we do right now, because this is what our role as light bearers and ascension assistors entails. We’re here to help the earth, but our actions here will invariably affect numerous other planets and star systems that are also ready to evolve.


Let’s appreciate our existence on this planet and always keep our value in mind, because our missions will require confidence and faith – in ourselves and the divine. Let’s never forget that we’re constantly evolving, especially when we feel like we’re at a standstill, and remain rooted in the light as we connect with the conscious community around us.


I look forward to continuing to be a part of this blossoming revolution of consciousness, and I feel blessed to play the role of the messenger who lets spirit speak through him.


Wes Annac – Recognizing the common seeker’s value.


I’m a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.

The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.

I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia,, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Aquarius Paradigm), and Twitter.


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