I have heard many comments about NESARA and its slowly coming in for us...the Abundance program...i hope soon soon this year!! You can see here china agreeing!!
I have also heard/read comments on facebook that people say... when the change happens of the New currency that the world is going to go on a major crisis and panic and that we should store food and water?? do u guys think its going to be that bad??
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Hi Ali,
I understand your concerns and thought that I could give an overview of my thought processes the last couple of months which may bring some comfort and clarity....
I had been reading about impending natural disasters, social disasters etc etc for a number of years and was becoming quite concerned with what may come especially as I have three children. I would shift from a fear space to a space of what will be will be as I had already contracted to experience whatever may come my way, therefore it was out of my hands!!!
Then after considering everything to do with 'YOUR THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR REALITY' I fell into deeper fear of what may come as I was constantly worried for myself and my children.
However, after speaking with a family member who had gone through the earthquakes in Christchurch my opinions started to change. He told me when he bought his land he had check all plans and surveys and NO earthquake fault was listed....these fault lines causing the earhquakes were new. Which led me to think even after careful planning to ensure safety a greater force was at work, therefore how do you plan for that!! So, whatever will be will be kicked in again. My mind was in turmoil and I thought if I did organise provisions then I would be buying into the 'disaster scenario' and create that, I became lost in a sea of conflicting thoughts and emotions.
Then I considered the time I had spent in the Noth West of Western Australia which is prone to cyclones and recalled the three I have 'lived' through as well as the earthquakes. We were told to keep provisions for three days - water, food, batteries, torch, candles, radio etc. Living in the city now I had not bothered to keep these on hand and up to date as I was 'safe' here. So, rather than do nothing I decided to be a good girl scout and 'be prepared'!
Initially my children thought I was crazy buying water and canned goods (we normally eat fresh and cook up big batches to freeze) but then my daughter said to me "you know what Mum, I would have been really angry and upset with you if you hadn't done this as you know things and can do something to prepare and help other people". I included them to help take away the fear and we discussed how we could help our community if something were to occur. I looked on the Red Cross website and they have plenty of useful info and suggest talking about these things so the shock is not so great and people can cope better.
I have done this and it is the best thing I could possibly have done as it has freed up my mind and my heart to focus on the future I want to create, full of Love, Peace and Harmony. I have laid to rest the fear of 'what if' and am better able to focus on the now. We pray everyday at meal time and each list what we are grateful for, which brings us into the now moment. I am content to cook the meals, wash the dishes and do the washing etc etc as it gives me the opportunity to be present with myself. Chores I hated before. Now much as I don't imagine that I will miss these chores once we have Ascended I am willing to appeciate them and everything else while it lasts!!
Hope this has been of some help.
Joy, Love and Blessings
their is a future beyond this NESARA system, and guess who is gonna "dictate" that, hehehe, we are here for a reason you know, hehehe, beyond the current reasons we already know, I mean, most of us, I'd assume
when they say we are the creators, they actually aren't joking
are you asking if I know exactly what crises is going to happen and how? cause no, but its not hard to speculate and look at what options their are to such crises now after a good perusal of the information available to check out etc, then of course you would be able to know how to prepare for such specific situations, um, their are some posters here on this site that cover alot of this specific stuff in detail, and I'd rather you check out their detailed articles, as they are more the professionals on all this kind of advice
if you are really not sure what may come your way than take a look maybe at some of those blogs on future earthly activitys and such, their are a couple good ones, covering earthquakes and such etc
best advice is to continue to clear your system of all that past gunky dark stuff you got from all those past livings etc, so your, well ready to move forward when the time comes etc, and time will accelerate quite a bit, which is why you'd want to have yourself kinda all cleaned up and ready to go etc
also, my main basic advice is, find some good people you know, and stick with them, you will help eachother out alot through all this, I mean those who maybe can even dig some of the stuff on this site, as I'd assume you must be quite into all these things yourself etc
and make sure to just keep working on confronting and working through all those fears and stuff, it helps alot
cheers, hang in their
...when i hear about a global currency, i believe it is the final step in establishing a NWO....
so, Nesara = NWO in my view...