Christianity and Kabbalah

All the truely dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabbalah and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-wbcross.jpgMartin, and others, is borrowed from Kabbalah, all the Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and their symbols.
-Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike 33° Morals and Dogma,

The Mark of Cain
The Cross of Kabbalah
The 33 paths of Kabbalah

sefiroth2.jpgThe Serpents Fruit
Some Leading Lights...


Jesus beheld Satan as lightning falling from heaven, but he himself returns as lightning from the east to the west. Both references are for the Kabbalah. Notice that the spirit of Elijah "must reconcile the Fathers and the Sons, LEST I STRIKE THE EARTH WITH A CURSE." Elijah can also bring fire down to Earth, like the false prophet.


The Flaming Sword / Lightning Flash is the Covering Cherub Lucifer. Why would Lucifer willingly destroy his own people? This is another riddle. King Arthur is Jesus, the King of Edessa, returning to claim his crown. The New Testament Scriptures are largely based on the Jewish Turncoat Flavius Josephus who was trying to catch Jesus of Gamala, leader of the Jewish rebellion against Rome.

Do we really have a choice? Jesus said the only sign we would get is the sign of Jonah, who was a backslider on his way to TARSUS = Saul of Tarsus. He was in the whale 3 days, like the 2 witnesses Moses and Elijah are dead for 3 days, and warns Nineveh of the coming destruction. Nineveh repents and the destruction is averted. Jesus also said that Nineveh would rise up in judgment onto this generation, for the killing of the prophets comes onto it.

In the Return of the Messiah the following happens.

1. Rejection of many for not knowing them. (The devoted will seek out who Jesus really was.)

2. Rejection of many for lawlessness. (Keep the Torah, Keep the Commandments.)

3. The goats go into eternal damnation on the left hand, the righteous into everlasting righteousness: The criteria for this is "I was hungry, and you did not feed me. I was homeless and you did not take me in." So the people who help others will be saved, but those conspired to slave humanity will be damned.

The Apostle Paul was a FRAUD. Does it seem reasonable for Jesus to return in a cloud? The rider of the Clouds is a reference to the Serpent, and Paul had a thorn of satan in his flesh that people received as Jesus Christ. "The temptation in my flesh, you did not reject or despise, but received as an Angel, even as Jesus Christ." The morning star, as in Lucifer?

Acts 9:18 "Scales fell from his eyes, he rose and was baptized." Rev 18 fall of Babylon, Rev 9 the destroyer. Job 41:15 "His scales are his pride." Job 41:4 "Will he make a covenant with you? Will you take him as a servant (of christ) forever?" The Chain of Rev 20, binds him for 1000 years. Perhaps exposing and defeating Paul as the Antichrist is the Key to getting our messianic reign. Jesus became the curse, the serpent, 666, etc

Jesus Christ - Rider of the Clouds = The Seven Headed Serpent who deceived the whole world!

"JESUS IS YAM/BAAL/LEVIATHAN/SATAN/ENKI/DRAGON/DEVIL/SEA SERPENT/ RIDER OF THE CLOUDS etc., the "trickster god" who wanted to take over heaven in sumerian texts. Hes the god of the illuminati."

The 666 is the Carbon Atom, without which there cannot be life. The as above so below, planets orbit stars in the same manner.

I like this video about Egypt and Akhenaten, except I feel the One God is deeper then sun worship, or the Atenist Kabbalah, or the Money Matrix.

Jews and Phoenicians:

Jesus the Phoenician -

Jesus the Emerald UFO Commander:

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  • im confused whose world>?

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  • Worlds are like countries. They´re born, they die - get used to it or die tryin´.......

  • The Bible is politics and so are commandments. New Commandment. THOU SHALT NOT TELL PEOPLE THAT THEY NEED ANOTHER JESUS ´OR THE WORLD WILL END´.

  • The mind can be sent spinning around and around by religion.....It really does distract chelas from discovering the self, through choosing the art of self-realisation....Fretting about the end of the world and fearing death, an antichrist and hell, is a big cause for slow progress in spiritual evolution...Each human being needs to start anew, afresh...clear the mind of all cultural and religious conditioning...And find the truth...It is in each of us....The bible is an old heavily censored and incorrectly translated series of texts, pieced together, from several authors, dating back millennia....To find truth is far simpler and better...Go within...Be guided by your true selves and not a bible...

    The antichrist energy is passed for this epoch....It was focussed upon the surface earth between 1914 and 1945....Now it is gone.......Let us please cease this irrational fear of the bogeyman......He died in 1945.

    • Agreed we are the gods and goddesses that creator made us to be didn't the Christian bible state that if they ate from the tree we will be as gods to know sickness pain and death so in that passage alone. It's stated what we were created for..... I want to live life not dwell on th bad breath hellfire that I don't believe .   I believe we ate truly born and when our spirits leave this body until thin enjoy.....

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