What will happen in FALL 2016?
Dr. Angela Barnett
Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse
Crystal Magic

There has been rumors of a complete Economic Collapse in 2016. Well the old system will collapse and new economy that is based on the Freedom Principle and World Peace will be initiated.
The world powers - U.S., China and Russia will announce a plan for world peace. They will initiate a plan that will begin with them and will be rapidly followed by all other nations.
The beginning of the plan will be to allow equal economic levels to all on a global level and then gradually move into the understanding of individual manifestation and finally into free energy which allows complete freedom for all to spend their lives in continuous manifestation.
The consciousness of those who have chosen to become their true selves who are the image of God and the Ecstasy and Bliss who create heaven on Earth will shift into this harmonious reality within the Ascension Earth template.
There will be infinite parallel realities including the old reality remaining the same.
Those who have moved completely into the Ecstasy of Oneness with their Higher Self will shift into a parallel reality where the individual manifestation becomes instantaneous and prepares the path for others to move into that parallel reality in the future.
The ability to move into the Free Source of Energy within the Earth's Grids already exists and is just waiting to be utilized by those who learn to shift into alignment with the Earth's Electromagnetic Fields within the Earth's crust and above the clouds. This is the alignment that gives access to the Infintie Resource of Energy that was introduced by Tesla. We will also learn to align with the original frequencies of our consciousness within the Earth's heart and align those frequencies into our hearts to create telecommunication with all in the universe.
Please understand that spaceships don't actually travel. Spaceships are the symbol of the removal of time and space. However, any being cannot and will not ever lower their frequencies into another's level or dimension. They must wait until we raise our frequencies into their dimension.
So, the space ships don't land. We must ascend to the dimension of their reality.
The perfect dimensional frequency of multi dimensional consciousness of the individual who knows himself as the attunement with the Ecstasy of All that Is will be able to see and communicate with the spaceships because they are on the same frequency channel.
The beings who represent the 16 Stars who have been our Guardians for eons will begin communicating with a select few in government positions this year and next year to prepare for the announcement of world peace.
The agreement for world peace was REQUIRED before the entities on spaceships could begin creating their agreements with governments to begin a Galactic and Universal Peace Plan.
Please note that this does not mean that the world did not have open contacts with aliens before. What actually happened was the Beloved Guardian Covenant attempted to create this same Peace Treaty with the governments of Earth in 1930. The governments were tricked into signing agreements with the Draconians and Zeta Rigileans instead of with the Guardian Alliance. It has been the Consciousness of those Fallen Races who have been running our government since 1930 that will be leaving Earth forever in the Fall of 2016.
The free energy that is a part of the combination of the human consciousness with the Earth's consciousness will be reborn into our understanding by 2020. However, any one can access that understanding and ability now.
Those who apply themselves to the Mission of Interstellar Communication and Contact with various Civilizations of the Universe may want to joint the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse. We have been receiving training for 35 years to prepare our Consciousness for the Requirement of Initiating another Planet into the Interstellar Alliance.
The Initiations that we have gone through were outlined in the book, 12DNA through the Music of the Spheres and the Ascension Program from the diary of the Cosmic Twins. This book explains the types of initiations that we went through to obtain the understanding, the wisdom and the frequencies that are needed for future teaching. The Intersellar Contact has already begun with the channelings from Ramtha, Bashar, Mu from Lemuria,   Zaurak from Sirius B, Cinderella from Aquafaria, Shaninka, Markus and the Crystalai Council, Guardian Councils, the Sirian Maharaji, just to mention the groups that I am personally interacting with.
These communications have been to prepare us for our shift and now it is time to use everything that we learn to prepare the training for others who will go through this same shift. There will be thousands of interstellar race lines who will come to Earth for training after 2040. This will also be the time when many of us are invited upon other space ships to be taken to other Stars for Initial Contact with groups such as Barnard Star, Sirius, Essasanes and many others.


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  • Dear KeRa777

    Thank you so much for listening.

    Oceans of Gratitude


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