New Earth - Ten Signs that You Are Moving to New Earth

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There are currently two collective reality and more and more people are finding themselves breaking out of the old paradigm and looking for something else which at first they don't know exists, but it does. This is the New Earth, the place which mother earth is residing at, at a higher vibration and dimension than before. Here the old world cannot last for qualities of fear, control, disease, apathy, separation and powerlessness are all low frequency vibrations. On the new earth reality which is slowly disengaging from the old collective existence there is love, peace, unity, freedom, joy and powerful creator beings. We are these people and we are no longer allowing ourselves to be fooled and held back. We can all choose our place in this big ride. Will you journey to the New Earth or will you take your chance in the alternate reality of the old. Neither parties would even ever know teh other existed, once we get to a certain point we will split in two and our daily decisions determine our position within the dual realities as it stands.



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  • outstanding, and rings so true of higher vibes of krama cycles of love and compassion thru understanding the lower vibes  patterns. i.m.h.o.

    bless you all in joy

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