1. Teach people world wide how to filter water safely and naturally. Set up water filteration systems for the whole world using desalinisation techniques, rainwater filteration techniques, and creek and well water techniques.
2. Teach all people about and install safe toilets composting toilets, and sustainable composting sewer systems worldwide. As well as community showers to be cleansed daily with compostable reforestated runnoff areas.
3. Educate the masses about proper places and ways to deficate and urinate washing procedures and distribute large ammounts of compostable soaps. As well as educate the masses on soap making techniques and provide the proper materials and structures to create the soaps.
4. Teach the masses about safe food handling procedures. Cleanliness of kitchens and eating areas also preparation areas. Including setting up worldwide community kitchens with composting systems and compostable sewer systems.
5. Teach the masses about medicinal plants and herbs. Common identification names and properties. Set up sites world wide to grow medicine and gardens. As well as harvesting tools and storage areas for world medicine stock to be shared by all peoples.
6. Minimalize meat consumption and industrial chemical farming operations that compromise the lands health and well being. As well as teach the masses what is healthy to eat how much to eat and minimalize uncompostable food waste.
7. Switch all petroleum based plastics to compostable hemp and vegetable based plastics for food production. Switch all wood based cardboard over to hemp and 100 percent recycled cardboard for all food products.
8. Switch all power grids to run off solar wind and water generation. Outlaw and cease petrol and gas as well as nuclear power. Eventually replace power grid with 100 percent renewable safe energy grid.
9. All moneys obtained through obselete and outmoded industries must be immideately channeled into these types of projects. All the people who work in outmoded sectors must be re educated to transfer to one or more of these sectors of work. This must be done via the media and news industries.
10. All people must willingly comply and co operate with the changes that must be made or face removal fro the planet or relocation to a quarantined zone. Willing participants will not be relocated to a quarantined zone.
11. The off shore drilling and mineral harvesting must cease while we change over the modes of sea transportation. Oil harvesting will be severely regulated and eventually very rare as new technologies will replace most of this need.
12.All people will be given a choice to stay on Earth and contribute to this new paradigm or relocate to a more suitable place for soul growth and creation.
I am against forcing people to support any kind of project.
It was better to convince them. Try to allow different opinions.
Give people time to get to know new concepts.
Most people here on Earth never had a chance to fully unfold their full potential.
Especially the censoring of our media led to their limited world view.
Keep that in mind if you should really consider separating people based on their willingness to support certain projects.
Excellent idea.