
Brenda Hoffman
Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s June 30, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You’ve shifted more than you realize. Have you noticed times when you “fog out”, have unusual sleep patterns or dreams?

All and more are indicators of the depth of your shift. Some of you expect to wake up in a new dimension. Such is true of earth death but not of new earth. Your being will explore new skill sets comfortably while of earth.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” - her free, weekly, channeled blog for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “You’re Itching to Discover New Paths/Apps”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,

We will digress a bit for more of you are awakening and experiencing the “dark night of your soul.”

This period of extreme discomfort will not continue for years as was true for the first wave of Lightworkers. Your skills are far too important for you to gnash your teeth for long.

Those who moved into new earth energies before you, moved through their pain more slowly for they entered earth with more to process. Such is not true for you.

That is not to say you are less than them because you will not experience as much pain, but rather that those who processed before you did so to clear issues that followed them for eons. You either did not have as much to clear or opted not to clear as much in this lifetime.

Those now experiencing the first rays of joy most definitely served their time in the fear trenches. They cannot move through your pain for you. Your first steps into new earth are individualized and necessary.

You, in turn, are processing more deeply than those who follow you. And so it goes. As more switch on their light beacons, the cleansing process becomes shorter and less intense. Not because those who follow are better - they merely opted to clear less or do not have as much to clear.

Let us turn to today’s message for this is yet another week of shifting. Those of you comprehending the expansiveness of this shift understand that when there is a major celebration of joy on earth, earth and all entities residing on earth are nudged a bit closer to joy.

Such is the case this week for the United States is celebrating a joyous holiday - the 4th of July.

Perhaps you believe the opposite is also true. Floods, murders, earthquakes and similar occurrences increase anger and pain. That is certainly true for most directly involved.

But from a world perspective, such instances during this transition produce the opposite effect. The love created and shared during times of pain increase connections and love overall.

Those directly affected by nature and human disasters (as you label them) volunteered to be part of that experience as their new earth role. Most often, those who are part of natural and human disasters do not wish to participate in any other new earth role.

They opted to move through their fear and pain in one incident rather than many as those of you just awakening and those who moved through the dark night of their soul have or will do.

This is not to belittle the sacrifice of those affected by natural or human disasters, but to help you understand that the pain publicized by your media is part of this transition.

You are not alone in your pain. And your pain is not an ongoing process, but instead a short-term effect to help you better accept joy and love.

Perhaps our concepts seem counter-intuitive for why should anyone suffer if this is the New Age? You all accepted the New Age/new earth. Many of you have already moved accordingly to a place of joy.

Those helping you make that transition, volunteered to expedite it - and their own processes - by being part of a disaster in whatever form.

No one is killed or harmed without their permission. So it is that those harmed or killed have been so with their full consent - conscious or unconscious. It is likely that this concept does not seem logical to those of you who wish to remain on earth or do not wish to suffer physical harm.

Many of you are starting your journey through the dark night of your soul. Would you consciously volunteer to do so if there were some way to avoid the process?

This transition is about clearing and shifting to an earth alive with joy and love.

Many of you are shaking your heads declaring that all want to skip from fear to joy without experiencing pain.

Such is not the case. Not because it is not possible, but because this transition was not set up that way.

If those who volunteered to be of earth during this transition would have been new to earth with no prior earth experience, a transition would not have been necessary.

But most of you who volunteered to move earth from fear to joy did so with the full understanding that you could clear many issues in a short period - issues that once required ten or more lifetimes - in this lifetime.

Of course the pain seems almost insurmountable when you are in the midst of your fear and chaos. Is that not understandable given how much you cleared in a few years (those who cleared before this time) or a few months or even weeks for those who are doing so now?

The phrase, “Your dark night of the soul” needs to be shifted for those of you now in personal crisis to “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” For that is what you are now experiencing - a dark night RIGHT before the dawn.

Do not fear. You will not live in pain throughout this life on earth. This pain, this fear is a blip on your earth life screen in this lifetime. It will be a new and better day tomorrow as those who have passed through their dark night can attest.

We will address one other point before we close. Some opted not to shift to new earth in this lifetime. They will experience a great deal of pain once earth and its entities are comfortable in the New Age.

But if you are reading these materials or are drawn to spiritual recordings or meetings of any type, you are merely in your dark night of the soul for a few weeks or perhaps a few months. Even though it may seem as if your situation is hopeless, it is short-lived.

You are a Lightworker who must shine your light - which is not possible if you are enmeshed in pain and fear. So be it. Amen.

http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the - Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail - line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:
Source: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

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