1. This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. For several decades there was so little evidence that Earth’s very life was being saved that no one had any idea something that momentous and unprecedented was underway. The first decade of this millennium, however, was filled with occurrences that motivated thinking people to start connecting the dots, so to say, and by now the signs that significant changes are afoot are unmistakable..GOOD POINT

2. Stock markets’ two wild weeks is because the Illuminati no longer can control them, one means whereby they have amassed unimaginable fortunes. Their manipulations still have some impact on transactions as prices rebound in one country or another before plunging, then rising again, but it won’t be long before their former stranglehold is removed totally and a new basis for banking and commerce can begin operating........GOOD POINT

3. The exposure of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire’s influence in government circles and underhanded methods of obtaining information will lead to breaking the back of this kind of mass mind programming. Through lies, distortions and strategic omissions in mainstream media reporting, the Illuminati have been publishing or airing only the information they want you to know and think about—they, just as you, know the power of thoughts......GOOD POINT

4. The plight of millions of Somalis who are on the verge of starvation has been forcibly brought to the world’s attention by light-filled individuals. Other lightworkers are assisting the refugee population, but governments that could alleviate this unconsconably grave situation are bogged down in bureaucracy or corruption and pledges of aid are not being honoured.......???...

5. Rioting and large scale destruction in London and other cities in England is likely to spread as deep-seated anger and discouragement about conditions that are making the poor poorer so the rich can become richer. While looting and burning doesn’t touch the root of the problem, without the means to take necessary corrective measures, the participants are using available methods to express desperate feelings about their lives and future.....GOOD POINT

6. It is that same desperation that led to the fierce battles in countries where dynastic or despotic regimes have long oppressed the peoples. The difference is, the freedom fighters have a semblance of organization, weapons, and official recognition from some other countries; and they are willing to give their lives to change intolerable conditions they no longer can abide....GOOD POINT

7. Recently the United States held the world’s attention as the members of Congress bickered until the eleventh hour about raising the debt ceiling, and now they are in recess instead of resolving the country’s critical problems. This government is beset with unyieldingly-partisan politicians who seem to be focusing on ideological differences instead of working in the country’s best interests; that they are, but many also are acting out of self-interest and egotism....GOOD POINT

8. As disparate as those situations may appear to be, they are closely related—all are prime examples of the duality in humankind. One side wants to maintain all systems and policies that are their power base, the other side wants changes to uplift their lives and offer a brighter future for their children. Duality prevents individuals from seeing a situation from others’ perspective, so instead of reasonable, rational discussion that results in a sensible conclusion to benefit everyone, blind stubbornness prevails.....GOOD POINT

9. Another aspect of duality is blaming others for unsatisfactory circumstances instead of accepting responsibility for contributing to them and taking determined steps toward prudent, positive changes. People in the United States and other countries who are blaming President Barack Obama for the economic unrest in his country that affects other nations too aren’t recognizing that his essence is not of duality, but of unity. While most leaders who speak about wanting to unify opposing blocs within their countries mean everyone accepting whatever the leaders themselves want, President Obama’s vision and leadership is to unify hearts and minds to achieve harmonious cooperation for the betterment of all.....???

10. It is far easier to choose or accept in pre-birth agreements a mission of major importance than it is to carry it out once in third density, where darkness abounds. President Obama has been up against the darkest of the dark ones ever since he took office, and even though his light has not diminished one iota, the stress of relentless opposition to what he wants to accomplish for Earth and all of peoples has noticeably taken its toll.....???

11. Although some members in this government and other country’s governing bodies also have retained their light, they too are swimming against the formidable tide of the Illuminati and those they control through bribery, blackmail or death threats. The momentum of the light is turning that pernicious tide, and both the dark backlash and the many souls who still are unaware of Earth’s ascension are causing confusion and upheavals....???

12. When the populace can’t understand what is going on, they rely on political and financial analysts to make sense of it, and those “experts” unwittingly are adding to the confusion because they don’t know either why things are happening as they are. They can only base their various diagnoses and projections on the past, and history will not be repeating itself—the long era of duality has served its karmic purpose in your world and is coming to an end. What you are seeing is its last gasp, with “good” reaching best and “bad” reaching worst, and as Earth continues her journey into higher planes of vibrations, those extremes will be reconciled by the light, wherein there is balance....GOOD POINT

13. We have alerted you that there would be bumps in the road in these last stages of world transformation as everything based in darkness is brought to light, as systems immersed in corruption and deception fall irremediably and new systems devised by individuals with wisdom and spiritual and moral integrity are instituted. Also we have told you that the Illuminati have managed to keep hidden the truths that let them become so powerful, and this has prevented disclosing those truths and initiating reforms slowly so people can more easily assimilate them. The multitude of revelations and profound changes that will be emerging before Earth enters fourth density at the end of your year 2012 means that bumps are going to come faster than many people can easily handle....GOOD POINT

14. You can! Along with experience in overcoming obstacles in this lifetime, your innate wisdom and the readiness spiritually, emotionally and psychically of collective lifetimes have prepared you to successfully manage whatever upheavals you may encounter. The many who still have not awakened don’t know that they also have this fortification, perhaps to a lesser extent than you, but they wouldn’t be on Earth if they were not equipped to handle adversity—helping to triumph over adversity is why they chose to be there! But in their slumbering state, they are letting their intuition lie dormant too, and they won’t understand that the disclosures and reforms that will be coming rapidly are final steps leading to Earth’s Golden Age, and they will be fearful. Fear is what will make their road bumpy, but they won’t understand that either....GOOD POINT

15. When the highest universal council planned the Golden Age, it was anticipated that some souls that clamoured to embody during the transitional period would succumb to third density limitations and forget their eagerness to be a part of it. Primarily the forgetful souls are those who wanted to complete third density karma so they could evolve with the planet into fourth density, if not physically, then in Nirvana, your spirit world that is ascending along with Earth. Knowing of that possibility, the council wisely included in the plan many volunteers from spiritually and intellectually advanced civilizations to be the vanguard and help the forgetful souls to the extent they are receptive....GOOD POINT

16. Your foremost assistance as lightworkers is to lessen fear, so do not hide your light under a bushel, so to say, but let it shine brilliantly. The energy of your calmness and confidence will emanate to those nearby and help them in that respect. Sharing your knowledge with whoever is willing to listen is important as well. Some will ponder it, those on the verge of awakening will embrace it, and others will react negatively, as close-minded persons do rather than consider that new information may be valid....GOOD POINT

17. Individuals whose rigid beliefs are founded on false religious dogma and flawed science will be the most resistant—their beliefs are the very foundation of their lives or their livelihoods. And when the facts about “9/11” and the reasons for wars in Afghanistan and Iran—ALL wars!—are revealed, families and friends of all who died may be disbelievers because knowing why their loved ones died could be overwhelming. All of these people need compassion and understanding—they will be able to accept the truth after they transition to Nirvana....GOOD POINT

18. Please do not feel sad if persons dearest to you are among the non-receptive. Spiritual evolvement comes at a pace that is as unique as each soul itself is—when the time is right for your beloved people to have conscious awareness of universal knowledge and grow spiritually, they will.....GOOD POINT

19. The more evolved a soul is, the more inspired it is to help others evolve, and by doing so, it also keeps growing. The unified purpose of some civilizations in higher densities is beaming their intense light to lower-density populations to help them progress, and some of you came from those civilizations specifically to radiate your light to benefit less evolved souls on Earth....GOOD POINT

20. While lightworkers with many lifetimes of experience in vital fields are in positions of influence, most of you are fulfilling your missions to simply BE the light you ARE. Let your life exemplify the peacefulness inherent in trusting your inner voice’s assurance that the Golden Age is on the near horizon, and in the continuum that Earth is fast approaching, you already are joyously living in that love-filled world. What a thrilling time to be on Earth!....GOOD POINT

21. Now we shall address other issues being questioned, and for the many newcomers to these messages, we are happy to include brief comments on topics previously covered. [For more extensive information on topics of interest to you, use the index or type key words in the search feature at the top of “Matthew’s Messages” on, or scroll down the page to see the main topics under each message date.].....GOOD POINT

22. Serious unrest in the world will ease as the planet continues its course into higher energy planes, where the light is so intense that persons with dark proclivity cannot physically survive—the ones who are responsible for massive suffering no longer will be on Earth....GOOD POINT

23. Not only national economies, but the global economy is headed toward collapse; honourable individuals will take the helm and keep disruption to a minimum.....GOOD POINT

24. Governments are not going to confiscate individuals’ gold—it is the multi-trillions of dollars in gold illegally accumulated by the Illuminati that will change hands....GOOD POINT.

25. It isn’t within our province to give financial advice, as many of you have requested, but we can say that it is sensible to have some cash on hand as well as the kinds of supplies you would need in case of a power outage....GOOD POINT

26. During the months ahead, all unjust laws will be stricken and proposed laws with dark intent will not go into effect....GOOD POINT

27. No mysterious Planet X or any other celestial body is going to collide with Earth or come close enough to have any effect, and the photon belt is so far distant from your planet that its meanderings are inconsequential....GOOD POINT

28. The bombing and massacre in Norway was not a “false flag.” The perpetrator is an example of what we said about “bad” in humankind being its worst....GOOD POINT

29. The Illuminati’s long-time suppression of free energy developments will end within months and so will their use of HAARP to the detriment of humankind and the planet....GOOD POINT

30. Current wireless communication instruments that are harmful to brains will not operate in higher vibratory planes, and harmless instruments with the same capabilities and more will become available...GOOD POINT

31. The elimination of pollutants in your soil, water and atmosphere will include depleted uranium and radioactive nuclear waste. Nuclear facilities will be dismantled....GOOD POINT

32. All warring will end incrementally and troops in foreign countries, whether in combat, occupation forces or simply because military bases exist, will return to their own countries....GOOD POINT

33. Unemployment and poverty will cease being of concern when money and the planet’s natural resources are fairly distributed; doing so is a paramount goal of the light beings who lead the way into Earth’s Golden Age....GOOD POINT

34. Animals in the food chain agree to this at soul level, and the brutality they now are subjected to in life and death will change to kindly treatment and gratitude for their service to humans. All animals will be honoured and respected as the souls they are....GOOD POINT

35. Neither light absorption nor life in the Golden Age requires a vegan diet; however, as you move into lighter density planes, your bodies will become correspondingly lighter and many no longer will find animal flesh palatable....???

36. If we knew when our universal family will land en masse, it would be a grand delight to tell you! We cannot give a specific date for that or any other major event because of all the variables involved, most notably free will choices, that can change a time projection in the twinkling of an eye....GOOD POINT

37. Fourth density is not a single “condition” or soul evolvement station separated from third density by an immutable barrier—no density is. Everything in this universe is energy ebbing and flowing, or more scientifically, expanding and contracting, and energy has no confined compartments. Densities have been numbered only for your understanding that as souls progress, they move forward to vibratory levels that offer new opportunities to learn and evolve, and each density holds many such levels. Furthermore, a fourth density soul can regress to third or lower, depending on the lifetimes of its personages. [“The Cumulative Soul” chapter in Revelations for a New Era comprehensively explains a soul’s many personages.]...GOOD POINT

38. Third density is especially arduous experiencing because it encompasses so many levels, and the difference between its lowest and the first level of fourth density is as dramatic as night and day. The evolutionary process from third to fourth could be likened to countless similar objects—let us say dominoes for your picturing—some at the foot of a mountain and others climbing it. Observing closer in, you can see that not only are the dominoes moving at different speeds, but some are going straight up, others keep moving a tad to the left then the right as they climb, and some are falling behind the dominoes they used to be in front of....GOOD POINT

39. Using that analogy, when this era of spiritual renewal and world transformation started some seventy years ago, the vast majority of Earth’s residents was huddled at the bottom of the mountain. Since then, many have done so much side-stepping that they’re barely halfway up, some souls have fallen so far behind that they can only see the mountain in the distance, and many others have climbed so fast and steadily that they’ve almost reached the mountain peak—and to this last group, we say, “Hooray for you!...GOOD POINT”

40. You will be able to communicate telepathically in the Golden Age, but speaking aloud still will be important and pleasurable. When telepathic conversations are commonplace again, you will be able to communicate telepathically with people whose languages are different because a translation process is an inherent aspect of telepathy....GOOD POINT

41. Karma is not necessarily different for each lifetime. At the evolvement level where karma exists, most often reincarnating is for another try to successfully complete the very same lesson that in other lifetimes, the soul’s personages chose to do but failed....GOOD POINT

42. All souls have free will regardless of their evolvement status, whether living in spirit worlds or physical civilizations, or their location in the universe. The free will choices of all who live in Earth’s Golden Age will be in the light because no darkness can exist in those high vibrations....GOOD POINT

43. The Golden Age has been so named because life in that world is such a phenomenal contrast to the past many millennia of life on Earth. Not all the glories of that Age will be heaped on its threshold. Everything based in darkness will be gone, but as you and your planet keep journeying, you will keep discovering wondrous “new” knowledge and capabilities. “New” is in quotation marks because your souls have all knowledge and capabilities, you just need to get in touch with them consciously—and you shall!....GOOD POINT

44. In addition to the light steadfastly beamed from lighted souls in spirit worlds and physical civilizations, technological help from crews in thousands of ships in your skies, and the beneficial influence of your universal family members who are living among you, you are surrounded by unseen helpers: your guardian angels or gatekeepers and the angels who reinforce their efforts when needed; angels in lower realms who embody briefly to guide and protect; spirit guides, whose specialized experience often is the difference between your being stumped about something and later, suddenly “getting it”; and the Nature people—the various kinds of souls that you call the Devic kingdom—who may help you find misplaced car keys or earrings—that they mischievously hide things is a fallacy!—or nudge a reminder about something you had meant to do, but forgot. These myriad souls, all emissaries of God, are ever-present helpers....GOOD POINT

45. Continue your journey joyously knowing that you are Oneness in the Christed light, the infinite, eternal unconditional love essence of Creator wherein all souls have their Beginning....GOOD POINT

Suzanne Ward

New Message from Matthew 11 August 2011

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  • Ya,

    Drekx says that he's an English republican, just ask him. He's a big fan of the white slaver, ethnic cleanser and genocidalist Oliver Cromwell. He's Drekx's hero.

  • I'm a fool huh?

    For what, pointing out the common sense reality of the way that things work? Legislation and law enforcement, I'm very familiar with it, I grew up in it, playing in the police gym at the public safety building, holiday dinners in private homes with these types of people and all that stuff, I know it from the inside out.

    Who's going to implement this grand design, with mass arrests, the ETs, their earth allies, ya right, who's the fool?

    Answer me one question, if you don't want people to think that you're living in cloud cookoo land with the fruits and the nuts. Who's going to issue these 50,000 to 100,000 arrest warrants, and who's going to do the arresting?

    Some people on this web site have decided that it's better to keep their mouth closed and let people think that they're a fool, than open it and remove all doubt, what's your choice?

  • Your word is not truth, buddy. I don't care who you are, or who you know. And no I don't believe Casper, he has shown himself unreliable in many cases, and frankly, I don't like the cut of his jib. And I'm not naive enough to just take anybodies word for something, without my own in depth investigation.


    And Obama has done many good things. For example, he outlawed the torture policy, and the policy of having secret prisons operating in foreign countries. He added 4 million+ children to the c-chips health care program. Oh yea, he passed universal health care, insuring upwards of 30 million people who might otherwise have died without it. He made it so that insurance companies can't just dump you off and cut off your payments for preexisting conditions. He and the Senate passed legislation regulating derivatives, to keep companies honest and stop the milking of contracts, wasting tax payer money. He and the Iraqi government agreed to stop using the infamous Blackwater security company to provide security. He allowed for stem cell research to go ahead. He put restrictions on lobbyists. He basically saved the auto industry, with the stimulus bill, and other programs like "Cash for Clunkers". He passed legislation to take student loans out of the hand of banks, and put them in in the hands of government, and made it possible for students to have much of their debt annulled by engaging in some form of public service. He negotiated a nuclear arms treaty with Russia, mutually reducing their nuclear arsenals.


    This latest American Jobs Act will extend unemployment insurance, giving unemployed people mroe time to find work, and giving a $4000 tax credit to companies who hire people who have been unemployed for a long time. The bill will reduce the payroll tax in half for 98% of businesses, saving them huge amounts of money, making it easier for them to hire and increase worker pay, and also will provide a complete tax holiday for the the payroll tax for newly hired employees. The bill will also prevent 280,000 teachers from being laid off, as well as thousands of cops and firefighters. The bill will also provide modernizing for 350,000 public schools, with new science labs, internet labs, and renovation of crumbling buildings. The bill also will create a "Project Rebuild" which will put the thousands of idle construction workers and hundreds of thousands of other people to work, renovating buildings and improving roads and rail lines, airports and sea ports, even private homes. This new legislation will do wonders in modernizing America, and bringing it up to par with countries like China, who are doing many great things of their own. Congress should do the right thing and pass this legislation, and stop the ridiculous stubborn partisanship.


    And all of this is off the top of my head! This is everything I can remember since I began following his presidency, the day he took office. I'm sure I missed so many things that he has done. I mean, this guy has done so much for the country. I haven't seen any president do as much has he has, since John F. Kennedy. And since Kennedy was more focused on foreign policy than on improving domestic issues, I actually he has done MORE for America than Kennedy.


    So I ask you now, what BAD THINGS HAS HE DONE? I would like to know. And I bet you anything, I can pick apart whatever you will say. So let's have it.

  • The "truth" Mr. Ed?

    With no proof or evidence?

    Let me guess, you've looked within, and had it confirmed through your discernment, is that it?

    Or maybe you have inside information that you can't release hey, and we're just supposed to take your word for it?

    What makes you so sure that what you're presenting as true, is true?

  • OK,

    I got it.

    Fulford is about useless, if you're basing your life on this guys info, good luck. None of it's verifiable when it should be.

    All this stuff requires legislation to make these kinds of changes. Or else a military coup, neither of which I see happening.

    These patriot groups and constitutional forums are hobbies, they don't carry the weight of law. Courts, law enforcement and the military are going to follow their pay checks and official writ, not some unofficial organization quoting their interpretation of questionable old law, who weren't voted into office, trying to usurp the existing ptb and status quo.

    These numbers that you throw out are facetious, where are you going to get the law enforcement personnel to make all of these arrests? It's all conspiracy theory nonsense from what you've shown me.

  • This reply was deleted.
    • Oh please. You know nothing about Obama, and antiquity will show that you were wrong about him. And you will be eating that crow, I hope it tastes good!
  • The mass arrests, of whom, by whom?
  • The mass arrests, of whom, by whom?
  • They don't go to the politicians and openly say, "okay we want a slave system, we want to destroy freedom and democracy, work for us or die!" I mean give me a break. They'll go to Biden and say "You know, we support your wish for a gun bill, we think this would help the country, there are too many guns on the streets, we need to curb crime, we want to help you get this done and will even pay you for it.." They will talk nicely, and use them. Others, who see through it and refuse to participate, yes, then the death threats come. If it's something serious at least.


    If you are a Woodrow Wilson, and you are told "You know, we should consolidate nationally chartered banks into one federal system called the federal reserve, to make banking more efficient and to provide oversight" and you say "that's a good idea" and you do it, doesn't mean you are crooked, it means you were USED. Wilson even realized he was used, and when he was about to die, said famously, I unwittingly was used to destroy my country.


    Or you're a Jack Kennedy and want access to classified UFO files, and are told you can't have them, and keep pushing, then the death threats will come. And if you get angry, and want to abolish the CIA, and the Fed, and release the X files to the public, you get killed.


    Or, If, like Obama, you truly want to change the fundamentals, and improve peoples lives drastically, then you get these dark guys swarming around you, trying to charm you, and say well please don't do this, and list 10 reasons why it isn't right, and use the republicans with different conservative ideologies which are useful to them, to block your every move.


    The point is THESE GUYS ARE BEING MANIPULATED. POLITICIANS ARE BEING DIVIDED AND RULED, MORE SO THAN MOST OTHER PEOPLE. I DOUBT MOST OF THEM EVEN KNOW IT. To say that they all just work for the dark side, and are agents and liars and evil people, is very far from the truth. It's time to start understanding things in depth, and not just taking some image of how it all works, with some vague "oh they are Illuminoids!" idea, it's just complete nonsense. Obama needs our support, our prayers, our positive energy. He does NOT need people thinking he is the anti-christ, or some evil socialist wanting to destroy the country. Just complete and utter nonsense!

  • It's my conclusion that the different "governments", while interconnected, are not the same entity. I mean obviously they aren't. What will happen is, either through trickery, bribery, or death threats, the "secret" government, will get leading politicians to do their bidding. Or, more than not, they will simply use people with the ideologies necessary to get certain agendas passed.


    Like let's take the example of gun bans. We all know the NWO plan to ban guns. But to assume that because let's say, Joe Biden, proposed legislation to ban assault weapons and expand the police force, with the Biden crime bill, or the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, doesn't mean he did that because he is an "illuminoid". That's just a totally simplistic and narrow way to look at it. Biden clearly is a good man. He clearly genuinely believes that gun control would curb crime and is a good thing for the country. Waco and the California Street Shootings and other high profile violent crimes in the 90s, motivated him to want to do something, and the dark agents simply USED HIM to get the ball rolling on their plan to ban all guns!


    And it is like that for most politicians, and government employees, and media people, or anyone in the "NWO system" even in the "secret" government! Most of these people are BEING USED AND MANIPULATED, more so than any one else! Many of these guys, are ignorant victims, and worse so, because they are actually passing things which help serve the dark side. Unwittingly, in most cases. To just come out and say, that because you are in the government, or in the media, or are a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, you must be some dark crooked individual trying to bring about the NWO agenda, is just totally absurd.


    Of course there are a few people in all of these different places who probably do wittingly serve the agenda, and are truly up there lying and deceiving. But, from my study, which is very in depth, that usually is not the case. Most of these people are being used.


    I conclude that the public and administrative governments, can basically do what they want, as long as it doesn't fundamentally change "the system". They are free to make little tweaks here and there, within the framework of the system, even if it means helping the people. Many things governments do are good things, that help people. Medicare and Medicaid are examples, social security, universal health care. If the dark ones can use these otherwise good programs for their own agenda, they will try to use it. But to come out and say that EVERYTHING the government does is done strictly to advance the NWO agenda, is again, absurd. They wish they had that much power!

This reply was deleted.

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