The Pisces New Moon for 2014 will take place 3:00 AM, Eastern Standard Time, on March 1, 2014.


     Pisces New Moons are outstanding for artistic expression or creativity, as well as intense dreams. This will certainly be a good time for meditation, astral projection, and general creativity around the house. Sunday (March 2nd) will definitely be a good day for spiritual retreat, and maybe even galactic inquiry with the planatoid Chiron near this Pisces New Moon. Please do not be surprised if we get interesting reports and news of visits from UFOs during the month of March. This is a perfect time for a "time out" in what may be a crazy time that is unfolding; it is truly "an eye in the storm."

     2014 has started out with a lot of turmoil taking place in terms of politics, money, and violence. We just had Comet ISON pass by the Earth in 2013, and I have made a 2013 prediction on Ashtar Command that on a worldwide basis "things will get ugly" before "they get beautiful." And while this Pisces New Moon features much harmony per planetary and star placement, this New Moon will also feature Mercury going stationary (and ending its retrograde phase) and Mars going direct (and beginning its retrograde phase) at the same time!! In terms of international impact, it is possible to expect either a major resolution to a major disagreement taking place OR a breakdown in some sort of major agreement to take place. Hopefully the former will be what happens, but with the 2014 Winter Olympics ending it's now "okay" for the people in the suits and the jets (at taxpayer expense) to start acting like jerks again (unfortunately).

     Finances and money will be a major consideration for any calamity coming up in spring due to the second house involvement of Mercury, Neptune and the New Moon placement. The Ukraine situation under dispute does involve conversion of their currency into the Euro, and this allows the money addicts of Europe to expand their Ponzi Scheme via central banking into the large agriculture base that makes up Ukraine. I do believe that the United States is involved with the pro Euro faction fighting the Ukraine government, since their Ponzi Scheme (i.e. the Federal Reserve) is also at stake due to a current Asia and Eurasia push for more sensible currencies that do not have Ponzi Scheme backing (i.e. "full faith and credit...").

Enjoy your week, and try not to let the craziness and turmoil affect you.

Love to all,



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