Call me a paranoiac- I don't care-it's smart to be vigilant.

Fema Camp vid news feed...

' I remember back in 2006, I heard David Estulin (spelling?) on the Alex Jones show saying that the 'elites' were going to run the price of oil up to 150 dollars a barrel, sucker the middle class to put what money they had left into the stock market, then they were going to implode the subprime mortgage market & the stock market. I said yeah right what a f&^#&ing nut job and laughed it off. I'm not laughing anymore, I should've listened when I had the chance.'!

anuary 2, 2012

Okay...score one for the internet and the vigilant citizens who perform an invaluable service to our nation by monitoring the actions of our government and its various agencies.
I began the laborious task of reading the Invitation to Bid -- this tome is 116, pages with many canned and boilerplate requirements for doing business with Uncle Sam duly enshrined amongst the pages. The Task Order Request (TOPR) under Scenario I & II under Section J of the Appendix made for another 42 pages. The required size of the camps was fluid, though they had the required capacity of 301 to two thousand, including security and camp cadre.
The staffing requirements or cadre for FEMA personnel for these camps -- which are identified as being located in five (5) distinct regions throughout and within the borders of the USA, with camps located in each and every state -- was three to fifteen each. The size of these camps will vary around 5 acres per 1,000 inhabitants, though they will never be less than 3 acres for populations of 500 or fewer inhabitants within the camps' boundaries.
This requirement also had a minimum square footage for each inhabitant: either the camp's cadre and first responders of 63 square feet, or approximately 8 feet on each side. This is slightly less than current Federal Court(s) requirements for housing prisoners, which is approximately 72 square feet. Perimeter fencing or barricades is required to be six feet high, enclosing the camp, with all traffic in or out to be recorded on a daily log and with security restricting all traffic and access. The contractor shall also provide fencing and barricades around areas which are "off limits" to occupants. ID Badges are required and are either blue or red, depending on the carrier is temporary or considered an occupant of the camp.
The first of several anomalies in the solicitation for bid was in the contractor staffing requirements, which puzzlingly required staff to be fully operational within 72 hours. Furthermore, "[w]henever practical, displaced citizens will be given the first opportunities for employment within the camp, assuming skills and capabilities are pertinent for the open positions."

What the hell are these things?

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  • I dont think it'll actually get to the point of people living in the Fema camps.

    I don't think or get the feeling that they will get the chance to do it. Something Big will happen, the regime will get overthrown worldwide. At the very least shortly after the 2012 Event.

    And that will be the end of that.


    The Fema camps are a waste, the deep underground military bunkers are a waste. All the provisions for a catastrophie are a waste.

    Stuff that will just sit there and gather dust, until its all over and then people decide to repurpose those things for something else.

    • David Icke seems to think that its going to take until 2016 before we will get things straightened out.

      But I think that as soon as people are Armed with the capability to Discern Truth... it will be a mass revolution. And most light sources describe that as happening either on Dec 21st 2012, or during the March Equinox of 2013.

      So that's pretty damn fast... to the point where many millions of people will be able to tell who among them in positions of power are Lying to them and Betraying them. When they will just refuse to allow those people to have any sort of power at all.

      That is if they aren't just plain Exposed by some massive takeover of the media (ie, a "Fire Sale") and then promptly dragged out in the street and shot.

      And nobody who would Replace them would be accepted either if they were crooked too. People would know it immediately.


      Police State stuff doesn't work when the guys with the guns say... hey wait a minute... we're not buying this crap either. Because they're human too, they're going to get hit with the change as well. And they have mothers and brothers out there in the crowd.

      Either that or they will go very light on those who would resist, and just say that they were overpowered. Just kinda stand there, just like in V for Vendetta.


      I think it will take until 2016 or 2017 to Completely Fix everything that has been broken. Removing the guys at the top should happen pretty fast - but cleaning up the Infrastructure of everything that has been set up will take awhile.

      Creating new institutions, tossing out laws, tracking down everyone who is connected to the shadow government. Creating a new financial system. These things do not happen overnight.


      And I believe it will take as long as the early 2020's before the Rest Of The World will be properly fixed... we can call this era after 2012 The Reconstruction... because that is exactly what it will be.

      That... is what I would say alot of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are really here for, the ones who are just sitting around right now and they don't know what their purpose is, or they would like to change the world for the better but they don't know how.

    • I hope your right-I've become a pessimist in my old age

  • I hope the camps will be filled with the bad guys too!

  • the boxes are coffins designed for fat americans.  congratulations america you will reap what you have sown in allowing your govt to completely rule you.

    the ONLY possible positive reason for building these camps is they seem to mostly follow the mississippi rive fault line through north america, if this fault line were to have a major earthquake it would devastate a large area of the US and damage many nuclear power plants as well.

    • Yeah-natural disasters but that's a lot of coffins-I have a more nefarious view point.  Bush then Obama were told to increase the national debt -draconian measures in place for a police state-American economy collapses-dominoe effect, Europe, Asia,so on-police state in the west to rival in areas that of Stalin's Soviet Union or at least the Soviet bloc.

      I have a hunch that the 'new bankers' are going to be same flunkies as is in the white house admin. now-hard line leftists to create the new Gosbank of sorts.  Less money flows, less growth , less everything, population control.  The soviet gulag system became a killing ground.  The GDP was not keeping up with the population growth.  The KGB was picking names out of the phone book and picking people up then sending them to a gulag with false confessions usually made under severe duress or torture.  They had to make quota put on them by the party leaders or risked going to the gulags themselves.  Untold millions died.

        These Illuminatti families, the core 300 families are going to live in south america where the population is only around 250 million and land is cheap and in the south pacific. The rest of us get to live in a police state.

      • speak for yourself, i wont live in a camp like this, they can kill me first

        • I won't go to a camp-I'll go out in a blaze 'o glory! 

  • The boxes look like makeshift caskets to me. Like body bags or something.

    Ive never really understood how or why there would be FEMA camps spread out throughout the entire country. Having a localized disaster such as in New Orleans makes sense... but how could there be Displacement everywhere?

    People live in their own communities, and i doubt there would be any sort of calamity that would render All Towns everywhere uninhabitable. People would just Rebuild.


    I can think of only 2 calamities that would do this sort of thing:

    A Virus.

    Or Radioactive Fallout.

    And both conditions would actually be unwise to put everyone in refugee camps for. If it was a Virus you would just be concentrating the people together and they would get infected, even a single person carrying the virus could come to visit and expose everyone else.

    And Radioactive Fallout, if it was really bad, would cover the areas where they would set up the camps too (unless the fallout was, likewise, only localized).

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