Hello all, I know I've been away, I'm on my finals and only a year away from being a graphic designer, anyway I wanted to share this with you and ask a bit of your help.
It's a trademark I made as an assignment for my "Contemporary way of thinking" class, I was supposed to explain my work philosophy, now... before you find some dark meaning in it, lemme explain:
The Infinity symbol represents that design is a never ending process, it is taken and redisigned over and over, the turquoise color represents creativity (so does orange but orange but I rather turquoise lol), the triangle represents the self suficient quality we must posses, and at the same time we rely on others (like our clients) to do our work, and if you look closely the triangles are little iPads representing the tecnology, which is our work tool and also our friend :)
I'm in the process of making this one my legal trademark.
What I wanted to ask you guys is what can you tell me about triangles, pyramid shapes, such as aircrafts and symbology, I'm frequently drawn into it, any help will be much appreciated.
Love, pichu
Pichu 30 years ago I came with the novel idea of becoming a Visual Graphic Composer
which was to me the natural follow on from a Type Compositor who set blocks of type
for printing. I became an Apprenticed Printer but to me this was old technology.
I went along to Sony and they came up with a Visual Graphic Compositing System.
Unfortunately Bill Gates took over with 3rd and 4th generation printing.
Doing large format printing for large Posters can take up to 30 minutes as the Printer
prints it line by line whereas a Photographic system will do it at the outside 5 minutes.
Any symbol you use must be visually exciting and today it needs to be open.
I love what you are doing as it strikes a passionate chord in my heart. To excuse a pun it must
be totally NUDE ie. Novel Unique Different and Exciting.
I will put my thinking cap on for you. Light and Love Peace and Harmony Kingjeff
I've always loved the Triquetra... it's meaning has popped into my life more than once.