Nibiru Crossing & Life After Eden

Before you embark on reading this channeling, I ask you to approach it with an open mind. I also ask you to disregard everything that society or religion has told you pertaining to the Book of Revelations in the Bible. You will understand why when you read the channeling and I also want to explain that when someone is serious about finding truth and the root of many stories published by religion, you will no longer fear and you will understand that many things used by the ancients were metaphors rather than something actual. Remember that fear and ignorance and being fearful results in blocking the channels between us and the divine and a higher level of understanding of the mysteries.

In this channeling, Father Enki first begins to speak as a third person, as if telling me this story about others though he is included.

“In the beginning there was the word and the word was made flesh and it was the expression of the ALL and its representation on Earth, not of division but of union. It was an example of how the two could become one whole.

This expression of the ALL was a creation of sacred geometry in matter that could move independently and think for itself.

The humans were designed by those and in the image of they who were first created and who had attained enlightenment and were elevated to godhood for their achievements.

The Anunnaki were the first beings on Earth and the first race of beings that had attained true illumination, their physical bodies having matched the vibration of their souls.

The great Nammu, the Mother of the gods and the Matriarch of the royal Anunnaki family, granted permission to her son, Enki, and her daughter, Ninmah, to create children of their own as expressions of themselves. Ninmah, the mother of humanity, became known as Mami.


They, the great Architects, produced their greatest manifestation, and they became known as the builders who worked to ascend to the Architect status of their creators.

In time, most of the Anunnaki family members became involved in the teaching of their children and each gave a gift to these children and each child was anointed/Christed and this anointing created a mark which would result in anyone who saw them and looked upon this mark to be healed.

Each of the anointed excelled in a craft and it was a craft that was given as a gift from each of the Anunnaki. It is important to know that each of these children was not chosen to be anointed but it was a sign that they had achieved the level of a ‘Christed’ one.

The Architects of your world are the ones who attained the highest level of attainment which are known as Marduk and Ishtar.

Now I want you to listen carefully; the mark of the beast is the most feared by the church because this mark represents the one or ones who will destroy their whole organization and it is the serpents that carry this mark and this mark is the cross.

When an initiate was anointed they were crossed by the polarities of Marduk and Ishtar which are the four directions and with the two that are Enki and Enlil, this became the four directions and this became a star which is known as the Star of the Dragon, the Army of Marduk and the Initiates of the Morning and Evening Star, Venus.

It is important for you to know that the cross mark does not mean you are what is known as ‘a Christian’; it is the cross of the sun in the moon which becomes the star.

As Venus transited across the sun this crossing is projected to Earth and it was during this time that the crossing of polarities was performed.













The tribe of Marduk and Ishtar were a cult of secret initiates that consisted of both males and females. They carried the sign of Enki, Enlil, Marduk and Ishtar which was the dragon and they formed the Order of the Dragon.

All these teachings have been passed on from avatar to avatar, that is, the avatars of the Anunnaki. The avatars of the Anunnaki are the Great White Brotherhood who you know as the Ascended Masters. During the fall of Atlantis, when the dark brotherhood had successfully manipulated the minds of humanity with their degenerating and devolving religions, the Masters were hunted and had to move underground and work from there and teach the mysteries from this place, trying desperately to project the frequencies of the gods into human consciousness, hoping that they could ‘awaken’ the children of the gods who had slipped into a hypnotic slumber by the false matrix that had been created by the dark brotherhood.

Know that it was also during this time, at the fall of Atlantis, that Nibiru which is the Kingdom/Queendom, that is Eden or Dilmun, disappeared from human dimensions and although it co exists with Earth as it is today, it has not been possible for the crossing of Nibiru into your world to begin. The main reason is that many humans, through their degeneration and devolution due to the projections of the created matrix which includes religion and other created beliefs, were vibrating at a very low frequency and this meant that we, who vibrate at a very high frequency, could not come near them.”



Read also:

*Enki begins speaking as the first person.

“So, who are the avatars of your times? They are the mystics and the representations of truth that teach about embracing both the light and the dark and learn how to merge/cross them and live within the center and walk along the middle road that pulls from both sides of the left and right, the yin and yang, the male and female energies.






They are the ones who are trying to awaken the rest of humanity with realistic expressions rather than ignoring the truths and only offering half truths because of fearful thinking like many are doing and are hindering the process of others who are seeking enlightenment.

I want you to remember that there is no pure darkness and remember how a baby begins to grow within the darkness of the womb. Does the baby not feel safe within this darkness? Does the baby not enjoy being within this dark haven of love? Yes, the baby does, and this is because the baby knows that they are safe, even in the dark, because they are within their mothers womb and this is how you must all think and what you must all know, that even though the dark ‘appears’ to be scary, you are always safe within the womb of the Great Mother Nammu, for you exist within her mind and she exists within you, so nothing can harm you if you always remember there is light waiting for you to ascend into once you have mastered your fears in the dark. All life begins in the dark and it is there that the most crucial parts of its’ growth starts. When it is ready to emerge from a certain level of growth it seeks the light. This is en-lightenment and this is ascension of consciousness.

So now I have explained to you this part of our and your history, I want to speak to you about life after Eden, when the first man and woman left Nibiru to build the Earth and make it productive. I will call him Adamu and Eva so that your readers can align and understand this truth for it is more familiar to them. Adamu and Eva were anointed ones after having been taught the mysteries of divinity and civilization. They began to create their children and along came more humans that we had created and their children mated with them. And so it continued this way and Adamu and Eva became the Father and Mother of this tribe of humans who taught them the ways of the Anunnaki and taught to them our ancient traditions.

I must be clear with your readers that Eva was not punished with painful childbirth because she ‘ate the apple’ from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; even the Goddesses know the travails of giving birth to their children and as you are made in our image, so human women know these same pains when they give birth. It is not a curse but a gift, for without pain there can be no life and no value known from the experience of giving life. It is a rite of passage only a woman can know and the Goddesses of Midwifery engage in intervening with the birth of each human child, just as they do with each other, and they were physically next to Eva as she gave birth to her children, helping her to give birth to them, for she did not understand this rite of passage and she knew she could not do this alone. Adamu watched and learned this process so that he too could assist in helping his wife give birth to his children.

And it was so the same for me, when Ninmah gave birth to our first human children; I assisted her in delivering them into their new existence and I held each one in my arms and cried and held them up for the Great Mother Nammu to bless.

All of these teachings were passed down to their future generations and this too is part of the great mysteries.

There were no wars, there were no conflicts; all disagreements had to be taken before the judges that had been appointed for these tasks. Schools were created first by Adamu and Eva, and then by their children, to teach their children to read and write and to decipher the movements of the planets.

Clinics for healing were created so that the afflicted could be healed. These were first created by Adamu and Eva and these teachings of healing were then passed down to their children.

All of these things we taught you and all of them were given to you and all of these things you can never give back. All that we asked for you was to honour and respect us and keep the divine frequencies within you and on Earth and never turn your back on your divine mothers and fathers for we love you and you are always part of us.

Whenever you ask, “Who are the Anunnaki?” look in the mirror and see for we are you and you are us.”



Note: All the Gematria codes included in this article are a result of the Anunnaki Matrix that is the root matrix of our reality and here you can find more information as well as how the Anunnaki Matrix and the Gematria is related with the emanations of the Tree of Life.

If you can understand the importance of this message and of our work we ask you to help us spread the words and there are many ways you can do this and spread our teachings:

1) Share this message everywhere and anywhere you see fit.

2) Join our group on facebook and help us bring more life to it. Note that we are currently working with commander Ashtar and with other universal tribes that are related with the Galactic Federation of Light and you can share in our group anything related with our galactic ascension and spiritual growth. Our group is not just another one of those ‘Lightworkers’ and ascension groups as we also deal with sophisticated occult teachings and we welcome in Gnostics and students of Thelema and in fact anyone that is searching for the truth.

3) Provide us with monetary support by using the donation button provided on the Anunnaki Earth Council Website ( in the side bar of this site. We work every day and very long hours, sometimes even 16 hours a day and we dedicate our lives to serving humanity through direction and guidance of the gods and our own divine mission on Earth. Like everyone else, we need to eat and pay our bills too as this IS our work and in truth the invaluable teachings that we provide surpasses any monetary figure. When we raise the required funds all the ascension tools will be given for free.

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  • It really is a moot point though, 
    No turning back now.

    Hope we can see past this...

  • thanx for the concern.

    just curious, for what purpose would I do that?

  • It's light here now....).

  • I usually don't comment on Peter K's post because of our past history, but I feel I must this time, because of this message and Peter K is carrying very high dark energy in his pic and posts.  Lets start with the most obvious:

    This messages begins with telling you to disregard everything you read and to believe what they are saying.  In my first, personal channeling with Ashtar, he said this to me at the beginning:  QUESTION ALL CHANNELED INFORMATION AND SEEK CONFIRMATION!  EVEN FROM THE INFORMATION THAT I AM GIVING YOU RIGHT NOW!  He knew that there will be false channelings coming thur to lead people astray, so he was telling me (and everyone else) to do your "Due Dilligence" and Research!

    The birthing process was not painful in the beginning.  In the future, it will not be so again.

    The baby has no recognition being "in the womb".  Your spirit enters the baby as he/she takes their first breath.

    Karma, definitely, does not determine one's birthing experience.

    Here is another section that is a red flag:

    "The avatars of the Anunnaki are the Great White Brotherhood who you know as the Ascended Masters. During the fall of Atlantis, when the dark brotherhood had successfully manipulated the minds of humanity with their degenerating and devolving religions, the Masters were hunted and had to move underground and work from there..."

    I have studied under Ascended Masters and Star Races messages.  This is definitely false information.  The Ascended Masters are not Anunnaki nor are they avatars of the Anunnaki.  This message is telling us that the ascended masters were present at the fall of Atlantis.  And they were hunted and had to move underground!  An incredibly unbelievable statement! 

    I ask all of you to use discernment when reading this message.  When it talks about "there is no pure darkness and how a baby grows in darkness, should be a warning sign that this is not coming from the light.  The statement "All Life begins in the dark" cannot be more wrong.  You are a spark of God and you began as light!

    I have to remind the members that this world was already an enlightened world before the Anunnaki took it over and sent us into a low vibration frequency.

    I await an response from Peter K., who will undoubtedly add an reply to my comment. 

    P. S.  Peter K., please to not send me an psychic attack like the last time.  I will only call on the angels and archangels and they will disperse it anyway.

    • Actually, one more thing,

      Some friendly advice for old times sake.

      Forgive yourself.

      That's all.

      Take care.

    • Glad to see you've moved on Daryl.

      Walk confidently in God's light.


      I have upgraded my psychic attack dramatically since we last jousted....

      • I can feel dark energy emitting from you.  You did not have this when you first came here after you followed me from Greg Giles blog site.  Even one of your friends said that Helen Demetriou does not follow the light.  But you brushed aside his concern.  You are set in your own ways and you think that you have everyone's answers but will not listen to anyones' else answers for you.  Even if they are trying to help you.  I am not trying to attack you.  Try this:  Look at Divine WillPower's post, The Annunaki Agenda, and explain to us why Helen's definition and Divine Will's do not match.

        I will be waiting for your comment.

        • It is not my place of habit to pass judgment on those who are working the light Daryl.

          Any concerns I have i discus directly with the channel off air if I think it deemed necessary.

          I don't get involved in which hunts by choice if I can avoid it.

          I seek to assist people in doing their job better via what I would call unique multi dimensional translation skills 

          It is a role I asked the Arcturians to furnish for me a year and a bit ago.

          A role the have been training me up for some time before then anyway.

          and I thought it was just training in synchronicity.

          It was in fact training in a numerical vibrational language.

          And I'd been on training for nine months prior to them leading me here.

          So to answer you question, I understand intimately why there are differences in the 2 channelings.

          Do you?

          I also want to tank for your concern Daryl.

          It is much appreciated.

          And  a pleasant change

          As for dark energy,

          I don't know how it comes across to others.

          I have spent 2013 camped in my shadow by choice.

          Enlightening my dark.

          And as a result, it would be understandable if there are a few new frequencies or two that cause you to feel uncomfortable Daryl.

          Now 's time for you to make peace with those frequencies.
          For your own sake.

          and for the benefit of those who are relying on the gifts that you've yet to discover within you to better do their jobs.

          As I mentioned else where, it is time for yo to forgive the masculine energies that have caused you so much hurt over the years that still exist within you.

          Otherwise every time you come into range of frequencies such as these,you will feel fear 

          You've actually  caught me when I'm not at my best.

          Been clarifying one of these frequencies over the last few days for myself.

          Such a ball breaking experience. (but I digress)...

          And I AM willing to help you take that step also.(much gentler on the testicles when someone walks you through it. Apparently Not that I'd know about that.:(..

          If you so choose.

          Better the Annunaki you know...:).

          (A nice long reply for you Daryl. Enjoy).


          • Peter K., your reply is very delusional.  Your attempt to turn this debate around against me is obvious in your statement. 

            You have given no answer for the difference in information from Helen's definition of "Annunaki" and Divine Will's.  There cannot be 2 different stories and you, obviously, have not done any "Due Diligence" or research as to why.  You want people to accept it regardless of what it says.  The members here are not that gullible to be given any story that posts up here and believes it.    

            Judging from the comments from Divine's post and yours, it's quite clear whose message the members of this site agrees with.  If you need more proof, just go back to your many other "Helen Demetriou" messages you posted that have "0 replies and 0 likes". 

            Divine WillPowers message shines with the light of truth within it.  The members that read it instinctively feel that!  That's why so many are drawn to it.  Yours, however, has darkness behind it's message.  The people here do not flock to your messages as you hoped they would.  

            Your not fooling anyone here, except yourself. 

            It's a shame that you have to use sly tactics in your reply against me, saying "it's time to forgive yourself", "the pain that cause you so much hurt over the years", everytime you come into this frequencies, you will feel fear"...  All this does is expose you for the fake that you are.  You have used this tactic and more when you followed me from Greg Giles blog site and started your attacks on me here.  I will not be involved in another of your senseless confrontations.  The member here and the people who view this sees who you are.

            If you spent "2013 camped in your shadow, by choice, enlightening your dark", you just admitted, and confirmed, the dark energies that I am feeling emitting from you. 

            I leave you to your own journey, where ever that leads...

This reply was deleted.

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