Nicola Teslas OTC-XI Craft

In 1955, Otis T. Carr, a protégé of Nikola Tesla began a highlyvisible public effort to develop a prototype civilian spacecraft thatcould be mass produced in kits and sold to the public. If successful,Carr would have developed the world's first civilian spacecraft andwould have revolutionized the aviation industry. The vehicle was to bepowered by an electric generator drawing electrical energy from theenvironment, and would have produced an antigravity effect forpropulsion. Carr claimed to have been taught all he knew aboutelectromagnetic energy and antigravity principles by the famousYugoslav inventor Nikola Tesla. He had resided in a New York hotelwhere Carr worked part time while completing his studies. Tesla hadpublicly stated in 1915 that he knew how to build an antigravity flying vehicle: "My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground, and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety."[2] Tesla's flying vehicle would be powered by electrical energy drawn from the earth's atmosphere and stored in special coils. Frustrated by lack of industry support, Tesla revealed his radical ideas to the young Carr over a three year period.Tesla taught Carr how electromagnetic energy could be freelyharnessed from the abundant electrical energy in the atmosphere. Thepossibility that electrical energy could be freely acquired withoutneed for expensive power plants, conductive wires, relay stations,telephone poles and significant power loss, which challengedconventional power companies. Tesla was told that his radical ideaswould not be funded since J.P. Morgan and other industrialists wouldnot be able to meter the free electrical energy that could be easilydrawn from the atmosphere. Indeed, Tesla's ideas challenged thefoundations of the global economy and monetary system.Inspired by the aging Tesla, Carr set about testing Tesla'sprinciples in 1937 when he began creating model spacecraft.[ 3] Carreventually became convinced that he could develop a civilian spacecraft that could travel into the upper atmosphere, to the moon and even achieve the speed of light. All this could be achieved by following Tesla's advice of tapping into the electrical energy in the atmosphere to power the spacecraft, storing such energy in a special "regenerative coil" for interplanetary flights.Carr founded a company, OTC Enterprises, Inc, in 1955 in Maryland, and set about raising necessary funds and skilled personnel for building models. These could be tested to validate a full scaleprototype. These models ranged in sizes and included a six foot version to be tested for proving the feasibility of his ideas for a planned 45 foot prototype spacecraft. In November 1959 Carr successfully patented his design for a full scale civilian spacecraft he called OTC-X1.[4] It had a circular design that made it look like a flying saucer....Carr decided to move his center of operations to Apple Valley, California in late 1959.Ralph Ring Emerges to Reveal Carr's successful development of theOTC-X1In March 2006, a largely unknown individual came forward to reveal that he was one of three pilots of a successful test of Carr's full scale prototype of the OTC-XI.[15] Ralph Ring claims to be a technician who was recruited into Carr's team attempting to build a 45 foot prototype spacecraft after Carr had relocated in California in 1959. Ring at the time was a talented inventor who had grown frustrated with corporate sector disinterest in innovative principles concerning electromagnetic energy. He had earlier helped the famous French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau develop the aqualung, and later worked at a government-funded research organization called Advanced Kinetics.In a series of public interviews and presentations, Ring described the conditions of leaving Advanced Kinetics. He claims to have resolved two complex engineering problems involving electromagnetism. Confident of a job promotion, Ring was instead told by the director that they were government funded corporation and "we're paid to look for the answers, but not to find them!"[16] In frustration, Ring left and met with Carr in late 1959, and was quickly impressed with his ideas, including a plan to build a civilian spacecraft. In his first public interview, Ring described Carr as follows:He was an unquestioned genius. Tesla had recognized his qualityimmediately and had taught him everything he knew. He was inspired, and– like Tesla – seemed to know exactly what to do to get something towork. He was a private man and was also very metaphysical in histhinking. I think the fact that he was not formally trained in physicshelped him. He was not constrained by any preconceived ideas. As crazyas it sounds now, he was determined to fly to the moon and reallybelieved it could be done. I believed it. We all did.[17]Ring directly participated in the testing of smaller models of theOTC-XI craft developed by Carr. He described how these had beensuccessfully tested and exhibited unique characteristics when achievingcertain rotational speeds: ...the metal turned to Jell-o. You couldpush your finger right into it. It ceased to be solid. It turned intoanother form of matter, which was as if it was not entirely here inthis reality. That's the only way I can attempt to describe it. It wasuncanny, one of the weirdest sensations I've ever felt.[18]Most importantly, Ring claims that the 45 foot OTC-XI prototypedeveloped by Carr was completed and successfully tested back in 1959.Ring says he was one of three pilots on the craft which flew 10 milesinstantaneously. Ring described how Carr had been able to maintaincommunications with the three man team piloting the OTC-X1 who wereinstructed to complete a series of tasks, before returning to thelaunch site. When asked if the OTC-XI had flown to its destination,Ring said:Fly is not the right word. It traversed distance. It seemed to takeno time. I was with two other engineers when we piloted the 45' craftabout ten miles. I thought it hadn't moved – I thought it had failed. Iwas completely astonished when we realized that we had returned withsamples of rocks and plants from our destination. It was a dramaticsuccess. It was more like a kind of teleportation. [19]Ring described how the test flight had been able to change the flowof time:"What's more, time was distorted somehow. We felt we were in thecraft about fifteen or twenty seconds. We were told afterwards thatwe'd been carefully timed as having been in the craft no longer thanthree or four minutes. I still have no complete idea how it worked. [20]The most remarkable part of Ring's testimony concerns the uniquenavigation system used by the pilots to control the movements of theOTC-XI. According to Ring, this navigation system used the consciousintent of the pilots rather than conventional technology.The Utron was the key to it all. Carr said it accumulated energybecause of its shape, and focused it, and also responded to ourconscious intentions. When we operated the machine, we didn't work anycontrols. We went into a kind of meditative state and all three of usfocused our intentions on the effect we wanted to achieve. It soundsridiculous, I know. But that's what we did, and that's what worked.Carr had tapped into some principle which is not understood, in whichconsciousness melds with engineering to create an effect. You can'twrite that into equations. I have no idea how he knew it would work.But it did. [21]Success of the first test of the full scale OTC-XI meant thatplanning for flights into outer space and to the moon was nowproceeding in earnest. Ring said Carr and his crew worked round theclock to complete the testing program before announcing the results tothe general public.The most dramatic part of Ring's testimony concerns what happenedtwo weeks after the successful test of the OTC-X1. He said that Carr'soperation was closed down by the FBI and other government agencies in asecret raid involving seven or eight truckloads of armed governmentpersonnel. The FBI told Carr that his project was being closed "becauseof your threat to overthrow the monetary system of the United States ofAmerica."[22]Indeed, Carr's successful testing of a civilian spacecraft, had itbeen allowed to go ahead, would have revolutionized the energy sectorand the aerospace industry. The conventional energy industry usingfossil fuels to generate electric power and the aviation industry wouldhave become redundant overnight. Large U.S. corporate interests in theenergy sector would have lost their substantial investments. Lack ofcorporate profits would throw countless thousands out of work. Thefinancial effect of a civilian spacecraft industry using electricalenergy from the atmosphere for power would indeed have placed enormouspressure on the U.S. monetary system possibly causing its collapse.In a series of interviews and public presentations, Ring claims FBIagents confiscated all the equipment including the OTC-XI prototype.They debriefed all of Carr's employees, warned them to remain silent onwhat had happened, and made Carr sign non-disclosure agreements. Ring'stestimony, if true, reveals what really happened with Otis Carr'sradical civilian spacecraft project. Rather than Carr being a fraud whodeceived a number of investors funding his radical civilian spacecraftideas, Carr had been successful. His success so threatened entrenchedinterests in the energy sector, that his operation was shut down withthe full approval and knowledge of a select number of governmentagencies concerned with the financial impact on the U.S. monetarysystem. Carr himself was forced to endure trumped up charges designedto discredit him, and end his bold effort to develop a civilianspacecraft industry.Ring has provided a number of photographs of the OTC-XI developedby Carr. These photographs had previously not been published. Thephotos showed that Carr had indeed succeeded in building a number ofmodels including the 45 foot prototype spacecraft (see photo below onleft). The photos dispel the view that Carr had not succeeded indeveloping a full scale prototype spacecraft. Ring's photos arematerial evidence that he did indeed collaborate with Carr on theOTC-X1, as he claims.Perhaps most significant is what occurred to Ring soon after comingforward to reveal his experiences with Otis Carr in March 2006. BillRyan describes what happened:Shortly afterwards, Ralph went into hospital for a routine kneereplacement operation. He accidentally received the wrong treatment,and nearly died three times. At the time of writing (July 2006) he hasjust recently emerged, very frail, from intensive care - but isdetermined to tell his story. Prior to that he had enjoyed perfecthealth for 71 years.

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  • I would like very much to see the photos mentioned in this post. Do you have the link this came from so I can check out the photos. This is an very interesting post and I would love to learn more about this. Thanks Thomas,

    • hi Marique :)

      yes I just searched for some fotos and 5 minutes later some came up on a website >>

      It comes even better, when the funds are released these things along with free energy technology
      and much more will be funded.
This reply was deleted.

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