I am a wonderful mother and I take damn good care of my daughter but my family likes to disagree with me. My mom thinks my parenting isnt good enough and tells me my daughter doesnt need to be around me and its not healthy for her to be around a depressed mother. She treats me like Im mental when I make sure my daughter is well fed and has everything she needs and I play with her all day till shes tired and ready to take a nap. My mom tries to take her from me every chance she gets and everytime I say no she will tell me I am depriving her from being a normal girl or Im creating an autistic child which makes no sense because autism is genetic and my daughter speaks and is a very verbal and playful kid. 

I hate how rude my mom is to me, she degrades me with the neighbors are over at the house saying Im not a good mom and she degrades me by telling her friend whos a social worker that she thinks IM not a good mother. Even my sister is convinced that my mom is right because everytime I try to take my daughter to bed at 8pm my mom says its too early and she says I want to lock her in a room which is a lie because I stay in the room with my daughter when its her bedtime and I play her cartoons for her till she falls asleep. Today I decided to bring her to bed at 7pm because she was very cranky and my mom yells at me that its too early and my daughter doesnt need this or that. 

I yell at my mom that I am my daughters mother and she has no right to degrade me and treat me the way she does. Im sick of her and the way she treats me, I hate my mom and I hope I can get her out of my life as soon as I can. She such a hateful, judging, and religious manipulative person. 

Im so stressed and I feel like breaking something or slapping my mom in the face because I hate her so much. I wish I could make her hurt as much as she hurt me. 

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  • It was scary. And you know what? After I did it, I felt like I could conquerANYTHING. lol Nothing scares me anymore and I want this burden to come off your shoulders too! Of course it doesn't make you a computer nerd.

    You know what? Strangers are easier to talk to sometimes because a stranger doesn't know your past or the connections to the negative people you know. People I knew for years when I was in deep shit wouldn't even stick a hand or a foot out for me, but strangers did. MWUAHxx

  • WONDERFUL!! Sorry I didn't read your post first, but you hit the nail RIGHT ON THE HEAD and you're driving it! 

  • .................................of the way you talk to me..............talk real , don't we want that ?................. you had called me names before , only becouse I gave honest opinion and advice based on your posts . Seems that my honest suggestions are not met with appreciation , only hostility; well that happened before. I want to help but you need to help your self , based on this particular post. I don't want to just post sympathetic responce to your "pains", it is actually extended hand of help that I offer.

    Let's remember one more thang, you asked me for friendship , again~like a 2nd time in past months~so I suggest we get real'like my advices on your posts.

    I never stopped Loving you as a person but you always leave this kind of comment after :

    .......................you know what I think of you ............!...."

  • yes, you are right it is easy but not just to say it, I found it relatively easy to do...............................I,ve been reading your posts around here for months and I countinue to see plenty of relative negativity and your refusal to actually consider good advices and pointers. Sure, someone would say it's easy said than done but it really is quite simple to change ways; it only takes determination and commitment which I believe you not only lack but what seems like refuse often.

    And now again, my thoughts are with you but it is up to you only to change and better your life, not us, distant internet chat lines. Your posts seem to call for help but only real truth and reality check "might" help.

  • Sounds like it's time to move out.

    • second that

  • Aww Sarah. Reading this is like looking back into my past self. My family too, did not support me. My mother and sister tried but my father (who always resented me) turned on them and put a stop to it. It took me many years to gather the courage to stand up to my father. I wasn't able to do it until the end of last month. There was much crying, yelling, and other negativities being flung around the room. Never the less, I stood my ground, like a tree that has grown sturdy and stable, unable to be debased by the storm engulfing me. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I moved 570 miles away from my family after that, but with peace from both sides. All I did, which I was never able to do, was show him his faults. Oh he didn't like it. No one likes to be shown their imperfections, especially from their own flesh and blood. I didn't do it without love and compassion though (COMPASSION IS LOVE IN ACTION). I didn't use my father's faults against him. I showed them to him and then SHOWED hime how I embraced him. I told him that even though he saw me beneath him, inferior to him, I still loved him and always will. I don't know why, my father has even tried to kill me, threaten me in the past, but I could never bring myself to hate him and I longed to reach out to him. My father showed me a sickness, in a family especially, how people tend to take their own sufferings (even from the past) out on others, even on the ones they love most. I actually did almost hate my father, but then my mother told me a secret, something my father even tried to deny when I layed it nakedly fragile on the table before him, that he was abused as a child and without mercy, mirrored those negativities towards me. He favoured my sister. Treated us differently. But my sister, instead of acting superior to me as she did when we were younger (7 age difference between us), has matured and helped me even though she feared he would turn on her. This has made my family's relation ship stronger.

    I advise you to clear this karma as I have. Before I did this, I was depressed like you, digging myself a deeper hole and could almost not get out. Even though I sought comfort and consolement from others, and even drugs, it did not help. I realized it was a task of test I had to do for myself. But this courage of strength against my father came from a friend. Sometimes, before you can become a tree, others who are true and kind-hearted (already strong trees) will branch themselves out to you. Don't fear this. It will help you acknowledge your own strengths. Try not to let your family's words(ESPECIALLY YOUR MOTHER) bring you down. Of course it will hurt you, but you can over come it.

    You, only you, know what's best for you. Because I for one, know you are not out of your mind and incapable as your mother says. We on this website know more about you than your family seems to just by concentrating on your positive traits. Be strong for your daughter. She is all you have. But remember love and compassion, love in action. Don't limit others for trying to love and reach out for your daughter, even if they lash out at you, unless they have actually harmed your daughter. But they way it sounds from how you put it, they are defenssive when it comes to her. But she is your daughter, and not theirs. Plant your feet strongly and do not waver. I love you. Namaste <3 <3 <3

  • be the love that you desire for others................it's like magnet , will attract like so I'll say stop hating and start loving

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