This is not a joke: Newsweek (on its cover) Declares Obama Inauguration "The Second Coming."

January 21, 2013

I know there are more than a few fans of the president who read this site, and we are happy to have you. But please, tell me how anyone can defend this? Does this not give you the creeps? It is absolutely bizarre.

It’s no secret that I like Ron Paul, but had a publication done the same thing with Paul on the cover (I know) I would have vomited in my mouth too.

If there is a significant minority of Americans who think this sort of thing is perfectly fine (and I think there is) we are in trouble as a country. (Like that is a newsflash.)

obama nw

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  • Hmmmm, when I looked at this and read the caption, I have to say my first thought was NOT a reference to Obama somehow being the return of the Christ Spirit; I immediately read it as a reference pointing to his 2nd term.  I would agree it was definitely controversial for Newsweek to do that and I'm sure they did it intentionally and it created a lot of sales for them...  but coming from an Obama person, that wasn't my initial, spontaneous interpretation.


  • what does obama have to do with the people that try to make up silly stuff to write so their stuff is getting sold? 

    im starting to feel.. i dont care about anybody or anything at all anymore.. its alright, i got the knowledge i will die someday cuz nothing lasts forever, and from that point ill see what reality is.. Now ive been lied to, and stolen from too much to do anything about it anymore.. if you try to resist it gets worse, if you dont it goes on.. 

    i hope ill get surprised by love anytime soon, and while hoping im awaiting death

  • Nah, that's probably just a typo .. They're probably talking about his sex-life and how to get a Second Cuming.. ;)

  • Second Coming of WHAT ??? Newsweek want to make money .. Sell more issues. Most News Magizines are full of nonsense .. Do not waste your time and money buying such nonsense.. Very few articles are worth reading .
    Second Coming..there will be no coming for he will be GOING soon
  • sory folks-the choke hold of the left has both political parties, the media,hollywood, the school system, all organs of government-bolsevick mentality in the banking system, The anti white rainbow coalition run by far left white skinned anti American, anti west useful idiots are determined to take down the US, Canada, while the corporate globalists will  create the northamerican union  -this is typical of other communist dictators states-trying to equate the dear leader with saint hood or God to emotionally sway the population -as if whatever santosbama, patron saint of La Raza, does is for the people

    • Don't know about that I m not American but it looks like America is split between left and right pretty equally
  • Not really interested in that second coming blocks doesn't mean much to me, I was more interested to hear Drex and jancars argument, great names by the way.

    One says he's light one says he's dark, but neither present any insight of people who are actually in the know its all just suspicion I challenge someone to right some insights worthy of icke.

    To me Obama seems both light on the outside and dark on the inside. But then again these are just observations with no factual experience.

    From my view I would say the guy is just a showman like tony Blair just on a bigger scale no substance to back him up as is the case with western polotics know one really reforms anything, they just pretend to.

    Obamas history in office speaks for itself it's easy to see he s done fuck all except smile and be positive which is good on the surface but useless when backed up with little or no constructive or productive action.

    Hollow smiles like my friend at school
    • I have alot of experience, direct observation. Well not direct, I never actually met him...but I've been following his presidency, since day one...I wasn't sure who he was either, but instead of judging...I decided, like any normal person would do....I decided to study him...and gauge for myself what he's about. And I don't study what people say about him, I study him, the his words, gauge his can tell alot about someones inner being by their mannerisms, if you're smart.....and it's clear to me, and it is clear...that he's a good guy.

      All the signs are there, if you know what to look for, and understand what you're looking at. Studying people is my specialty, and I can tell who's being real and who isn't. And he's real....what you see in him, is who he is...and he's a good guy, very mature...and level headed...and warm. When he's with people, or with average folks, you can tell...he does care about them. He treats them like a human being...not like a subject, or constituent....he's not impersonal, like most politicians....he's just a good guy....and it's clear he means it when he says, he's there because he wants to help average folks have better lives.

      Some things he's done, are questionable...and I chalk that up to his double agent role, some things he has to do, against his better judgment and appease the higher ups....but he's also done alot of good for people, it's a long list, I don't wanna go through it... but he's tried making reforms...the problem is, all his reforms are only a fraction of what he envisioned came about, if they came about at all. There's a concerted stop him doing anything, and the Republicans, in public...said  their goal was to make him a one  term President.

      So...alot of things weigh in, the problem is people aren't aware of what's going on, they just have an image of him...from what Fox News says, or some conspiracy site says, or what some supposed intel says....but...I know he has  good intentions...and time will show that, I'm sure of it. Everyone will see.

      • Well like you said we ll see, yeah I mean he a nice guy, or a complete fake. Some fakes are very good and apear loving he'd probably be up there as one of the best actors of all time if he is one.

        To be honest I don't know, you'd be better off asking me about David Cameron, he's a friend of a friend. I don't think he's in the know just manipulated and tries to get by the best he can. No great man of the people, but then it's so hard to be these days with all the ridiculous beliefs some people have about the way the country should be run.

        If you don't know the whole Conservative party is bank rolled by some lord from an offshore account on the jersey islands.

        I wouldn't say David Cameron is evil well only as much as the next conservative person. But there is little genuine intent there to help everyone and love everyone equally which there should be.

        My favourite politician is nick clegg and he gets such bad press, I swear the people are just as much to blame as the politicians.

        If a genuine well meaning government were installed there's a good chance the mob would hate them, some people are just so used to suffering they wanna stay in it, but I hope that changes.
    • Well, if you seek REAL intel on Obama, which eclipses the "lizard conspiracy," have a look at this link to Executive Intelligence Review of Lyndon H. Larouche and his team.....

      The search engine on that site will take you far on Obama's background, with real intel and research to back it...




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