I'm so glad I stayed! What a difference a day makes. We are not individuals, we are ONE. Separation is an illusion and I apologize for my part in deception. I can only do what is right from this moment on. Or rather do nothing and all will be done :) as we are not perceiving anything, we are that which perceives. I will prove to you that its all going to be okay. If you don't want something to happen then stop thinking about it. Please focus on what you want to happen. If you are afraid of something or you have imagined the worst case scenario, you have the power to change it. You can literally change that vision into something different. If its about death, or some horrible tragedy that frightens you, first take a step back and realize that the part of you that feels afraid, isn't going to die or be hurt. Its only the body that carried you thru life that is afraid. That's normal, and healthy, and part of a natural process. You want to LIVE. And you want to live well and be happy. Please see new discussion on changing your visions if this is what you need help with "FEAR INTO FREEDOM." We are all about to start living a lot better lives. Something really magical has happened, as if creation itself weren't magical enough, eh? This is truly a miracle. I dreamed of this day coming, only I thought it was all just a dream. And maybe we are some advanced beings dream - that would make sense of my 1987 dream. The one I had when the supernova light 1987a reached us. Maybe that dream was the other reality. Because I just returned to my physical body today and I have a lot to say. I'm so glad this is real! We are going to start solving problems and having a lot of fun. Please start by taking a deep breath. Relax - everything is going to be okay, I promise. Boy do I have a lot of work to do. Oh, I mean don't we have work to do :) thanks everyone. I am so thankful for you it is way beyond words. Here we go...

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    • Couldn't agree more LiLStar, its ALL BS.

  • Lol, thanks Minerva, ;)

  • If this is indeed true, it might be even better news.  Keep in mind that the dark cabal, due to their inherently low vibratory rate, cannot survive at 3rd-5th dimensional shift as "dark" beings.  If they have worked out a truce with the light, their options would logically be to either relocate to a different world or more preferably join the light and ascend with the rest of us.  You would be surprised to know just how many have already done the latter.  Either way, such a course would spare the earth's populace a great deal of trauma and confusion. 

    I would say this is a big win for the light team! 

    • I think that most of the cabal are only following orders by the Iluminati anyhow and given the option of going down with the rest or converting to the light, they would take the latter. Most are only followers, take the armies of the world 95% of them will ditch the core when it all starts to come to a head, you will get some that are grunts untill the end (full metal jacket type) as they only know one thing in life and they would most likely want to stay in 3D land and fight till there death and then they will convert to the light when it's offered to them. 

    • I think it is awesome news! Sharing it was an unbelievable experience. Some people cannot get past vengeance, and feel robbed of seeing the mass arrests, as if that was the ultimate goal of what is transpiring around us.

      Exciting times! 

  • It's ALL happening right Now!!!


  • ha ha I felt exactly the same tossed and turned all night, maybe we should have got together lol.

    Seriously tho the future is a very hard thing to predict because so many variables can change an event very quickly in a very short time. It will happen you have to believe that, our cosmic energy is all that's required to be positive and it will be read by those above us and events will go from there...

  • If the cabal is accounted for and they have given up the power grab, then what is the hold up?  Why aren't we dancing in the streets by now?  How long will this take?  If September rolls around and not a damn thing has changed, did something go horribly wrong?


    It is very difficult to be excited when nothing EVER happens. 

  • Hmm... I'm having a tough time with this one... Probably because this is the first time I've come across a posting from Melody. (no disrespect). I haven't been spending a lot of time on this site, due to some rather unsavoury encounters with a few of the trolls. My fellow crew members & I have been feeling the energies building, and spontaneously engaged in activities to raise the vibrations of ourselves and those with whom we are in contact.  I posted several "party-type" music videos on my external blog, and have been tweeting like crazy. People notice when we have an open debate about the arrests and disclosure.  

    I have voiced my opinion that Dr. Steven Greer's upcoming film, "Sirius" is too little, too late; it should be here, now, and that disclosure is already happening, by the people. We can't wait. Last night, before it got dark, the sky appeared to be full of an entire fleet of "UFO clouds". The symmetry in the cloud formations was too perfect, and the cloud coverage too massive.

    Just last week, I was blogging that disclosure needs to happen, ASAP, and I have really been pushing this. When Sheldon Nidle's recent timeline is discussed, I point out that the sequence of individual events was not laid out, only groups of events. Disclosure, mass arrests, and the new financial system are in the first group.  With all the time that has been lost in trying to roll out things like NESARA and St. Germain's world trust (since 2000, at least), we will need disclosure to happen in order to distribute the prosperity funds in remote areas (IMHO).

    Just this morning, some of us were speculating whether the arrests would happen at NATO, the G8 summit, or the Bilderberg meeting at end of the month. My perception is that all of these are too late in the month to achieve everything else that must happen before December 21st.  My sense is that we are sitting at the top of the roller coaster that is to e the month of May. (Whee!)

    The Arcturians tell us that many wonderful things will happen this month. Most of these require assistance from our Galactic brothers & sisters, if it they are to be achieve is such a short space of time.

    As much as we have been looking forward to the mass arrests as a sign that all of this is real, it is kind of tough to let go of the idea. Having said that, my crew members and I blasted significant amounts of energy into the ethers in the past 48 hours, as have many others. I have no problem believing the we were able to change the timeline of events. It is still a shock.

    Thanks, Melody! 

  • Hmm... the meditation may have had an unintended effect, if the former cabal really are surrendering in some form or another, this is very good news, however, I doubt this will stop the mass arrests since they still have to answer for their oppression of humanity.

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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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