Nostradamus Prophecies: Death Comet ( Nibiru) – War World 3 –
Nostradamus Prophecies: Death Comet ( NIBIRU )- War World 3 –
Nostradamus on the dangers of weaponry mixed with natural disaster
To avoid the worst effects of the pole shift, “Stop the explosions that the military feels are so important.” Understand that what happens with your weaponry will have a large effect on how much or how soon this devastation [of the shift] would occur. Make people aware of the damage that can occur to their present weaponry system. IF people become more aware of the damage that can be caused by the military destruction, whether voluntary or involuntary—if this can be prevented, the reaction set off beneath the earth’s surface would be less damaging. It is the earth changes that will be causing the danger of the weaponry, not the use of it. Accidents will occur in the New World, because of natural earthquakes. The results that would happen from an earthquake near one of your military housings of the weaponry definitely should cause your leaders to realize the dangers.
Weather modulation devices go awry, cause ice and hail
Devices developed by man to manipulate the weather will go awry because of faulty programming. They will cause a great deal of damage through unseasonal ice and hail. The scientists won’t understand the forces they are dealing with and that the natural weather pattern will overcome interference in attempting to attain proper balance. The computers will fight the increasing intensity and break, damaged beyond use.
Nuclear reactor meltdown near city with underground chambers
In the U.S., in the Rocky Mountains, a complete city will be built near to underground chambers blasted into a mountain for the storage of secret records. The water pumped into a nuclear reactor will not be totally purified, and an element in the reactor will cause a meltdown, unleashing radioactive poison.
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Space shuttle accident releases microorganisms into atmosphere
Incompetent leaders who will have gotten their position by family prestige, in a joint space venture between America and France, will be behind an accident involving a space shuttle. The ship will have scientists on board doing biological experiments to see the effects out of the reach of gravity. An accident and malfunction will cause the ship to lose orbit, break up, and burn on reentry. Some of the microorganisms on board will survive the fall. They will have the potential to cause plagues.
Devastating accidental weaponry explosions from earth tumult
Along with the earthquakes and volcanoes will be the accidental explosion of the weaponry that is buried in the ground. This will cause great emotional turmoil within the U.S. and [Britain and France].
The countries in Europe will want a disarmament. It is important they realize that if this disarmament of the weapons comes about, that will take place in the Moslem countries as well.
Ruptured earth energy fields cause meteorite storm
Research scientists will be investigating the powers associated with the various energy fields of the earth. They will try to harness the powers for different purposes, including warfare. When they begin experiments, in an area near the North Sea, they accidentally will rupture one of the earth’s fields so that a beam of energy will shoot out into space and draw a steady stream of meteorites to earth. They will continue to rain down until the scientists can repair the damage. Doing so will cause an earthquake from built-up stress. The research will be a secret government project. To the world at large, this will appear to be a natural phenomenon and will be recorded as such in future history books, because the government will keep the project concealed even after the accident.
Research into warping time leads to disaster
Who is the antichrist ???
You are.
But... You already knew that, didn't you? ;)