(Note:  These messages were given during our weekly Prepare For Change group in Glendale, AZ)

“Ashira” channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco

“Adama”, “Aramda”, “One Who Serves” channeled by James McConnell


I am “Ashira”. It is a pleasure to follow “St. Germaine” in such a way. This group has been given many responsibilities but all of those of us who have come to you over the past months believe that these are responsibilities that you are ready to handle at each stage and in each situation. To be given the Light of Transmutation in a formal way is indeed, a blessing, another responsibility to be called forth.

So, I am called forth to talk about joy. For we know that joy is not always at the top of the minds of those in the room, in your families and with those you interact with because many of the activities of the planet have continued to have things surface that are there for you to transmute, to take care of and again. This is about energies, about frequencies and that violet light, the violet transformational light, is much better tool than losing sleep and worrying. Would you not say that this is so?

Allowing for that healing to come forth, that light to come forth into situations whether they be work related, whether they be world related. We know that we have asked you many times to turn away from those things that are in the news, those things which can bring your frequency vibrations down, if you pay too much attention to them because your energy gets sucked in.

So, utilize this tool when you see or you hear stories that might raise your concerns or distract you from that which you know to be the truth. Hold the torch! Call forth that transmuting energy and see it released and let go. And turn away from it.

That way we have given you an action, do you see that? We have given you an action to use so that you do not need to feel that you are powerless. You do not need to feel that there is nothing you can do but, perhaps, send prayers which are always beneficial.

But being ones of action in this room and for those who would share in this message. Being ones of action, “St. Germaine”,  calls you forth to indeed, be more active in this role and call forth the energies from the highest planes and anchor those energies on the planet.

If you are familiar with the Tarot deck and the Magician card, you see that being stands there as one arm is raised to heaven and the other is pointing down to the Earth, bringing the energy of the other dimensions into the Earth plane, into Mother Gaia. And upon the table in front of him are aspects of the human existence and of life on the planet. And because he has the power and energy to bring the energy from the heights he can create magick on the Earth plane and thus the Magician card.

This is what YOU are! Each and every one of you. Is it not the same pose when one is holding the torch high and the other hand is down beside you? You are reaching to bring the energies from the heavens, that violet energy that is not present innately in its exact color hue, that exact frequency on the planet.

Again, this is another way to give you an action or an activity to help you more effectively work on this planet.

We are having joyous times sharing with you and watching you and all of those upon the planet. For there are far more wondrous and exciting things happening than you are allowed to see through those normal channels you explore your world and see it through. Also, you have to have the time to search for the good stories. We were delighted this week when Susan got the message we brought to her about a way to shift the energy in her office. Ask her about “something good” so that she can share that story with you!

This is a time when there are great and wondrous things happening. Many are behind closed doors. Many are waiting for the currency changes and all of these other things. There are those who are feeling melancholic, sad and depressed, frustrated because they all take so long but they are all only looking at one aspect of that experience. They are only waiting for monies to change and this change that is happening upon this planet is multidimensional with permeations not only with the human family but with all families, all kingdoms, all of us who are here to love you and be with you.

Whatever you can do to inject joy into your life daily, we invite you to do that. We do know that the darkness has been with you the last couple of weeks as a group. There are those of you who have had challenges, work issues, personal issues, that seem to rise and it seems that we all should be, as you say, “above this”, and yet it is still part of the experience. We are asking you to infuse more joy into your life.

What does that mean? Can you listen to music that brings about joy? Can you take your daydreams to play with the fairies? Can you take time to watch children, puppies and kittens? Perhaps there are internet sites that will bring you smiles.

It gets too serious! We have such fun in the other dimensions because we look at these things that you deal with and we know that you struggle but we see things from such a different picture, a different perspective, and the joy that is present with us we desire to infuse into you. And because we are limited in some ways to the tools that you utilize on this planet, on this dimension, we try to mention just a few.

It always raises your attitudes, your hopes, desires and expectations to be out of doors, at the ocean, and the forests and in wonderful floral parks but that is not always practical on a day to day basis. And so, even as important as prayers and meditations, it is important that we ask you to find moments of sheer joy. For no other reasons than to experience love in the joy filled moments. The laughter and the peace.

And we would leave you with those thoughts today for there is much to be shared with you today. We are grateful for this time. We send you our love. We surround you with our blessings and we are injecting you with our joy this very moment. Namaste.



Greetings. This is “One Who Serves”. I am only going to be here momentarily and be back here shortly, just preparing the way here.


This is “Adama”. It was said that I would be with you in the last time together but things come up that get in the way of these types of exchanges at times. But I am here now. I am here now to talk to you in terms of something you have been focused on more in terms of recently. Something that you are coming to an understanding of, and that is the idea of frequency. The idea of frequency as being a way to understand your world, a way to understand all of those things that are happening in your world.

For if you look into your world as it is now, you look at it in the same old way all that you see is chaos. But if you look at it from different eyes, you might say, certainly through your third eye, and you see it the way that we see it, we look at it in terms of frequency, in terms of how things are changing in your world to bring about higher vibrations. And there are many things that are happening right now that are doing exactly that. The vibrations are higher and higher and again, it may not appear that way to you but trust us, it is happening.

And as these frequencies rise, more and more of those of us that in some ways are mentoring to you, we can show ourselves more and more. We can be of assistance. We can be of guidance and as the times come we will even be in your physical understanding, in your physical presence. Those times are coming but it is those frequencies that are changing that is bringing this about. And when the frequencies rise to a high enough point, we will be here and you will be here with us as well.

It has been told for many, many eons of time that these moments now that you are finding yourselves in were to come. Those are these times now. These are the moments now. This is that frequency that you are moving toward. The frequencies have not yet reached the point where it is possible for those of us to be more fully with you. The frequencies have not yet reached the point when those from above can be down here with you as well. But, it is happening and it is coming. It is all in process now.

You have been told many times that many of you have already ascended and you just don’t know it yet. This is indeed so. But when the frequencies rise enough, your will know it yourselves, that indeed you have arisen, you have indeed ascended.

That is the message I wish to bring. Just that you might say you are on the right track. You are looking at the world through different eyes and looking at it from a sense of frequency rather than time. Time is the old paradigm, an old process and all of that, as you understand it, is changing.

Peace and love be with you all. Adonai.


I am the one known as “Aramda” and I have been with you a few times through this one, James, my brother. It is time as the frequencies are rising, as you have heard, now is the moment more and more we will begin to show ourselves, in terms of disclosure, in terms of those that are ready, those that are prepared will be able to see us, will see us through the veil. Many of you, as we understand it, are already doing that when you look at the clouds and you see the ships within the clouds. Many will look at the clouds and see what? A cloud.

But, you are seeing beyond that now. If you begin to use that which is called your Third Eye that is opening up for each one of you, those that were on the “Advance” especially. Those of you will notice that your Third Eye has been activated tremendously but there are those things that get in the way of this still. Those that have the fluoride in their water, those that do not understand that their Third Eye has been opened and in that misunderstanding, their Third Eye remains closed.

So you must more and more, if you wish to have disclosure happen for you personally, you must open your Third Eye. Use your Third Eye! Let it be the process that opens you to the world you are not seeing and have not seen for some time.

For we are here, there are millions, billions and some even say trillions of us just waiting, just waiting outside your atmosphere. Just outside of the veil that is still pulled over many eyes. We are waiting for that moment, that signal. You might call it a green light, whatever it might be, a trumpet blaring. Whatever that signal is, we are waiting for it. When that signal comes, you will know without any doubt whatsoever, you will know we are here! And we are here to assist and help guide you, always not to do it for you. We will never step in your place and do the work for you but we will show you how to do the work and make it much easier, more beneficial, quicker fashion then what you might be able to do now.

So, those of you here in this room, as you have been told before, you are a part of disclosure. You are part of creating disclosure first within yourselves and then outside of yourselves. So, more and more you are the ones you have been waiting for. And the more you come to that understanding, the more you will be ready for those of us to appear before you and for your and our brothers and sisters to come back together once again to be united in God.

All of my peace and love to be with you now. I am “Aramda”. I am on the ships and I am watching over you, in this particular group, especially. Peace and love be with you.


Greetings to you once again in this funny sounding voice coming back in here after hearing the ones who sound more like you, I guess. But, we are here to always to be of assistance and guidance and service to you in any way we possibly can. We have no messages for you but we can be here to entertain your questions. We use the term entertain purposely because it may be entertaining for you but it is certainly entertaining for us when we hear your questions (laughter) some times and when we can answer them.

Question: I am having a strange feeling again in my bedroom. Is it an experience on a ship?

You already have the understanding and the knowing. Yes, it certainly is a ship above you and as you are preparing yourself more and more for what is to come, you are creating your life every moment ahead of you. If you wish to have an experience of a 5th dimensional understanding, you will have it as you create it, you see? And the more you create it, the more it will be. If you wish to have experience with the ships, you shall have that as you create it in various ways. You are creating YOUR world now, this is for all of you, so create it the way you wish it to be. There are many throughout the planet that are creating the same old, same old problems and that is all they see. As they look out at the various things that are happening in the world they see chaos, they see destruction, they see animosity and hatred and all of these things. The more you see that, the more you create that.

So we are saying un-create that. Move beyond that. Do not pay attention to that anymore, other than to the point of being aware. Awareness is good as it brings you to higher vibrations but awareness without the emotional attachments. You see? That is the difference. See it and then move beyond it! And then you have no attachments. Do you understand this?

Question: I heard that Mt. Vesuvius had erupted but I can’t find any confirmation about it. I heard that when Mt. Vesuvius erupted it was the start of the Earth cleansing herself. What can you share?

Please understand that much of what you are speaking of is of the old ways, the old timeline and the old understanding that when Mt. Vesuvius erupts there will be great changes throughout the world. But what have we been saying for some time now? The old ways are no longer. They have been replaced by the new things that are coming, the new transition that is happening. The ones that have attempted to hold on to this old time line and bring it into existence are no longer able to do this. This is in many ways the way that they have tried to make the Biblical stories happen but they have not been able to do this because that particular timeline has shifted. Do you understand this?

Question: I have been hearing that the name of this universe is the “Adonai Universe” however, in researching the Akashic Records, I am hearing that this universe is called, “Akashia Universe”. Would you please shed some light on the discrepancy?

There is not so much a discrepancy except in your own mind. What will assist you in knowing what name it goes by? Just understand that it goes by what it is. There is no name for it, necessarily, except for those of you who wish to give it a name. That is what you call “God”. “God” is not “God”. That was just a name that you gave Him or Her or whatever, you see?

“Prime Creator” is the Source of all creation and whatever name you wish to give it whether it is, ‘Jehovah”, or “God”, or “Great Spirit” or whatever, what difference does it make?

That does not mean that your need for understanding here is incorrect. We are not “putting it down”, we would never do this but please understand, but where does it assist you in knowing this? Whether it is “Adonai”, or “Adama”, or “Aton” or whatever the various names have been given for the universe, what does it matter here?

When you are with that one that you are comparing it with, they will have their understanding of it and you will have your understanding of it. This is telepathic, there is no need for words here. It is an understanding and that is what you are after here. Do you see this?

Question: Hot flashes, is it true that we are getting closer to our higher selves and that is why we are hot much of the time?

In a word, yes. People who are experiencing this in various ways and different amplitudes throughout the planet and all of you are experiencing these things that you may not have been experiencing before in terms of hot flashes, in terms of headaches, stomachaches and these things. You might say that is just the way it is. Everyone has headaches, everyone has stomachaches, everyone has hot flashes when the hormones are raging. But it is more than this. You must understand. Where there are those who have never had these experiences before, they are having them now. We are speaking in terms of this one we are speaking through now. It is not a hormonal thing but ascension symptoms, those things that are changing in your bodies in terms of directly to answer your questions. The heat is rising because you are moving closer to your Higher God Self.

Question: Tell us about the lake that just appeared in Africa and the tubes that are appearing on the planet. Is the lake a gift from Mother Gaia?

Yes. There is what is considered fissures and various openings that are occurring on the Earth to let steam out, to let out the steam, let the openings come so Gaia can breathe more. You will notice more and more of these types of things, these openings into the Earth’s crust in various ways. This lake opening up is a very gentle way of this happening here. You see? Beyond this there is not much more in symbolism. It is something that has been given to this part of the planet that was needed for refreshment here for a little bit.

Question: I have been thinking a lot about the world financial areas crashing. Do you see chaos?

We see that through your eyes, we can see this but we do not see this through our eyes. No, that would be a lower frequency and if we would do that we would become more of that lower frequency so we look beyond that and we see higher frequency. We see the energy behind those things that are happening. You see and many see the chaos happening out there and they see the energy happening at that moment. But we see that which the chaos is bringing about. How the chaos is bringing about order. How the chaos is bringing about the changes that are needed.

It is looking at your President Obama and even though on the surface he looks like an evil, vindictive being that is creating havoc in your government and bringing down the system, yes indeed, that is exactly what is happening but as it is happening; it is also bringing about order from that chaos. It is bringing about the changes that are necessary to bring the transition that is required here. Do you understand this?

Question: Do you see people fighting for survival?

You are going to experience that which is going to happen. Whatever it is that is going to happen, you will experience it, but you are going to experience it at the level you are at, the particular truth that you experience the world. If you are looking through the world with rose colored glasses, then that is the way you will see it. But if you are looking at the world in terms of more of the glass half empty, than that is how you will see it. You see? All depends from your point of view. Are you looking at it through your Third Eye or are you looking at it through the old tired eyes that have been seeing the chaos or the destruction as it has been happening here, you see?

We wish to clarify something here through the James when we said it, he went all aflutter inside, in terms of bringing order out of chaos. We understand now through him that the Cabal has said there will be order out of chaos. What we are saying is after the breakdown, there will be a breakthrough after. And in order for the breakthrough, there must be a breakdown. That is not to say that your entire system is going to fall apart, we are NOT saying that because that is what your various fear mongers are creating, that the system is going to collapse and your dollar is going to disappear and all of these types of things.

This is not the way it is going to happen and we can tell now, based on probabilities at this moment, that this is not the way it is going to happen. Now certainly changes can come and alter things, and they always do, as it is appearing now everything that has been said is going to happen, in terms of the greater changes, in terms of moving beyond all of the chaos and into the New Golden Age and into the love, you see?

Question: What we believe we manifest externally, that is what I believe. Is that correct?

As we find it, you have asked this question many times and in many ways and certainly as you ask this again you must continue to need an answer here that you can hold on to.

You are creating all of this. We have said this for some time now. Create what you want but you see, there are many throughout the planet that do not have the understanding that you are showing here, have nowhere near the understanding of what those in this room have here, in terms of the illusion. For they look around themselves and they see reality, they see that they are not creating their reality, their reality is creating them. And that is a major difference here. That is the old 3D paradigm within this illusion. That they are being created by the very external things they experience, by the external events.

And you have the understanding that it is the opposite and we have been saying for some time now, “believing is seeing,” it is not the other way around. The other way around is what the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Dark Forces have been wanting you to believe for a very long time, seeing is believing and it is not that way in the new paradigm. In the new paradigm it is the opposite of that. And as you come more and more to that understanding, you create more of your reality in front of you every moment. You see?

The reason people ask questions is that they are looking for answers; they are looking for something that is eluding them, something just outside of their grasp. And when they ask a question and receive an answer that resonates for them, then they can move on to the next topic or the next level of understanding.

Question: Do things that happen in the world come from our conscious or unconscious mind?

There are so many things that are occurring here in terms of conscious and unconscious. You, in your reality, as you go about each day are mostly in your conscious understanding at least you think you are but there are many things happening at the subconscious and unconscious levels that are bringing about those aspects that are bringing changes in your life. Even though you think you are making conscious changes in your life, where do you think those thinking processes are coming from?

The programming is the source of many decisions in your lives. The tool given by the “St. Germaine” and many others is to give you tools to move beyond the programming, to let it go and go with the flow. All of these things are to move beyond that programming that is still holding you back. Even when you say you say 100% believe, do you really. If you say you 100% believed it would be there in front of you immediately. Whatever it was you wished. If you wished for an apple it would be there in your hand because you believed 100% but because it is not, you believe you cannot do it. You see?

This goes for all here. You wish for the financial changes to come? Then believe they are happening! Not that they will be coming in a timeframe but that they are already happening and you have raised the vibration and the frequency and the more the vibration and frequency are raised, those things that are necessary to bring about the “Event” and the money will happen. You see?

Question: I dreamt of twelve empty ceramic cups. Can you tell me about them?

They are very significant. The term the “Twelve” means something here because have you not been given the “Twelve and the Twelve”. This is a different way of looking at this. You have already said here that the cups are empty and needing to be filled up and what do they need to be filled up with? They need to be filled with light and Spirit and love and understanding and oneness. Those that were mentoring to you in the dream told you that in order for that to happen that you must be open to this. Your cup must be open for it to be filled to overflowing, the cup over floweth, see?

The first understanding is to realize the cups are empty. You are the cup. You are open to the guidance from above. Fill me, “Father”, with your guidance, with your love, your oneness. Bring me back home. You see?

Question: Was the thirteenth crystal in the Bermuda Triangle been activated?

It has been activated in many different ways for a very long time. Did it occur at that particular moment at the Advance? Yes, the crystal was activated in a very different way. It was brought from the third dimension where it had been and brought back up to the higher frequencies. It had been activated for some time. This is much of your Bermuda Triangle here. Other questions, here?

Then we will release with this. We have not forgotten about the “Twelve and the Twelve”, this is very important and “Sananda” will likely be joining you again shortly, possibly the time next or the time after.

It is important though that you continue to work with the New Scriptures here because they are the gateway to the new understandings that are coming to the world. This is what you must look at. It is important when you hear these or read these, to know that this is what is occurring here. They are more than just words on a piece of paper here. They are a new understanding. And many of you have these understandings already but this is to take these understandings and put them together in a whole. You see?

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.

Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated





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