So glad you were able to laugh along with them. I'm always such an optimist, even when things are going horribly awry, and this was my opportunity to play the role of a character who is definitely very pessimistic, who sees things with a darkened shade. But I like to spice it with a bit of humor, so as the whole thing is not just a dark experience, bringing you down and robbing you of your energy.
Thanks so much for reading! It's an on-going project so stay tuned. Peace and blessings. Namaste. =)
Revised comment;#2 & #3Many of the Awakened lightworkers and even the newly awakened have been searching for not only the Divine Plan but also for there own personal Ascension Plan. There are many different paths that one can take out-there.Every…
https://By Derek Knauss March 8, 2025 THE PLEIADIANS Caylin, a representative of the Pleiadian collective, is a guiding force in humanity’s ascension process. The Pleiadians, known for their benevolent and higher-dimensional wisdom, are assisting…
i enjoyed some of those poems
notwithstanding that they've a slightly darkened shade...i laughed with them ...and thats got to be a good thing
thank you
So glad you were able to laugh along with them. I'm always such an optimist, even when things are going horribly awry, and this was my opportunity to play the role of a character who is definitely very pessimistic, who sees things with a darkened shade. But I like to spice it with a bit of humor, so as the whole thing is not just a dark experience, bringing you down and robbing you of your energy.
Thanks so much for reading! It's an on-going project so stay tuned. Peace and blessings. Namaste. =)