Lady Nada channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco

Sanat Kumara and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell


I am, Lady Nada. It is indeed, time for the world to break out in peace. It is time for peace in the cities, in the homes, in the families. It is time for peace. And while there are those out there who would believe that this is an impossible task, the group of you in this room are making a tremendous contribution to the world breaking out in peace. Pat yourselves on the back for you have “caught” the possibilities. You have captured the opportunities!

We appreciate you for the work that you have done with the seed project that James received not that many months ago. And at the time, the numbers that you have heard today would have seemed impossible. Many would have been happy with three hundred friends on the Facebook page. And we have talked today about tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, over a million people reached. Those are not small numbers my friends.

One drop of true consciousness can be dropped into the ocean and change the entire ocean. Do you see that there is a shift in consciousness that you bring to this planet? It is a drop of pure consciousness with pure intent. And that is the motion of love upon the planet. And as peace breaks out across the planet, please know that this group has brought a major impact on that activity!

It was no small seed that was given to James. We know that it took courage to bring it forth. We know that it took courage to take it on as a group. And it took faith to allow the project to move ahead the way it needed to.

That is the first part of my message today. As things continue to change over the next few weeks and changes you will see, know in your hearts, even in those high hearts, in your heartmind, that this drop of pure consciousness upon the planet is part of the catalyst of that change.

What are the times calling for right now? The times are calling for joy and gratitude, they are calling for serenity. They are calling for balance, not responding in extremes. Finding the commonality, the unity, the oneness.

The light is coming on. One cannot judge a human who has had an experience as light or dark, good or evil, or greedy or a horrible person because one does not have the big picture. As those who have continued to play out their roles within families, within communities, within countries, within the world, many things have been promoted to you as evil; evil people, evil countries. Many times these have been nothing more than manipulation tactics. To achieve those plans, those who came in may have chosen their path to understand the polarity, to understand the black and the white and to be the shades of gray.

As you move into the next dimensions there will no longer be shades of gray there will only be light. But this is part of the process of moving out of the polarity that has been present on this planet, the duality, the opposites.

As you move into higher dimensional thinking, feeling and understanding, you will understand that there are not opposites. There is balance. There is harmony. The Ascended Masters, the Archangels know this. We know that we have lives as males and females and we can show ourselves to you and many of us do, sometimes in masculine forms and sometimes in feminine forms. And sometimes that confuses those who we show ourselves to. All think of St. Germain as a male. Sometimes he plays and shows up as a girl. Would you be surprised by that? He likes playing games!

Gabriel and Gabriella are one being and they show up in different ways for the moment that is needed or the message that they need to convey. We do not see things in black and white. We always strive for the balance. And as we have come to this group, with  James and Susan, bringing the message for Sananda and for me. As the group moves forward in the Twelve of Twelve, more and more you will be experiencing both of us in teaching roles.

You will be seeing this more in your own lives, your own circumstances, your own situations. And that those who are showing up in your lives will be showing up to balance you. This does not mean that you have new partners. This does not mean that you have new marriages necessarily, it just means that you will have opportunities to truly experience what it is to be balanced.

I mentioned serenity is the balance between ecstatic joy and sadness. Serenity is to be at peace in any situation. Allowing it to be what it is. Moving away from judgments, as people in your lives are experiencing various illnesses. As has happened with Susan in the past two weeks with her dear, Crystal Rose, it is happening with other friends and family members that you have, changes are happening in people’s bodies, changes are happening in people’s minds, in relationships, in people’s jobs. This started quite a while ago but as this blue light, this Ascension energizer, activator, the Mother’s blue wave of love, all of this is bringing the changes that are occurring now.

The peace that you will find within your own being will also be there to support your friends and your families. When they are feeling lost, frightened and when they have no understanding of what is occurring in their lives you have been prepared ahead of time. It is not only a rush of love from the Mother that brings people to their knees in gratitude, it is also the activations that are changing lives.

We know that some of the messages that have come through other channels led you to believe that you were here to help people when the “Event” happened and that everyone will be swept up in a moment of glory. But these days that are here now are affecting people in many, many different ways. And for some it is glorious but for many these lights and activations in the physical body are creating confusion, fear and panic.

And so balancing it out with others in your world is to help them understand that this is a temporary situation. And as peace breaks out everywhere there will be more peace present in people’s lives, in people’s bodies, in people’s minds. As the activations are taking place, people are being brought to a higher level of health, wholeness and vitality.

As those Third Eyes are open more people will be able to see into the other dimensions and see the other worlds that are co-habiting with you on this planet at this very moment. Yes, those are the fun things you can share with people. Assure them that they are not going crazy. Yes, there are fairies flying around that you thought were hummingbirds. Yes, there are water sprites floating in the air and in the clouds and in the fountains. Yes, those are not bugs. Those are little beings. And this is the fun of your job. These are the fun parts you will be able to share and explain.

As people continue to pass out of this body who have chosen not to go through this Ascension, that is also your job. To be there to comfort, to be there to help remind people that this is but part of the lifeline of the soul’s experience.

These are very wondrous times! But they can still be frightening for many people. We encourage you to note the good in your life every day. To remind yourself and others that what you see in the air (television ) and in print, much of this is all staged. Basically, life at this very moment, in the 3D world is much like what Shakespeare wrote, “All the world’s a stage and all the people are players.” There are scripts that are going on that are being torn and ripped to shreds so that the truth can come out and that the new “Event”, the new activities, all of that which has been promised can unfold.

Take heart, dear ones. Take heart and know that the time that is upon you is glorious. And as you continue to be of service you are of service in your meditations, you are of service in your prayers; you are of service when you participate in the visualization that you took part in today. Take your candle and light it! Shine your light into the world and know that you are one of many, many people who are contributing to the world in consciousness. And this is what is allowing peace to breakout around the world.

We bless you. We thank you. We now invite you to listen as James brings forth his messages.


This is Sanat Kumara. Briefly I am here to share with you a message. It’s a message of forgiveness. It is a message of letting go of your attachments. For what is it that would hold you back in that which has been called the Ascension, but your attachments, those things that would hold you to your three dimensional realities or in many respects and un-reality, an illusion?

But yet, you are bound, you are held by this illusion. We ask you now to more and more let go of this illusion, let go of the attachments that hold you to it. One of the ways to do that is to work with forgiveness.

Many of you do things such as hold grudges or hold on to past understandings that are not helpful to you in your body today, in your emotional make-up but you hold on to it because it is the programming you came in with. But it is time now to change the programming. Become that which you are meant to be, that which you already are but you are not knowing it yet.

Those of you that hold onto this idea of not being able to forgive whatever happened in your past and in many respects it happened in your past lives, not even so much this life. But it is time now to let go of all of it. And there will be those times coming very shortly that you will be tasked and taxed with letting go of those emotions that are going to well up within you when you hear of certain arrests, certain people being brought to justice. There will be many cries across the planet, “Kill them. Put them in prison for life. Give them the justice they deserve.”

But who are you to say and who are we to say what justice is? It is time, my brothers and sisters, to truly go with the flow. To let go of all of those things that have been holding you back. Believe now all those things that you have heard from many sources that speak of peace. And when you hear that this one deserves justice or that one, and they will be recognizable names, you will recognize them, and many will say, “Hang them from the nearest roof top or tree.”

But you, those of you who know will say, “No! Do not do that. Let go. Forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Let it go, my brothers and sisters. Let it go and let the New Age roll in! It is the Golden Age that will wash over the entire planet. For it is time now. And the “One Who Serves” will speak of that next.

All of my peace, all of our peace, together with all of those who work with me. As we continue to watch over all of those on this planet so that your children and their children and their children inherit a world that is at peace and love.

Go now, each and every day, and find joy in every moment. Continue to break out of this illusion with every opportunity that arises. Peace and love be with you.

I am Sanat Kumara.


Greetings. This is One Who Serves back with you again. This crazy little Tibetan accent voice that is coming to several of you now. You are beginning to understand this as you hear this funny accent come through. It is us! It is we! And we so enjoy these times that we can be with you in this way but as we told the James here, just earlier before your group began, this is about to change, in this way that we are coming through. It is going to be much more pronounced, in many ways even in the physical realm you will begin to see this.

For many things are coming. Many things are going to change. You hear it over and over again but guess what? One of these days it is really going to happen! And you are going to look at it and marvel at all you have gone through and all of your brethren have gone through. You will see that it has been worth it! The sleepness nights, disappointment after disappointment. But yet it is a brief moment in time of your entire existence! You have been told again and again that you have been here and done that before. You have each been in this situation before preparing, not for a world but a group to ascend.

This is the first time that it is like this. This seems many times that it is a daunting project but it is not. It is all how you look at. Just as Lady Nada spoke about the candle lights, we wish for you to see these lights flickering on everywhere on that day, September 11th. See it happening before hand so that when that moment actually arises it will not be thousands, it will be millions that do this. And even if they do not light a candle, simply the thought of it, the emphasis and intention on this can make a huge difference to bring about peace to this planet and to the people on this planet.

All is in readiness. All are gearing up for this grand changeover that is coming. We do not give dates but we must emphasize one particular time frame here. We are moving into the fall, into your September. It has been given that the Chinese, the Elders, focus on certain time frames. The first of the first, the second of the second month, the third of the third month and so on. And what are we approaching now? The ninth of the ninth month. This is a very significant moment of time that these Elders look upon. And if you are not aware, the Elders are the ones who are controlling the financial changeover here. So look for it in this time frame, even before or shortly after. And you will see those changes that have been spoken of many times.

Would there be questions now?

Question: During the meditation I went to Lebanon. I am feeling deeply emotional, is there a reason?

There is always a reason, dear sister. Your Higher Self is orchestrating all of this that happens and you hear many times that nothing happens by accident. Nothing happens by happenstance here. There is a focus, a reason for everything. Why the area of Lebanon, you say? You have a certain connection with that area in terms of your past life connections here. You have been there in that area before and it has a certain resonance for you. And it is not necessarily in your three dimensional understanding but it is in your higher understanding that this coming through. This is why you were focused on that particular area.

Do you understand this. You are emotional because it is a very strong connection for you that is being released now. You see? Go with it. Let it be. Let the tears flow. They are cleansing.

Question: I have been moved to find out more about the Pineal Gland this week. What can you share that will help us develop it more?

It is extremely important for you to work with this area that has been dormant, but for you particularly, it has not been as dormant as others. You have had access to this, although you did not know what you had access to. To begin to focus on it will activate it even more. Make it so it is an instrument for you in your life. Where you are seeing auras now, it is in some ways a game for you. Just a certain thing that comes and happens and it is no big deal. It is going to become a very big deal for as you continue to activate it, you continue to focus on it, if you do not focus on it, it does not become activated, so focus on it, work with it, know it is there, believe it is there and believe as you as seeing through your physical eyes that you are also seeing through your Third Eye, Pineal Gland. Does this make sense to you?

There are many areas on the Internet that speak to this. You can Google and type in Pineal Gland activation and see what comes. If that does not bring results, search a different way. There are many articles that are there that will who you in many ways how to activate this Third Eye center.

Question: In my meditations I forgive through every chakra but I have had a sense lately that I might need to shorten my process. Can you give me counsel on this?

To look at your chakra centers and to focus on this type of thing through all your chakra centers is not necessary in those higher chakras. There is not the karmic nature or past life connections operating in those higher vibration chakras. The attachments come predominantly in those lower chakras, one, two and three. The fourth is the balance center. It balances the lower three with the upper three. And focus on those lower three will be the ones you predominantly need to look at here. Does that make sense to you?

Question: I had a dream about being a part of an elite military squad. We had a lot of preparation for a showdown. Can you give me insight into this dream?

It is not what you might think of here, in terms of a past life connection or anything like that here. This is looking at what is to come. Your battle with the Dark Side, it is somewhat the dark side of your own nature but it is also working with the higher vibrational energy in terms of working with the Masters, working with the Archangels and the Galactics and all of this and fighting this battle. You have been doing this in your dream state and are not aware of it at this point. You are becoming aware of this and this is a first step in becoming aware of this.

And this goes for many of you in this room. You are battling in ships, in other systems, in many different systems, you are not remembering it yet but it is a process that is occurring regardless of you remembering it or not. And many of you are in your multidimensional realities that you are, are experiencing these things. So, you, yourself are gearing up to be able to battle on with the Darker Forces and you are going to win. Each of you here are going to win this battle! It is already won in many respects. It is unlike other times when you battled as a warrior and you lost.

You see? This time, you won! Does this answer your question?

Question: My family has experienced some serious health issues over the past week that took them to the hospital. What is going on?

It is exactly as Lady Nada said earlier, there are those energies going on, that are coming in that are affecting the whole planet in one way or another. Some are taking these energies and working with them and raising their vibrations. Others are taking these energies and it they are bringing up old wounds and warts, you might say, past times and past connections. All of this comes into the body and affects the body if it is unchecked. If the balance is not flowing, it is very important in the body to have balance, in your emotional states. What is happening is that there are many who are experiencing this who are not prepared for this. They do not have the awakening understanding that you do at this point. And also they are having their soul contracts that are calling for this. All are not going to go through the Ascension as you have been told about here. There are many that are going to go through it after they pass out of their bodies first. This is part of their soul contract. This is what they came to do.

There are many different understandings and situations that are going to come up that you are going to see more and more that are having these experiences. Some are not going to pass from the body though. They will work through it and it will come to a balanced state within them. If they are able to take on these energies, you see. Each of you in this room are beginning to feel this in your bodies as the energies move into you if you have not already. It will begin to work at the molecular level within your bodies and you will have the cellular change that is going on. This is going to lead to a rejuvenation process that is going to begin in your body. It has already begun in many of your bodies. If you have not already seen it, you will begin to see it and it is going to be advanced greatly when you go into the healing chambers, the rejuvenation chambers, all of these types of things are coming. This is a pre-cursor for many of you.

Question: Is there a way to help people go through this?

Yes, more and more as these energies are coming in to more of the planet here, those who are feeling those energies, some will awaken from it. They will turn to another and say, “what is going on?” That is your invite to be able to tell them. Only give enough that will satisfy their need at the moment. Too much and you may blow out their nervous system, almost physically here. Allow for the purpose. Allow for the flow and whenever the need comes for this, you will be there to assist for that need. You see?

It will happen more and more, especially as those announcements begin to come. Then people will turn to you and say, “Oh my goodness, you were right!” And your ego will puff up and you will say I know. But that is an attachment. Do not allow that to happen even though it will be a sense of something you would like. You see?

Question: Is my husband going to be going with me?

Tell each one only as much as is asked for here. Each one, all of your spouses, your friends, your family, they all have their own soul contract that leads them to this point. You do not want to interfere with that! It is the Prime Directive, always. No interference except when asked for. We would say, wait and see and we will add to that, believe and see!

Question: The messages have been so helpful in handling even my own family situations with health issues.

Always remember when you are looking at situations from within yourself you have a tendency to have judgment. But if you step out of yourself and be the objective observer, everything changes. For your observer is minus the ego. You will see things apart from yourself.

Question: I want to ask about the Anti-Christ. What can you say about that topic?

Oh my goodness, we could say volumes with this topic. For look at your planet and all across the planet and many sources talk about Anti-Christ but what is it really? Look at from within yourself and the dark force within each of you. For each of you has that within you, you have the duality. So if you have the light you also have the dark within you. It is purposeful.

So, each one has this Anti-Christ within them. But it is not an Anti-Christ in terms of the Christ principles. It is an anti-understanding continuing on with the illusion, continuing on with the programming that you have had. This is what is meant by this. The symbolic understanding is this, you see?

It is not that there is one individual who is born and is going to rise to power and rise to the top and take over everything and look like it is the savior. And then turns to be the Devil. How can this be? There is no Devil! You see?

Do not look at it in that sense. Look on it in the sense that each one has that part dormant within, some even that are alive in this respect are present and has also been called the “Dweller at the Threshold”. This term has been used before. Each one has this but the “Dweller” can be strong or not so strong, depending on how much focus you have given it lifetime after lifetime so that it takes on a power of its own, an energy of its own, a being-ness of its own.

Where do you think the Cabal has gone with this? Why have they come up with this? They want the fear and if you subscribe to this, you fall right into their plan. You see?

As you move forward, remove those attachments as much as you can, as Sanat Kumara said. Forgive everyone in your life whether they are close to you or not close to you. Forgive, let them go, for it only holds you back. Those things which hold you back will hold you back from Ascension. You must let go of all of this. However, we don’t want fear to come in and have you think “oh my goodness. I have attachments so how am I going to ascend?” Let go of that!

This is where those who are called the mentors come in. They will help and assist you with this. But for those attachments that you have, they will help you. They will give you the tools that you need at the time to release them. We are telling you now to release them so you don’t have as much work later.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.

Channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco and James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated




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