My analysis indicates that the planet Uranus is very strongly associated with nuclear fission and explosions that may result from such applications. Uranus rules the "blind urge" for freedom and change, and hence it rules revolution, chaos, shocking events, and forces of nature that are dangerous and difficult to control. Hence, in addition to nuclear bomb detonations, Uranus also rules lightning storms, earthquakes, tornadoes, dam breaks, electrical accidents, forces of the occult (good and bad), guns and ammunition, and explosions of many sources and causes. This may be why Uranus is prominent in the horoscope charts of electricians, gunfighters, x-ray technicians, and prominent protest leaders and occultists.
On a spiritual basis, Uranus rules the aspirations one has for the future and the type of harmony one seeks in order for one to associate with others. This "need for association" is usually for purposes of friendship, community, and seeking peaceful living conditions. But this urge for harmonic association with others may also manifest via unusual and "rebellious" art (i.e. rock and roll, abstract art, and even rebellious talk radio (controversial radio talk show host Alex Jones, who is the epitome of "Yosemite Sam," has Uranus strong in his chart, and interestingly, in the sign of Libra)).
Note that Uranus also rules technology, astrology, innovation from the norm, genius, and the ability to work in dangerous environments. Hence, Uranus is also prominent in the charts of pilots, computer programmers, scientists (of all types), stunt actors/entertainers, and yes, astrologers. I have Uranus prominent in my own horoscope, and while I don't want to "toot my own horn," I find it interesting that I was possibly a U.S. western gunfighter in my previous past life and now I'm an astrologer.
In order to look for any potential for nuclear war that may arise in Spring 2014, the formulas for war have to be used first for analysis, as opposed to analysis of Uranus. This is because Uranus can take on MANY meanings; it can be the urge for freedom of everyone via peaceful association and demonstration AND it can be an environment of shocking chaos and change with forces that are out of control.
Note that all of the formulas for war from Maria Kay Simms have the planet Uranus within them. This makes sense since war usually creates chaotic conditions.
Now let's look at the first atomic blast in Los Alamos, New Mexico:
BULLS-EYE! One of the formulas for war equals the Los Alamos planet Uranus. Note that Zero Degrees Aries equals the midpoint of Pluto/Kronos. This is defined as "total transformation in government or high authority," and this makes sense since all governments (including Iran) want "the bomb" as a means to have stronger bargaining and persuasive powers on the world stage. Here's a breakdown of the Los Alamos Zero Degrees Aries midpoint formulas:
My interpretation for Zero Degrees Aries of the Los Alamos nuclear explosion is as follows:
"This event will be known for a complete transformation of government as a result of unusual people in an advanced area. These unusual persons were involved in a quarrel over a shocking display of force that concerns an advanced science that may be associated with murder and atrocity." One can't help but wonder if there were scientists there that had second thoughts and strong disagreements about using this new science on other people via warfare.
Now let's look at the Hiroshima nuclear bombing event:
ANOTHER BULLS-EYE! Uranus is directly overhead and equal to the Hiroshima MC (Midheaven) at 16Gemini30!!
Because the Midheaven is associated with reputation, it is safe to say that the reputation of the Hiroshima nuclear blast will be one known for "a shocking force of nature (created by man)." Also note that the Uranus/Zeus formula for war equals "reputation for involvement with war" or "reputation for involvement with creativity or fire."
Now let's look at at the Nagasaki nuclear blast:
The Uranian planet Admetos is prominent with Nagasaki's nuclear bomb explosion. Uranian astrologer Gary Christen defined Admetos as a "super Saturn," as well as the most intense of the hypothetical Uranian planets. Uranian astrologer Maria Kay Simms noted that when Admetos is combined with another planet, it can define a termination in some way (i.e. Admetos with Venus can define the end of a relationship, but it can also define an intense relationship as well). Because Saturn rules "restrictions and limitations," the Nagasaki Admetos placement may reflect this Saturn characteristic of restrictions and limitations when combined with one of our three formulas for war (Uranus/Zeus) as World War II ended almost immediately after the Nagasaki nuclear bombing.
Uranus is once more prominent, as per the midpoint breakdown with the Nagasaki placement of Uranus:
My interpretation for the Nagasaki Uranus is: "A shocking force of nature or explosion was viewed as a scientific achievement or victory with relations. A population or group of people were very disappointed or suffered a disappointing fate from this shocking force of nature or explosion, and it was a joyous beginning or victory for a military clique or a military contractor."
This sounds like the start of the military industrial simplex (oops, I mean complex) that President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about before he left office!!!
Now lets look at Spring Equinox, 2014. I particularly like the Washington D.C. chart for placement analysis since the Sun enters the sign of Aries just a few minutes before becoming overhead and equal to the MC (Midheaven):
One of our type-three planetary-picture formulas for war at the top of the page equals Uranus/Apollon. Uranian astrologers Gary Christen and Maria Kay Simms put "astrology" at the top of their lists for midpoint definitions for this midpoint, and I immediately fixed myself a very strong drink in lieu of my friendly relations with the current U.S. regime. And yes, I can see where both are correct with this interpretation.
But other interpretations exist for Uranus/Apollon. "Revolutionary knowledge" and "tension by many" are other meanings for this midpoint. The hypothetical Apollon reflects worldwide commerce, peace worldwide, and worldwide travel or journeys. Uranus is strongly tied to technology, especially computer technology. And if one looks at these other possible definitions applied to Uranus/Apollon, how about using definitions such as "technology worldwide" or "international technology?" This could define the internet. But Uranus also rules guns, and thus don't rule out an attempt for the resurrection of the "gun-grabbers." President Obama's new Surgeon General is calling "gun violence" a major problem, despite it being #10 on the top killers of the U.S. per F.B.I. statistics (cigarette smoking was #1, and the cigarette-making corporations contribute far more $ to the coffers of our (s)elected leaders than Smith & Wesson or Glock could ever dream of contributing).
Hence, we could possibly be looking at a "war" declared by our (s)elected government control freaks (both here in the U.S.A. and abroad) that will involve the internet.
The second type-three planetary-picture formula for war bisects the midpoints of North Node/Saturn and Saturn/Apollon. This defines "a separation of unions or connections and a departing of many worldwide." Again, this sounds like restrictions or terminations of "connections worldwide" that may involve the internet!! Edward Snowden may be correct about the megalomaniac nature of the nut-jobs at the NSA!! Not to mention the obsession with these nut-jobs and their "need to know" which Supreme Court Justice is smoking pot to control nausea, which Republican senator is dating underage call-girls (or call-boys), and which Democrat senator is murdering government employees who became too nosy with his/her political activities!!!
Let's now look at midpoint trees for the Spring Equinox 2014 Uranus:
My interpretation for Spring Equinox 2014 Uranus is "social unrest or shocking changes may have taken place among a disappointed group of people. This may be due to the strength of military arms corporations (or "national security" organizations) which was displayed via the joining of others in an effort to start a new transformation through propaganda and false ideas or pretenses regarding peace, commerce, and travel on a worldwide basis."
AGAIN: this sounds like the internet, but don't rule out travel restrictions. The reincarnation of Osama Bin Laden or Yassar Arafat is possibly out there, and our (s)elected government control freaks may need to restrict your travel for the sake of you meeting up with them.
Finally, let's look at the placement of Zero Degrees Aries with our Spring Equinox 2014 chart:
My interpretation for Zero Degrees Aries is "the event will be known for deceptive actions aimed at susceptible and idealistic people. The deceptive actions will involve many heated arguments and debates among high level government (s)elected leaders, and possibly diplomats. There may be high level deception on a large scale (or financial embezzlement taking place or exposed) involving large corporations that are involved with customers or other corporations on a world-wide basis."
This again sounds like the internet, but don't rule out our money addicts' dirty deeds at the large-scale insurance companies (in desperate need of Obamacare enrollees) or our huge banking institutions (especially shareholders of the Federal Reserve). Germany is still a little bit upset over Wall Street and the U.S. Treasury Department leasing out its gold to keep the strength of the U.S. dollar going, and stealing gold from Ukraine to calm them down (WHICH IS THE RUMOR WITHIN THE BANKING COMMUNITY AT THIS TIME PER INFORWARS.COM) may not be enough in lieu of Edward Snowden claiming that Germany's prime minister had several NSA people listening to all her phone calls.
Have a safe and great spring break!!!!
Love to all, Malcolm
........think of beauty~full things, say beuty~full things, do beauty~full things.....................
.. right on Michael... !
Is there any value in talking about possibilities?
That right....!
Maha kala devours all material things in its time.
Friends, Earthlings, please be aware that we are not all graduating scouts in the Space Academy. The differing views of some are not causes for over concern or offenses taken or given. None of us are here without credentials and mastery which gives us all enough experience to be listened to from the heart. Discernment and awareness come from feeling, gratitude and listening to your own inner guidance. It is together that we will build the future without misunderstanding and negative feelings in the now.
I hope you're right. I sense that a nuclear war won't happen. I'm getting old, and I see that the problem concerns the current breed of politicians and financiers in place, as they view citizens as "property" and "resources" and have absolutely no concern with what happens to them (unless it affects their net worth in a positive way). The only things that these new politicians and financiers care about is getting that offshore bank account or that government retirement package and to hell with everyone else. And some of the most horrific and negative actions against people can take place with such people in charge, including death by radiation. Because the a$$holes simply don't care.
The future for planet Earth looks good. It's the present that is causing me to bite my nails and have episodes of nausea and diarrhea. And I know that will pass also.
I dont think there will be a Nuclear War Malcolm.... you know, energy flows where thought goes ... what you focus on expands ....
may I ask you, what kind of reality do you wish to see manifest for yourself ?
Love and Peace.