I started a post about March with a twist of numerology in it which was interesting to hear. So when I found this website explaining more about the meaning of the numbers I was surprised to find this bit of info bases on the number 33. As my birth day is 03/08/1948 and =33. So now I ask if their is anyone who truly understands numerology and what it can do for a person.

This is a cut and paste of some explanations from this website,


The fact that the 33 is extra-ordinary demanding and rare can be seen symbolically in the methods of calculation. For example, a 33 Life Path can happen only when each of the 3 units of the birth date (month/year/day) add to 11.

Another way to look at the Master numbers:
The Master numbers 11, 22, and 33 represent a triangle. A triangle of Enlightenment.

The 33 is the most influential of all numbers. It is the Master Teacher. The 33 combines the 11 and the 22 and brings their potential to another level. When expressed to the fullest, the 33 lacks all personal ambition, and instead focuses its considerable abilities toward the spiritual uplifting of mankind. What makes the 33 especially impressive, is the high level of sincere devotion. This is shown in its determination to seek understanding and wisdom before preaching to others. The 33 in full force is extremely rare.

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  • As indicated by numerology, a Master Number can mean trouble, however, it can likewise mean incredible strength, so having one is self-contradicting. In the event that you can figure out how to assume responsibility for the curveballs these numbers will send you, you can have a gainful and prosperous life.

    11, 22, and 33 are viewed as the lone Master Numbers in numerology since these numbers are comprised of 1, 2, and 3 individually. These numbers make up the Triangle of Enlightenment.

    Together, these significant energies imply the three periods of creation: imagining, building, and sharing. 11 is the visionary and designer, 22 is the planner who constructs the vision, and 33 conveys it to the world.
    Life Path Numbers Calculator - Discover Your Own Self Meaning
    Using our life path numbers calculator you will find what number is associated to you. This number will help you find many answers.
  • Check out Dan Millman renown author of the Peaceful Warrior - he wrote a great reference book all to do with Numerology and explains it very well : The Life you were Born to Live - have found it very useful to gaining a much greater understanding of the meaning of numbers within my "blueprint" and I combine  this with Northnodal  Astrology too.  Enjoy :-)

  • Ok, I am still little lost with this numerology thing! Have not figured out this thing yet thought! So what about me? I was born in may 21st 1977...?

  • Thanks alot peter!

    The 44 also happens to add up to an 8, and 8s have to do with finances and having power at our disposal too. In terms of numerology im built like a battleship!

    (my birthday was april twentieth nineteen-eighty-two, the year adds up to 20 and the day is 20, plus the 4th month = 44)


    Ive had very little trouble focusing on my Path/Purpose actually, so much so that I have ADHD over it and cannot focus on other things outside it!

    I just wish I had been given the power to actually do something about it before now. The past 6 years has been nothing but clearing-clearing-clearing.


    Theres no way I Could get sidetracked from my purpose!

  • dear Peter,thankyou for your wisdom,i was even born on a Sunday as well,and was kicked up the bottom in 2008,to write a manuscript,which i did,resulting in 22 chapters,and i has to call it the title of it,The Seven Rays Of Light,apparently the energy reading of it for young souls are to be triggers to awaken them,love,light,blessings eve.

  • dear Peter,my birthdate adds to a 25,what does that interpret,i was told it add to a 7,blessings eve.

  • Im a 44... how do you interpret that?

    From Here: "The Master Number 44 is the most powerful vibration of materialization.  It’s known as the master of creating “Heaven on Earth”.  The “44″ grounds and motivates people to awaken and manifest their hearts desire and to be influential in their lives and the world."

  • YES and NO.... the numerology like the astrology gives us tendencies, but my personal opinion is that we shouldnt let anything nor ourselves to label with these tendencies... because we are free and labeling is limiting. 

    Yes, i know my life path number very much resonates with my real life...but i dont take it overly seriously, because i am the master of my life not let some number to do that...

    Also i think that all these angelic number combinations are just numbers which can be used for communication purposes from other dimensions ---i experience it all the time, that other beings communicate with me showing me certain numbers and these numbers have a meaning ...but numbers certainly cannot be identified with big happenings like all this turmoil around 11.11.11 and 21.12.2012 etc.

    Nothing is going to happen or has ever happened just because the date has a beautiful number combination...

  • Its significant enough that when I decided I was going to change my name I was very careful to pick a name that resonated with my Numerology, which is a 44 master number.

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