Very interesting ..please watch the videos
Part 2
Very interesting ..please watch the videos
Part 2
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Chapter XII
Today I have gone through your video to reveal my Starseed Origin...
I will watch another video and I love your subject to know more and more.
I have a question that we may come here on the planet earth not related to any of the Starseed !
On Neumerology chart my Life Path Number is Five.
Dr Sohini Shukla
Starseeds need life experiences, as do ancient earth souls...I'm a Sirian starseed and my current birth number correlates with 11 and 2.....(geomantically reduced to the lunar number.) My name number, at birth is different to my chosen name, under the LAW OF NAMES....Drekx Omega is also 38=3+8=11, 1+1=2...A master number that reduces to 2, the lunar influence...
My previous life on Earth was in Germany (I died there) and was named: (Oberst)
Siegfried Kötz ......Numerologically equals 52=5+2=7
I won't reveal my birth name here, for this life, but it is a different value....My birthday/birth number, is also different....So, why would a starseed, incarnating across many lives, only have values that pertain to a particular energy....?? In truth the permutations and variations would be considerable, life, to life..
Moreover, these Chaldean numerology values pertain to planetary astral influence, at birth and from a name, chosen, or given at birth and accepted...It has nothing to do with systems beyond this solar influence of sun, moon and planets...
I was and am a Sirian starseed, across centuries of lives.....One does not change that, for each life, but one does change names and birthdays...