The American economy is anything but dynamic and probably won't be for a long time, if ever. Meanwhile making things in China by almost slave labor has made the top 1 % even richer than the Bush years-I have nothing against wealth as long as we all get a chance to create it. (actually a real savvy investor with liquid cash can make some doe) Santosbama can change nothing, maybe just raise taxes on th 1% but then that's not enough so taxes will be raised on the middle class, which is dwindling. Dynamic economies create opportunity for all. Forget all the disinfo about the nesara crap-the next boom for the middle class could be the 'greening' of the 85 cities in the US. Renovate entire cities, basically, from infrastructure to rooftops with
green' innovations, jobs for everyone.
And We're Back! Dow 14,000 Fuels a New Wealth Boom
The next American wealth boom has officially begun.
It may not feel like it for many Americans. But with the Dow breaching 14,000, shareholders and investors have recovered the more than $8 trillion in wealth lost during the recession and attained levels of paper wealth they haven't seen since the Roaring Oughts.
The stock market has gone from wealth destroyer to the nation's largest manufacturer of new millionaires and billionaires. The market moves are creating a new virtuous cycle of confidence for the wealthy. A new survey from Spectrem Group shows that millionaire confidence in the economy hit the highest level in two years, led by their bullishness on the economy and corporate earnings.
The big question now is what the next Gilded Age will look like, who will benefit and how long the market-fueled prosperity will last.