Obama's admin doctrine


     It takes much research and scouring the headlines to achieve even the slightest idea of what goes on behind the spin and the slide.  This alone will weary anyone with a real contempt for games.  I for one can't stand people who will never reveal their true beliefs and "plans".  They hide behind an air of professional competence and deftness  - :"Excuse Me, Mr. Citizen, I'll take it from here, thank you very much".  Why don't we just drop all pretense and simply turn the office of POTUS into a lecture hall.  At least then we stand the chance of getting real academicians in who have worked for their place in politics, rather than money magicians who know better than the drug lords how to "work the system."  I think the american people are at fault here, and in a grandiose fashion.  

     Anyway,  has anyone noticed the stunning betrayal of our military in the Benghazi event?  It should be evident by the date and the circumstances that our leaders are under sway of a darker occult aspect that the american people have also allowed themselves to be lulled into (but not us, right?).  They worship the dark and are in a fear mindset, quite simply.  Raising our consciousness to allow positive energy to flow toward them and lift them up beyond their egoic need to feel accepted by the population is the only answer.  It has always been the only answer, we just have not seen it.  We've continually pointed fingers and laid blame without asking ourselves the hard, and seemingly inane, question of why.  It may be human nature, but is this a plausible excuse in the face of these perilous times?  We need to draw our minds away from what goes on in the world to even stand a chance of focusing our higher selves on lifting our leaders up.  I'm sure everyone's well aware of this, but what is it that's stopping us?  If, at the end of our lives, we look back and can more clearly see how events were shaped and our reaction to them, it would be heartrending to think that we didn't at least make an attempt at the real solution.  

      I have absolutely no desire to get involved in politics or the bureaucratic maelstrom that is Washington, and I have no sympathy for those who do.  The fact that so many politicians are power hungry and greedy says enough about it.  They seem almost to no longer even answer to anyone but themselves:   From Fox news:

    The senators, in their lengthy letter, recapped all their concerns and questions – ranging from when officials first determined the attack was terrorism to whether Obama knew about two prior attacks this year on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi to why requests for earlier security were denied.

“Your failure to answer these important questions will only add to the growing perception among many of our constituents that your administration has undertaken a concerted effort to misrepresent the facts and stonewall Congress and the American people,” the senators wrote.

       I believe I've noticed something about the President's office that only deep research will reveal.  That is, I see another interest being served that leaves the working populace totally out of the picture.

          What is the essence of selfishness? It is to exploit the world for self. This produces an outlook
          that regards the world in ideas, which are related to self. The self-centred man will shut his
          eyes to the unpleasant facts of life, poverty and murder, upholding only those ideas of life
          which point to his own advantage. What is the essence of unselfishness? It is to become
          conscious of the needs of others and to render service to those who are less fortunate in life.
          The unselfish man will therefore entertain ideas not related to self, but to the objective facts
          and the stark realities of social life, and will sacrifice self-interests, and even business
          opportunities, to serve mankind.

We are only a miniscule part of their concern, in fact.  In reading about the Benghazi affair, and of course all other timed events, something startling has become evident.  When people are in fear,  especially those with minds shaped in socialistic ideologies and hidden bureaucratic brotherhoods, their thinking will not allow them to ask the pertinent questions of our time.  They simply can't afford to go there.  Has it not appeared obvious that they are looking at something besides a contingent of military in desperate need of back up?  "THEY" ,our inner cabinet along with the POTUS, were told to stand down by "THEM".  "WE" cannot answer to "THEM" without placing our freedoms at risk.  Who stands to profit by delaying or refusing a rescue effort during such a debacle?  The same people who profit from every fear-invoking event since our countries inception.  But I don't believe they are responsible for these heinous acts in the way most do.  

      I believe they are held in thrall to this fear mind, and theses events are shaped and timed by something far more intelligent than a human ever could pretend to be.  To actually surmise these people as being capable of such timing and exactness in detail and synchronistic events would be insane, in fact.  No, the "hidden hand" is not human and never could be.  And this is the force that they worship with all their being.  It has been called by some "The Ahriman Force", or Satan.  It is the embodiment of evil that is given energy by the horrible, inhuman acts of the elite and their underlings.  Until this source of energy is cut off from it's source, we face similar events that noone will possess the power to stop, only God.  These people feed on fear, they don't live in our world, they live in a surrogate society that mirrors their conception of the universe.  Their world is flat and stark, subjugating a mind-controlled populace that worships science as a religion.  

      I would add a curious sidenote here.  G.W. Bush's ancestors were among the original settlers to this continent and were part of a spiritualistic group which was attempting to breakaway from imperial rule.  They were so extreme in their religious beliefs that even many of the most puritanistic members of parliament couldn't stand them.  They went on to form the part of the Hudson Valley spiritualists, the forerunners of, well, us. 

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/31/republicans-senators-press-obama-admin-again-for-answers-on-benghazi/#ixzz2AuI5AXbY

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  • are you sure you have read everything i have ever written since i was on this earth?

  • whatever you believe doesnt matter, there was a person named hidden hand who claimed to be a freemason and illuminati bloodline person. so go tell him there is no cabal. also how is knowing of an evil organization which we are being mobilized to overthrow, provoke negative behaviour, freeing humanity from the slavery it is under is positive.

  • You truly cannot see the forest from the trees...

    • from the top of the trees, in that matter..................

  • but hidden hand IS human hehe referring of course to the cabal informant hidden hand who released some info a couple years ago on some website of which i cannot recall at the moment. as for the article yeah its alright.
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