October 28, 2012
David Chase Taylor

SWITZERLAND, Zurich — With impending “Frankenstorm” bearing down on the east coast of America, it is imperative that this terror warning be expedited forward in hopes that will reach millions of Americans prior to the scheduled blackout of the U.S. electrical power grid.

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This terror warning is rather complex and interconnected and can only be understood once all the facts and evidence (see: 1-10 below) is reviewed and confirmed. Based on the cumulative terror data, the U.S. will be attacked by ex-Guantanamo terror detainees, Al Shabaab terrorists from Africa, and the nation of China between Halloween, October 31, 2012, and Doomsday, December 21, 2012.

These false-flag terror attacks will likely come in the form of a “1-2 punch”, with Islamic terrorists throwing the first strike and China knocking America out for good. With each passing phase of terror, U.S. President Barack Obama will seize more and more power until he is ultimately declared dictator, martial law is enacted, and World War III against China is officially declared. is forecasting the following events to transpire in America prior to December 21, 2012:

Terror Phase 1: 2012 Election Madness (U.S: election will be postponed, canceled or disputed)
Terror Phase 2: U.S. Civilian Targets Attacked  (Terrorists)
Terror Phase 3: U.S. Landmarks & Infrastructure Destroyed (Terrorists)
Terror Phase 4: Cyber-Terror Attack Bankrupts America  (China)
Terror Phase 5: EMP Destroys U.S. Power Grid (China)

The goal of these terror attacks is to garner political support for Obama, create a reason to suspend the 2012 U.S. presidential election, destroy America physically, financially and psychologically, and to initiate World War III with China.


If the 2012 U.S. presidential election is not postponed or canceled due to “Frankenstorm”, terror attacks or for other unseen reasons, it is highly likely that America will see a repeat of Bush v. Gore of 2000, where the outcome of the election is highly disputed and contested. Obama v. Romney will then be used to create racial division in America on an unprecedented level. In the midst of the post-election turmoil, it is highly likely that a member of Obama’s family will be targeted for assassination of kidnapping.

1.1: 2012 Election Terror
Rumors are beginning to circulate that the 2012 U.S. presidential election may be America’s last, a notion that was rhetorically reinforced by First Lady Michelle Obama when she said to vote early, because you may find your “toilet overflowing” on Election Day. What exactly Mrs. Obama is referring to is unknown, but she appears to be telling Americans that all will not be ok on Election Day. A few days after her comments, “Frankenstorm” was being touted as a possible reason to suspend the U.S. presidential election. Although it’s impossible to know what will transpire come November 6, 2012, the
foiled 2012 DNC Terror plotindicates that 2012 election terror is in the cards and may be in a desperate attempt to divide and conquer the American people. Aside from the threat of cyber terror to disrupt, postpone or cancel the election, there has been recent news and propaganda in respect to impending election bio-terror, election bomb threats from Anonymous, and riots post-election should Obama lose.
In the run-up to the 2012 election, there have also been unprecedented reports of deaths threats against Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, attempted attacks and death threats against U.S. President Barack Obamaas well as death threats and scares involving the Obama family, namely First Lady Michelle Obama. As November 6, 2012, approaches, reports are beginning to surface of voter fraud and controversyindicating that the 2012 election may be the dirtiest and most divisive in American history.

1.2: 2012 U.S. Presidential Election & Cyber-Terror
According to recent election cyber-terror propaganda,the odds of hacker “shenanigans” during the 2012 election cycle are high as hackers may disgrace presidential candidateswith electronic extortion and other forms of digital deception. To make matters even worse, on October 11, 2012, it was reported that WikiLeaks will begin publishing 200,000 files relating to the presidential election. The 2012 election cyber-terror threat coincides with recent propaganda about 2012 being America’s “last election”. If an alleged cyber-terror attack occurs on voting machines nationwide and skews final resulted beyond repair, a future Bush-Gore 2000 type scenarioof Obama v. Romney would likely be in play and America’s representative form of government may forever be tarnished and ultimately abandoned.

1.3: Obama Family Death Threats
Recent Obama family death threats, scares and emergenciesindicate that the Obama family may be targeted in the near future. While Obama himself is still a major false-flag terror target, the shift to Obama’s family appears to have been made after shortly after the foiled 2012 DNC Terror Ploton September 6, 2012.  Based on recent Obama family news events and propaganda, Michelle Obama or the Obama daughters may be attacked, killed or kidnapped in a desperate attempt to instantly give Obama global attention and to possibly start a race war in America. Interestingly, on October 27, 2012, just 10 days prior to the 2012 election, Al Qaeda called on Muslims to kidnap Westernerswith the purpose of trading victims for Islamic jihadist prisoners held in Guantanamo Bay.

1.4: Obama White House
On September 12, 2012, it was reported that after nearly two years and $86 million worth of construction, the West Wing of the Obama White House has emerged from its visual seclusion “remarkably unchanged”. According to the report, the construction project began in September of 2010 with the excavation of a huge multistory pit in front of the West Wing. Aside from the suspicious construction, the White House has been the target of a number of high-profile terror plots and threats: On January 18, 2012, it was reported that an Occupy Wall Street protesterthrew a smoke bomb over the fence of the White House. Two months later on March 8, 2012, it was reported that a top hacker and committed anarchist who worked closely with the LulzSec, openly spoke of burning down the White House. Six months later on September 30, 2012, it was reported that the White House was attacked by hackers allegedly linked to China’s government. The unprecedented cyber-terror attack targeted the U.S. government’s most sensitive computer networks, ultimately breaching a system used by the White House Military Office for nuclear commands. A month later on October 21, 2012, it was reported that a year-long investigation by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has found that scores of known radical Islamists made hundreds of visits to the Obama White House, meeting with top administration officials.

The following 11 incidents involving airplanes in violation of Obama’s declared airspace may indicate that an aerial kamikaze attack on the Obama White House or presidential inauguration may be planned.

Obama Airplane Incidents to date:

1: July 10, 2011: Camp David, Maryland
2: July 10, 2011: Camp David, Maryland 
3: July 10, 2011: Camp David, Maryland 
4: May 13, 2012: Los Angeles, California
5: June 7, 2012: Los Angeles, California
6: June 16, 2012: Chicago, Illinois 
7: June 16, 2012: Chicago, Illinois 
8: August 8, 2012: New York, New York
9: August 8, 2012: New York, New York
10: August 25, 2012: New York, New York
11: August 25, 2012: New York, New York

1.5: 2012 Election Bio-Terror
Should a real or perceived act of bio-terror occur at voting stationson November 6, 2012, there is a real chance that the 2012 presidential election would be postponed or canceled. A similar scenario was played out by the U.S. government in 1999 during a bio-terror war game that simulated “terrorists” contaminating a political rally with silent, odorless smallpox. The terror drill practiced quarantines, airports closures, and the attempt to control the panic when the smallpox vaccine ran out. During the 2012 election cycle, there was a report of health officials warning people to watch out for unusual diseases, as well a secondary report stating that health officials want to immediately hear of any suspected illness from possible bioterrorism, including plague, brucellosis, botulism, anthrax or viral hemorrhagic fevers.


The incessant Al Shabaab terror propaganda and the ever expanding war on Al Shabaab has been recently bolstered by the timely arrest of at least 4 Al Shabaab terrorists allegedly intent on attacking America.  The truth is, Al Shabaab is the African legion of the CIA. This group was designed to do exactly what Al Qaeda did for the Middle East, namely terrorize Western nations until they invade the region where the terror group allegedly comes from.

2.1 Al Shabaab & Obama
The fictitious feud between U.S. President Barack Obama and the alleged terror group Al Shabaab is outright laughable. According to reports, Al Shabaab planned to kill Obama at his presidential inauguration and allegedly targeted Obama’s grandmother in Kenya. On June 7, 2012, the U.S. government offered a reward for information on the whereabouts of leaders in the Somali militant group al-Shabab. Two days later on June 9, 2012, Al Shabaab responded to Obama’s bounty by offering a counter bounty of 10 camels for President Barack Obama and two camels for information on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

2.2: Al Shabaab, Al Qaeda & CIA
Not surprisingly, connections between Al Qaeda and Al Shabaab have been made from Al Shabaab’s inception. The marriage between the two groups is legitimate, given that both groups are run by western intelligence agencies, namely the CIA. Therefore, it would stand to reason that the groups would share the same political and religious ideology. Following in the Al Qaeda footprint, Al Shabaab has allegedly stated to Kenya that “Your skyscrapers will be destroyed, your tourism will disappear”.

2.3: Al Shabaab Terror Attacks
The list of Al Shabaab terror attacks includes attacks on twin bombings on crowds watching the World Cup soccer final, a truck bomb at the education ministry in Somalia, kidnapping aid workers at a camp in Kenya, grenade attacks, a suicide attacks on sports officials in a theater, a suicide attack on the president of Somalia and the foreign minister of Kenya, the attack and capture of an airport in Somalia, a suicide attack on a church as well as a bombing on a church. As evidenced, their attacks are growing bolder and more daring.

2.4: Al Shabaab Threat to America
The U.S. Congress has stated that Al Shabaab poses a “Direct Threat” to the U.S. and that there is growing evidence that the Al Qaeda affiliate in Somalia, known as al-Shabaab, is becoming more of a regional terrorist player with the potential to go global as it targets U.S. citizens and interests. Al Shabaab urges their “brothers and sisters” to “do jihad” in America, Canada, England, “anywhere in Europe, in Asia, in Africa, in China, in Australia, anywhere you find kuffar,” a derogatory term for non-Muslims.

2.5: Rise in Suicide Terror
Based on recent suicide terror propaganda, the ever increasing amount of suicide terror attacksand the recent high-profile cases of suicide terror plots allegedly thwartedby officials, suicide terror in America is now imminent. Although to date America has remained suicide terror free, in 1998, an Israeli suicide bomber plotted to attack the U.S. Capitolbut was not successful due to faulty wiring. Steel street grates in Philadelphia have been “mysteriously disappearing”over the last year, and in Wyoming, numerous horse tails have been clipped and stolen, potentially indicating that suicide bombers dressed as womenmay be in the false-flag suicide terror script. In the 2012 Hollywood blockbuster entitled “Act of Valor”, suicide bombers target American sports stadiums, a concept which could transpire in reality at an NCAA or NFL game. According to a May 13, 2012, report, security has been stepped up at airports worldwide as surgically-doctored terrorists plot suicide attackswith implanted bombsthat would be undetectable to airport body scanners. On August 14, 2012, it was reported that Al Qaeda, under the heading “Area of activity: The planet Earth,” is allegedly seeking jihadists to carry out suicide attacks. Aside from a recent rash of unprecedented suicide terror threats and scares, the U.S. government has also been preparing for suicide terror by conducting multiple suicide terror drillsin order to prepare local, state and federal officials for inevitable suicide terror. 

2.6: Al Shabaab & Piracy
On October 22, 2012, it was reported that sea piracy had fallen to its lowest level in 4 years and that the Somali piracy threat had eased up. Somali pirates, who have long been linked to Al Shabaab appear to be one in the same and may be on their way to American shores. On October 8, 2012, it was reported that a Greek ship management company says it has lost contact with one of its tankers off the coast of western Africa, where several vessels have been attacked by Somali pirates. A few weeks later on October 25, 2012, it was reported that a mysterious Libyan ship carrying weapons may have some link to the September 11, 2012, terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The next day on October 26, 2012, it was reported that the U.S. Navy will be moving 24 ships from the Norfolk Naval Station region in Virginia out to sea to get out of the path of Hurricane Sandy, potentially providing a window for Somali Al Shabaab pirates to land on U.S. shores. Two days later on October 28, 2012, it was reported that a Russian ship with 11 people on board has gone missing in stormy seas off the nation’s Pacific Coast, potentially indicating that the Somali pirates have hijacked another vessel.


Theoretically, Al Shabaab terrorists from Africa could make their way to America via ship, spring their Islamic brothers from Guantanamo Bay, and attack U.S. targets along with ex-Gitmo terror detainees.

3.1: Ex-Gitmo Terror Attacks
Just as the 9/11 Terror Trialis about kick-off, reports are beginning to surface that ex-Gitmo detainees are complicit in recent terror attacksgiving further credence to the theory that the Guantanamo military base is place where Muslims are radicalized, brainwashed and ultimately sent out into the world to commit acts of terror. On July 19, 2012, it was reported by Bulgarian media that Mehdi Ghezali, an ex-gitmo  jihadist, was responsible for blowing up a bus with Israeli tourists.  Two months later on September 20, 2012, it was reported that the September 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was directly tied to Al Qaeda and a former Guantanamo detainee. Interestingly, on October 27, 2012, just 10 days prior to the 2012 election, Al Qaeda called on Muslims to kidnap Westerners with the purpose of trading victims for Islamic jihadist prisoners held in Guantanamo Bay.

3.2: Ex-Gitmo Detainee Releases
Complementing the impending 9/11 Terror Trial is the sudden and inexplicable release of at least 57 Guantanamo terror detaineeswhich consist of former al-Qaida cook Ibrahim al-Qosiwho supported terrorism by providing logistical support to al-Qaida, Shaker Aamer, the last British residentheld at Guantanamo, and Omar Khadrwho was convicted of killing Sergeant First Class (SFC) Christopher Speer. Another suspicious development is the upcoming transfer of Guantanamo terror detainees to the Thomson Correctional Center, a state prison 150 miles west of Chicago, Illinois. Whether or not the prison transfer will be completed without incident is yet to be determined, but a surprise prison break would not be out of the question as there have been 4 major prison breaks in Iraq, Libya, Mexico and the United Statessince September of 2012.

3.3: Gitmo 9/11 TerrorTrial
In November of 2012, the world will be subjected to a spectacular show trial as the 9/11 Terror Trial kicks off in Guantanamo, Cuba. Despite the fact that the Israeli Mossad executed the 9/11 attacks, alleged Islamic terrorists will be tried and likely convicted in a television show trial which should be something of a hybrid between the Nuremberg Trialand the O.J. Simpson trial. Curiously, just prior to the start of the 9/11 Terror Trial, the U.S. Navy will “clean up offices at the Guantanamo Bay”to take care of offices which are “dangerously contaminated with rat droppings and mold”. The Navy is obliging five prisoners charged in the 9/11 attacks who complained that their offices were so contaminated that their lawyers and paralegals have suffered respiratory ailments. Why the complaint wasn’t filed by the lawyers is rather suspicious leading to fears that the Navy could conveniently leave behind explosives and/or weapons to aid the ex-Gitmo detainees in a daring prison escape from Guantanamo Bay.  


The concepts and ideas put forth in the latest Batman movie entitled “The Dark Knight” appears to be programming for what will transpire in America at the end of 2012. The movie title “Dark Knight” has implications that America will literally go dark, possibly from an EMP attack, and the movie itself is filled with numerous acts of terror and symbolism which ultimately programs viewers for what will later transpire in reality. Dark Knight boasts a bloody attack on the New York Stock Exchange, a cyber-terror heist where criminals make off with millions, an attack on the Brooklyn Bridge, children stranded on a school bus in the midst of a terror attack, an attack on a football stadium, as well as prison break where criminals terrorize the streets. As evidenced herein under “U.S. Soft Terror Targets”, all of the Dark Knight terror attacks have real-life implications and it is now clear that the movie was made in order to showcase the new plan for America’s demise after the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot was subverted. In order to gain unprecedented national and international attention for the movie and its end of America scripts, a deadly massacre was planned and executed on the movie’s opening night. Exactly  9 days prior to the Batman Massacre, an alleged candidate for the U.S. Senate named David Vanderbeek appeared on a radio show and stated that the “soon to be released motion picture The Dark Night contains foreshadowing of a false flag attack”.

4.1: Batman Massacre
The Batman Massacrewas the largest civilian massacre in American history and it coincidentally occurred during the first ever U.N. Arms Trade Treaty conference which took place in New York City on July 2, 2012 through July 27, 2012 which naturally led to widespread speculation that the shooting was staged. A quick look back on the events surrounding the Batman Massacresuggests that the shooting was planned and executed by intelligence agencies rather than the scapegoat James Holmes. On May 17, 2012, roughly two month prior to the massacre, the FBI and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a memo entitled “Terrorists’ Interest In Attacking Theaters And Similar Mass Gatherings”. In the timely memo, the FBI and DHS stated that due to an April 2012 Al Shabaab suicide bombing of a theater in Somalia, “terrorists may seek to emulate overseas attacks on theaters here in the United Statesbecause they have the potential to inflict mass casualties and cause local economic damage.” On the same day of the Batman Massacre, Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Parker, Colorado, held specialized classes in disaster life support to train the students how to respond if a shooter fires at people in a movie theater. The additional red flags surrounding James Holmes and the Batman Massacre conspiracy are too numerous to detail, but are all documented in a reputable film entitled “The James Holmes Conspiracy”.


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