..for those who think that Obama is here to save the day...guess again...
im sorry to break your bubble... but we will not have a trip in the fairyland,now that Obama is president...
im not an Obama opposer...im just an opposer of any political party, and current government of any nation...
...do you think that TPTB will let Obama or any Obama, to get in the presidential chair, if he wasnt serving their interests???
he is just another man for them, who is put in this place, so as to perpetuate the same corrupt social construct that we have for eons now...
...for people to argue if Obama is good or not, is exactly what TPTB want...
cause this way, people stay busy inside their boxes, blaming each other on who is better in fixing the holes in box...and they dont realize that the whole box is this which is installed wrong and it must be thrown away completely, if we want to see the light, for the first time in human history...
I am still stunned at how easily people are led to see the negative and the ugly!
It has been apparent for many years that the POTUS has NOT been the driving force behind the government. The Corporations via their lobbyists and the Military Industrial Complex has been controlling WA. for many years!
Obama is the first POTUS who has not come up through the usual Power Elite pathway. Did everybody think that just because Obama was elected, the Military Industrial Complex, the secret government and the Power Elite were going to just walk away from the situation that they have created for themselves in governance! Obama is in a very difficult and dangerous situation. You would think that at least the light workers and progressives would get it. But no, with the slightest manipulation everyone can't wait to pile on and accuse. What happened to," see the good?" I am not talking about a pollyanna approach, but how about getting real, and having an understanding of the vipers nest this honorable man, (with a lovely family, who came to us under extremely different circumstances that the last 25 years worth of well connected power elite presidents) has stepped into.
Can you truly not discern his Light! Do you not recall when Obama first was elected, and he instructed the people to "make him" keep his promises? Because it will all of us standing up and and demanding that lobbying ( bribery for corporate domination) and all the other creepy twisted stuff that has gotten sneaked into what used to be democracy, before it got overhauled into the sleazy entitlement; by and for the Arms Dealers, the power elite; who run the corporations and the military industrial complex . . . while the heroes and the children die and do with out. Please don't play into the hands of the entrenched Power who have had their way bombing children and the poor . . . TO LINE THEIR POCKETS. Obama needs a hippie movement / light workers to get behind him. Not shrinking violets who are so easily manipulated by the Arms Dealers and Hate mongers.
Thank you
Faith said, "Obama is the first POTUS who has not come up through the usual Power Elite pathway"....
Huh? Please explain how he is any different? He was groomed for the role since 1980's, even his Mum worked for them - very easy research out there for all to see....
Obama has been exposed as a foundation operative and agent of Wall Street finance capital, controlled by Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros, and Goldman Sachs. Obama's mother was an official of the Ford Foundation, the World Bank, and US AID. By all indications, Obama was identified for future political use by Brzezinski at Columbia in 1981-1983, during Obama's secret lost years.
Oh so agree...thanks for saying this. I won't let the fear/hate mongers taint me with their low vibration, I think Obama is a old Atlantis soul who may be the one to help bring in the Golden age...their has been many channeling messages talking about this soul and how he is very advanced and is going to change things for the better. It must have been brutally hard to be around all those controllers in the government, but we should be behind him with positivity, not with negative venom. .
from mathews messages "Many of you still are questioning US President Obama’s motives or leadership abilities, therefore we will speak briefly again about this highly evolved soul who all of you agreed prior to birth would be elected to that position and lead your world into an era of peace. We told you before the primary elections that he would become president, and everything we have said about him and his part of the Golden Age master plan in subsequent messages also is as accurate now as then. [For readers who are interested, the pertinent parts of those messages can be easily located by entering Obama in the search feature on Matthew’s Messages page on www.matthewbooks.com.]
PS I was not necessarily talking to those on this thread . . . it's just that bashing Obama is a common theme all around the blogosphere and it is so counter productive to raising the vibration so that the things we all want to see happen . . .shall happen.
If there had been no BP disaster, then Vanguard would have not sold its BP shares (this is already assuming that they know what is going to happen). If there had been no BP disaster, it's stocks would have gone higher and Vanguard would have earned more from the BP stocks which in turn translates to Obama earning more from the BP stocks. So where is the logic that Obama earned from selling his stocks in BP. He could have earned more if Vanguard shorted BP stocks. Better, they could have earned more if there was no BP disaster.
Don't easily believe this negative campaigns designed to malign the reputation of Obama. That is what the dark hats want you to believe.
“Goldman Sachs wasn’t alone either in its astute “foreknowledge” of the collapse of BP’s stock value due to the Gulf disaster as BP’s own chief executive, Tony Hayward, sold about one-third of his shares weeks before this catastrophe began unfolding too.
But according to this FSB report the largest seller of BP stock in the weeks before this disaster occurred was the American investment company known as Vanguard who through two of their financial arms (Vanguard Windsor II Investor and Vanguard Windsor Investor) unloaded over 1.5 million shares of BP stock saving their investors hundreds of millions of dollars, chief among them President Obama.
For though little known by the American people, their President Obama holds all of his wealth in just two Vanguard funds, Vanguard 500 Index Fund where he has 3 accounts and the Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund where he holds another 3 accounts, all six of which the FSB estimates will earn Obama nearly $8.5 million a year and which over 10 years will equal the staggering sum of $85 million.
The FSB further estimates in this report that through Obama’s 3 accounts in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund he stands to make another $100 million over the next 10 years as their largest stock holding is in the energy giant Exxon Mobil they believe will eventually acquire BP and all of their assets for what will be essentially a “rock bottom” price and which very predictably BP has hired Goldman Sachs to advise them on.
Important to note is that none of this wealth Obama, Goldman Sachs, and other American elites is acquiring would be possible without this disaster, all of whom, as the evidence shows, “somehow” knew what was going to happen before it actually did, including the US energy giant Halliburton who 2 weeks prior to this disaster just happened to purchase the World’s largest oil disaster service company Boots & Coots”.
Revised comment;#2 & #3Many of the Awakened lightworkers and even the newly awakened have been searching for not only the Divine Plan but also for there own personal Ascension Plan. There are many different paths that one can take out-there.Every…
https://By Derek Knauss March 8, 2025 THE PLEIADIANS Caylin, a representative of the Pleiadian collective, is a guiding force in humanity’s ascension process. The Pleiadians, known for their benevolent and higher-dimensional wisdom, are assisting…
im sorry to break your bubble... but we will not have a trip in the fairyland,now that Obama is president...
im not an Obama opposer...im just an opposer of any political party, and current government of any nation...
...do you think that TPTB will let Obama or any Obama, to get in the presidential chair, if he wasnt serving their interests???
he is just another man for them, who is put in this place, so as to perpetuate the same corrupt social construct that we have for eons now...
...for people to argue if Obama is good or not, is exactly what TPTB want...
cause this way, people stay busy inside their boxes, blaming each other on who is better in fixing the holes in box...and they dont realize that the whole box is this which is installed wrong and it must be thrown away completely, if we want to see the light, for the first time in human history...
It has been apparent for many years that the POTUS has NOT been the driving force behind the government. The Corporations via their lobbyists and the Military Industrial Complex has been controlling WA. for many years!
Obama is the first POTUS who has not come up through the usual Power Elite pathway. Did everybody think that just because Obama was elected, the Military Industrial Complex, the secret government and the Power Elite were going to just walk away from the situation that they have created for themselves in governance! Obama is in a very difficult and dangerous situation. You would think that at least the light workers and progressives would get it. But no, with the slightest manipulation everyone can't wait to pile on and accuse. What happened to," see the good?" I am not talking about a pollyanna approach, but how about getting real, and having an understanding of the vipers nest this honorable man, (with a lovely family, who came to us under extremely different circumstances that the last 25 years worth of well connected power elite presidents) has stepped into.
Can you truly not discern his Light! Do you not recall when Obama first was elected, and he instructed the people to "make him" keep his promises? Because it will all of us standing up and and demanding that lobbying ( bribery for corporate domination) and all the other creepy twisted stuff that has gotten sneaked into what used to be democracy, before it got overhauled into the sleazy entitlement; by and for the Arms Dealers, the power elite; who run the corporations and the military industrial complex . . . while the heroes and the children die and do with out. Please don't play into the hands of the entrenched Power who have had their way bombing children and the poor . . . TO LINE THEIR POCKETS. Obama needs a hippie movement / light workers to get behind him. Not shrinking violets who are so easily manipulated by the Arms Dealers and Hate mongers.
Thank you
Huh? Please explain how he is any different? He was groomed for the role since 1980's, even his Mum worked for them - very easy research out there for all to see....
Obama has been exposed as a foundation operative and agent of Wall Street finance capital, controlled by Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros, and Goldman Sachs. Obama's mother was an official of the Ford Foundation, the World Bank, and US AID. By all indications, Obama was identified for future political use by Brzezinski at Columbia in 1981-1983, during Obama's secret lost years.
from mathews messages "Many of you still are questioning US President Obama’s motives or leadership abilities, therefore we will speak briefly again about this highly evolved soul who all of you agreed prior to birth would be elected to that position and lead your world into an era of peace. We told you before the primary elections that he would become president, and everything we have said about him and his part of the Golden Age master plan in subsequent messages also is as accurate now as then. [For readers who are interested, the pertinent parts of those messages can be easily located by entering Obama in the search feature on Matthew’s Messages page on www.matthewbooks.com.]
Don't easily believe this negative campaigns designed to malign the reputation of Obama. That is what the dark hats want you to believe.
But according to this FSB report the largest seller of BP stock in the weeks before this disaster occurred was the American investment company known as Vanguard who through two of their financial arms (Vanguard Windsor II Investor and Vanguard Windsor Investor) unloaded over 1.5 million shares of BP stock saving their investors hundreds of millions of dollars, chief among them President Obama.
For though little known by the American people, their President Obama holds all of his wealth in just two Vanguard funds, Vanguard 500 Index Fund where he has 3 accounts and the Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund where he holds another 3 accounts, all six of which the FSB estimates will earn Obama nearly $8.5 million a year and which over 10 years will equal the staggering sum of $85 million.
The FSB further estimates in this report that through Obama’s 3 accounts in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund he stands to make another $100 million over the next 10 years as their largest stock holding is in the energy giant Exxon Mobil they believe will eventually acquire BP and all of their assets for what will be essentially a “rock bottom” price and which very predictably BP has hired Goldman Sachs to advise them on.
Important to note is that none of this wealth Obama, Goldman Sachs, and other American elites is acquiring would be possible without this disaster, all of whom, as the evidence shows, “somehow” knew what was going to happen before it actually did, including the US energy giant Halliburton who 2 weeks prior to this disaster just happened to purchase the World’s largest oil disaster service company Boots & Coots”.