Here's an interesting article I've found:

Speculation that Barack Obama has a mandate (or an inherited legacy) to be the ET Disclosure President is already fueling new rumors of anextraterrestrial disclosure by the U.S. Commander in Chief in 2011.

One news source states:

"All News Web has received information from government insiders close to the US President that Barack Obama has been given the go ahead tomake an important "off the cuff" announcement regarding UFO visits andUS contact with aliens.

"Allegedly DARPA has given this move the green light. The comments by the President will be made within the next month.

"Our sources claim this will not be outright admittance of UFO visits and contact with aliens, however the comments will come as close toadmittance as any President has to date and will be made in the contextof a speech on an entirely different matter.

"From what we understand The President will concede that there is 'some evidence' to suggest aliens might have attempted to contactEarthlings.

"All of this is said to be part of a warm up program leading to eventual outright admittance of knowledge of UFO and alien visitation bymajor world governments within three years."

There are multiple reasons why 2011 (or 2012 or beyond) might be the year the U.S. government finally confesses to a more than 60-year-oldworking relationship with many species of intelligent civilizations inthe multi-verse.

Reason #1 – The U.S. will disclose because the ETs are forcing it to do so

As a reporter, I am investigating the existence and information about the reported council of alien civilizations as a 'working hypothesis'based on evidence presented initially by the now deceased Stanley AFulham, and now also by other apparent communication channels of thissame regional galactic governance council.

Here is a recent article and video interview I completed about reported communications between the regional galacticgovernance council and a former NATO-Spanish intelligence agent, who isalso a contactee of the council in addition to Mr. Fulham.

In the interview, the former NATO-Spanish intelligence agent states that he was contacted interdimensionally on Nov. 9, 2010 by a sourceclaiming to represent the council that that summarized much of thereported extraterrestrial council plan that Stanley Fulham reported inhis book Challenges of Change.  

The source then stated that there would be UFO sightings over New York City (Manhattan) on Nov. 24, 2010 to as a confirmation of thevalidity of this information.  The NATO-Spanish intelligence agentrecorded this prediction publicly before Nov. 24, 2010.

As can be seen in the above article, there were in fact large-scale UFO sightings video-taped over New York on Nov. 24, 2010.

Since Stanley A. Fulham had accelerating pancreatic cancer in Nov. 2010, what seems to have occurred is that this interdimensional sourcestating it is representing the galactic governance council is now comingthrough other individuals with new information and predicted, confirmedUFO sightings.

The essence of the council's message is that in an extraordinary meeting around Jan 2010 (Earth time), members of the council met anddetermined to set aside the law of non-intervention, as it made afactual determination that the ecology of the Earth was on the verge ofcollapse and beyond the capability of human technology to forestallcollapse and species extinction.

Accordingly, the council indicated it had made a decision to intervene with advanced technology (probably Pleiadean) by 2015 (if notbefore) and clean the atmosphere of the Earth.  The council is alsoseeking to make a world speech explaining their ecological plan in 2014(if not before).  Both Mr. Fulham and the NATO-Spanish intelligenceofficer mentioned that their interdimensional sources indicatedlarge-scale social, financial, governmental, etc changes would takeplace on the planet 2011-14.

From the available evidence, it would seem that the galactic governance council has the ability to identify and create crediblesources for further information and updates (should all of this scenariobe in fact true and authentic).

I would note the Mr. Fulham's book is the product of 10 years of research and interaction with a council-connected source, and contains ablueprint of the council plan 2010-2015.

In his last communiqué on Dec. 6, 2010 before his untimely death, Stanley A. Fulham emphasized that breaking the conspiracy of silence bythe U.S. and Russia on the extraterrestrial presence was a major goal ofthe galactic governance council.

Mr. Fulham wrote, “The UFO ‘intervention process’ will have a major impact on the U.S. and Russian governments. This will be the catalystthat will break the ‘conspiracy of silence.’

The NATO-Spanish intelligence agent also stated that he was told the galactic governance council would be sending communications to the U.S.government in December 2010 urging them to join in the extraterrestrialintervention and ecology-cleaning process.

It seems most reasonable to conclude that ‘The U.S. will disclose because the ETs are forcing it to do so’

Reason #2 – Human consciousness will have advanced enough in 2011-12 to ‘handle the Truth’

Scientists such as Dr. Carl Johan Calleman states that starting in March 2011, the singularity - or inter-dimensional portal - at the coreof our universe will commence emanating consciousness energy waves of enlightened unity consciousness.

These consciousness energy waves of enlightened unity consciousness are mediated throughout the universe, through the inter-dimensionalportal at the core of our galaxy (the galactic black hole).

Our minds in 2011 are now radiated and surrounded by consciousness energy waves of enlightened unity consciousness, and we humans canaccess these by simple acts of will and attitudinal, emotional andperceptual openness.

Recent public opinion polls show that 48% percent of adults North Americans already believe that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth.

Dr. Calleman writes, “To begin with, for all that we know it is designed to bring a shift tounity consciousness where the human mind no longer will be dominated byany dark filter.  We will in other words become “transparent” and Ibelieve this is the particular consciousness – seeing reality the way itis with no separation - that so many are waiting for.  Not just anyconsciousness, but one that transcends the dualities of the past andaids the human beings to see the unity of all things.

“The reason that this kind of unity consciousness can be beneficial to the planet, and to mankind, is that it is one that leads to thetranscendence of all separation (between man and woman, man and nature,ruler and ruled, east and west, etc).  I feel that without themanifestation of such a shift in consciousness the world will sooner orlater come to an end.

“People with a dualist and separating consciousness are somewhat like cancer cells in the body of the Earth with little regard to its largerwhole and would eventually generate a collapse of its ecosystem.  Only ashift to unity consciousness will forever stop the uncheckedexploitation of the Earth and on a deeper level make us understand thatwe are part of creation and need to live in harmony with it.  But willsuch a shift just happen automatically?”

Reason # 3 – The forces for ET disclosure within the U.S. government will have gained the ascendancy

 The U.S. government may chose to allow its Commander in Chief to make a statement about disclosure in 2011 because the forces for ETdisclosure within the U.S. government will have gained the ascendancywithin the inner workings of the ‘black budget’ and the constitutionalgovernment.

To date, Barack Obama has been a public disappointment on the issue of extraterrestrial disclosure.

Obama failed to disclose the extraterrestrial presence in 2009, despite many opportunities to do so, and firm and vocal public support:

The White House website and Press Secretary continues to block any questions or information relating to UFOs or the ET embargo

Reason # 3 would require a great deal of internal transformation within the black budget and constitutional U.S. governments.

Reason #4 – Please go Comments section below - Add your own reasons why the Obama administration will publicly make anextraterrestrial and UFO disclosure announcement in 2011 (or subsequentyears).



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    • UFO disclosure in 2011 .. well.. I've got that old chessnut ''we'll just have to wait and see'' comming to my mind again.

  • Well if there will be full disclosure and dad comes to me and apologizes or something I´ll say back to him ´well you told me that UFO´s aren´t physically real and now I understand why. It´s because reality isn´t physical. Dad , don´t worry. Those UFO thingies out there - I don´t mind that much about them. If I would , I´d become part of their programme and if I did too much of it , I am not sure if it´d do me any good at all or their crews´.

    As I once said here , it all comes down to language and reality being composed of multiple sets of infinite layers.

    Physical proof for the existence of UFO´s means to me now that reality itself isn´t physical. I am getting to feel some understanding of what they mean when you´re supposed to see a UFO it´ll be part of the persona of your identity with what it is you feel you are experiencing. So when they come up with something big to show us , most probably the time travel devices and the gravity manipulators and so on have to still be kept secret. In order for that to work people have to be told that they have to wait for a few more generations before that is let out , and I´d suppor that. I don´t support it anymore that everybody be handled over this information. But I´d support a gradual , slow disclosure which is set on a proper timing scale.

    After my nonsense yesterday , I have concluded that it really all comes down to language. You see something and call it ´ufo´and try to disassociate yourself from it - but it´s only a holographic projection. You´re not yourself observing the UFO. You´re reality observing itself and trying to grasp some meaning behind what it is that it is experiencing. Is it the thing in itself , or some thing on some higher plane?

  • I call bullsh*t!  

    He won't do a thing until at least 80% of population's interest overpowers that of "terrorism" and "economic meltdown" just to mention a few.  Just my research and opinion... :) Haven't you noticed how the news stations take voting polls every few months about what is the most important topic for the public out there and from what you will personally see disclosure isn't anywhere on even the top 10 most important topics. Unfortunately most people are still very much asleep and in a rat race. 


    • I second that B.S. and am so sick of hearing ets are gonna land on this date, and the goverment are gonna disclose ets on this date and it never happens and then we get some more bs channeled material that says oh were sorry more of the population is gonna suffer a bit longer were trying to save some more dark cabal souls and give em just one more "OR Else" ha ha what a load of crap.  Im not trying to give any dark energy or anything like that, now im reading in the spring theirs gonna be an in depth show about area 51 interviews and classifed documents and info release. Are they gonna tell us whats really going on or are they gonna tell us about stuff we already know about like SR-71's and F117's im not getting excited lets wait and see.
      • Well, we live in the Now, and it's all a slow progress. The thing with prophecies and see in the future, you can never know the exact date. It all depends on the energies of the people. First, it was going to be 2009, then 2010, then 2011... If peope isn't (excuse my language) mad as hell and ravin' mad, because of the economics, or what WikiLeaks have to say about it, they are not going to disclose anything. Many people sense that WikiLeaks are going to release something about the disclosure before the puppets start to talk about it on the TV. I think something must trigger it before.


        We should not be angry or inpatience that they're not disclosing this yet. I, myself, feel like it will be in the near future, but I really don't feel it like it should be next month. We're taking baby steps into this, and we ARE making progress. I know it sounds tacky, but if you follow the news (I do it here from sweden and over youtube), and they are actually talking about the disclosure on the US mainstream media. Very much on Swedish TV, too. I would say it's no easy way back for them now. Many of us just say "well, is there aliens, or isn't it?", I'm sure we'll get a hint some day soon, or at least a tounge slip, lol.


        I just know many are already awake here in Stockholm, and The Illuminati are a big topic of discussion in my high school. Maybe because it's a film school, I don't know.. We get to know a lot what's going on behind the scenes that we really shouldn't know, and this is something we all talk about on a daily basis.


        BTW, what good does it do when they introduce us to these reptilian aliens, or alien grey? Is it like "I can't wait!" for you guys? Just wondering.


        @Arjon, how can we make sure these "disclosure" polls isn't modified at all? Just a simple thought.
  • To set the record somewhat straight here... Yes, Obama is just a illuminati puppet, just like all the other ones. He would be killed if he werent. They were all born original, and they all die copy. But just look at Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy, who all spoke the truth...


    As we all know - The leaders of the U.S. (just to mention a few) all work on bad energies. We know that. We know they have had contact with the Zeta reticulians and the Reptilians for a long time now, and we know they want it to be a secret. But now... with all the UFO's showing up, even in the mainstream media, it simply can't be ignored anymore. They're losing their control over 'their' people because some of us are starting to get it and say something like; "Hey, that's cool.. Wait, why are the government lying to us? We want the truth!" and with all the documentaries shown on TV, WikiLeaks (God bless Julian Assange), and the energy shift - people are really starting to open their eyes!


    Now, the leaders (the Illuminati, Bilderberg group, all of those guys) are so scared losing their control over us. The persons who don't, and wont, accept all this going on, and they who use their voice to spread the messages with information gets killed. So now, our leaders start to put out chemtrails all over the place, building concentration camps for those who won't be a part of their system. You know the story. It's been planned for a long time.


    What they will do is introducing the E.T's that they are working with, to get their power back. They show that they have the power by having these contacts with persons from other worlds. In the anicent times... If a ruler had a "connection" with God, he was the son of God, and everybody thought they were separate and said: "He has all the knowledge. He's working with the source. Let's obey him."


    In conclusion; Who said something about a working relationship with the Pleiadians here? I don't think our low energy "leaders" would want to destroy their creation and improve the Earth. No, It's obviously some low energy beings they are going to introduce to us, just to gain their power back. Because all this is so big and far away for everybody, so they take in and accept everything they hear on this (once it's in their face, and when it's from Obama or some other "powerful leader").


    Because many people don't even know there are 'bad' and 'good' aliens. They didn't even know there existed aliens in the first place. And then they are spoonfed with the wrong information, by someone they respect.


    Pretty much like the original "V".

  • Im surprised he has the mandate at all... as far as I understood he was just another illuminati puppet. I thought his illuminati masters would block it. Anyway, I hope it happens, perhaps soon we can finally actually see some real changes in this world.
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