Should excessive smokers and the obese be let to die?
NEW YORK (AP) -- Faced with the high cost of caring for smokers and overeaters, experts say society must grapple with a blunt question: Instead of trying to penalize them and change their ways, why not just let these health sinners die prematurely from their unhealthy habits?
Annual health care costs are roughly $96 billion for smokers and $147 billion for the obese, the government says. These costs accompany sometimes heroic attempts to prolong lives, including surgery, chemotherapy and other measures.
But despite these rescue attempts, smokers tend to die 10 years earlier on average, and the obese die five to 12 years prematurely, according to various researchers' estimates.
The problem isn't so much smokers/over-eaters... it's the fact that there are a gazzilion chemicals in a cigarette. Purchase a natural brand or grow your own (w/out the chemicals) and you won't have the same health issues. Sure, still not entirely healthy, but much better than the alternative. Food is similar. Eat healthy, organic, non-gmo, no msg, etc, etc. The society we live in needs to alter the "menu" so to speak. Health will follow. Healthcare should be entirely free, IMO. We pay plenty of taxes...more than enough to go around for all! Education for a healthy lifestyle is a high priority, specifically for the USA. The society has, for the most part, caused these issues. Many people are ignorant to what is killing them.
if we desire and work for a better world, full of compassion and kindness, that I believe we all want we have to, need to not exlude anyone. Everyone deserves help when needed. ......................However , I have no faith in Obamacare ; it will only force you to pay for it, take free prescription drugs, free chemical stimulants for every ailment that can be cured with vegan, noncooked/nonfried , raw veggies and fruit diet. Mixed with good few minutes meditating, nice session of 30 minute yoga and unconditional love for self and those around you. That is something goverments, pharmacuitical companies and chemical plants with their lobbiests will not tell you...........................
Say no to Obama care~ say YES to vegan/vegetarian diet of organic ( maybe even home grown ) produce........................
who are you talking about? I'm against the bamacare death panels-I think educating the young with 'scared straight' tactics would help to curb bad habits a substance abuse
Oh well-what's the answer-make them pay more int medicaid? Again the article states that it is those in the lower income brackets mostly
then You need to crack down on black marketeers who bribes officials to stay in business-but it is a good idea
It's pretty much the same thing as Auto insurance... If you drink and drive and get in accidents your insurance rate is going to go up...
If there is a global health system that is assisting the masses, then people who are trying to take good care of their bodies deserve some kind of incentive to Stay Healthy.
The way I see it is, Obama Care (formerly known as Universal Healthcare) is a way to lift people out of the most primal level of poverty there is... The poverty of degrading health. Some people fail to see that Obamacare is just another reflection of how this world is changing in a more Healthful manner.
Health is the Highest Form of Wealth
You are starting to sound like the dark cabal WOW sick sick sick listen too yourselves such intolerance and so judgemental I gotta ascend you people are terrible I believe you people decended instead of ascending thats why you are going no-where As the ascended masters and essens say just bless the darkness and go your way in peace you have me shaking my head Lord you are definitly not light-workers at all
I don't agree with the bamacare death panels-'scared straight' education would help
True LightWorkers do not drink alchocol, smoke or eat animal flesh.
alcohol was banned in the US in the 1920' and it gave rise to smugglers bringing 'hooch' in from canada-it lasted ten years and La Costra Nostra became the reigning crime organization all the way to the early nineties and are still long reaching-Joe Kennedy, john, teddy's and Robert's father was a lawyer with connections to the Irish mob in Boston and made millions-people get addicted and if they can't buy tabbacco they'll find a way to grow it=Indians use it for ceremonies-booze can be made in the basement-so can meth, lsd-