Hi everyone,
As you know we have been told recently events will change in the future regarding Earth becoming a Galactic Society and meeting / mixing with off worlders etc.,. I would like to ask if anyone else has thought of putting together / notes on Languages, Symbols and Customs and Ettiquette etc., and sharing with others. I am curious as I often come across different expressions in postings etc., and I think this would be of benefit to everyone to become acustomed to different language and customs - just as we have different countries and languages here on Earth - so others may around the different universes and beyond. I will start the blog off with a few "well known expressions I have seen on this site - yes it's Sirian.......anyway please start with What language / Place, the language and then tell us what it means. If you see anything that has no meaning and just a word - please feel free to add your translation / meaning.
Thanking you all in advance for your contribution - Lots of Love and hugs Gailene xx
Languages, Symbols and Customs / Ettiquette:
3 Cauac, 12 Xul, 8 Manik
(is this a time and or date dimensional grouping???)
what does it mean = please answer
Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja!
(Sirian for Be One and Be in Joy!)
dramu zazuma...!!
Sirian for many thanks....
Namaste'~~in Gau, PLU with Joy and Compassion~~hey, you commented on the day of my Birth Hugs and Much <3
Well, this blew me away, in a very good way~~ The Pastor defining Namaste'~ in Gau, PLU with Joy and Compassion~~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izzNFCtFyyY
Pastor Eddie D. Smith Sr. - The Meaning of Namaste'
Uploaded by macedoniachurch on May 7, 2008
Pastor Eddie D. Smith Sr. is known nationwide for using the word Namaste' as a greeting. In this special Sermon entitled "Speaking To The Hearts of Black Males" Pastor Smith introduces the term to the Macedonia Church (Macon, Georgia) congregation. This powerful sermon is available in its entirety. Contact the church office for more information (478) 750-0040. a comment:
That is a very nice explanation of the word namaste. Namaste is also the act of bringing the palms and fingers together and bowing to the God in the other. The syllables "Na" and "Ma" imply "not me" and "te" refers to "thee" or God. Therefore, 'na" and "ma" refer to the ego that takes a step back in reverence to God and gives God the preference. This means: May God's will happen. So namaste also reminds us that we should teat each other with love and respect because the same God is in all.
deepa1008 2 years ago 22